Impersonating bank scam warning!

Impersonating bank scam warning!

A scam operating on the internet which involves impersonating well-known New Zealand financial adviser Frances Cook is contacting Ms Cook’s followers on social media. Those who comment on her content will receive a message from the scammer or scammers. Frances has 150,000 followers on twitter and the scammers will contact her followers with some offer. Frances will never message you with some offer or try to convince you to purchase cryptocurrency. With so many twitter profiles of Frances Cook it is hard to know who the real Frances Cook is.

It is the same old story of doing your due diligence.

Online banking scams the new norm

It is no secret that online banking scams are costing New Zealanders millions of dollars per annum and with technology such as artificial intelligence coming on the scene scammers have new ways of scamming people. It is important to put rules in place to prevent you from being a victim of a scam. Here is a list of rules to follow. You may have others that you could add to this list or may come up with others at a later date.

Don’t s

  1. Don’t use a common password such as your pet’s name or the name of your home town.
  2. Don’t sign in through a link in your email but instead type out the bank’s website address in the URL bar.
  3. Don’t save your password to your device.
  4. Don’t use the same email address your your banking as you do with a dating website.
  5. Don’t click on any banking links in your email
  6. Don’t link your debit card to your everyday account


  1. Don’t have your wages go into your debit card
  2. Don’t just leave thousands of dollars in your ordinary savings account but put it in a separate account or bank that is not linked to the internet.
  3. Don’t click on any unfamiliar links in your email.
  4. Don’t use the same password for different accounts


  1. Do be sceptical when you are offered an investment opportunity online.
  2. Do keep your financial affairs private apart from your own bank.
  3. Do ask for financial advice if you suspect something is not quite right.

4 Do change your passwords now and again.

  1. Do ensure you have 2 factor authentication in place for extra security
  2. Do invest your money in several places for extra protection.

About this article: The information in this article may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

Relationships can hinder your wealth plan

Relationships can hinder your wealth plan

Written by R. A. Stewart

“He who walks with wise men shall become wise but a companion of fools will be destroyed.”Proverbs 13:30

The person you form a relationship with can destroy your wealth creation plan and your future financial success if you CHOOSE the wrong person and I emphasise that word CHOICE because so many people during the Cost of Living Crisis blame the government for their financial situation and are completely oblivious to the fact that it is their own choices which put them there in the first place.

I mean let’s face it, only a responsible person will enter into a relationship when they are in a suitable financial position to do so and that is not the only issue.

If your chosen partner has a bad credit rating and you have a good credit rating then guess who is going to be persuaded to sign along the dotted line when your partner wants to borrow money for whatever reason?

Then there will be the difficulty in getting a mortgage if you both want to purchase a house and you have a good credit rating and he doesn’t. It has happened!

Another factor is your prospective partner’s attitude to money. Has he or she made any kind of financial plan for the future? A responsible person would!

At the very least they should belong to a superannuation scheme, in New Zealand it is called Kiwisaver.

Years ago I knew an old lady who was still working at an age when others would have retired. She was a waitress. She believed that men who have a lot of money are selfish and stingy. 

Men are better off avoiding gold diggers such as her.

It all boils down to responsibility for your own finances. A responsible person will make provisions for their later years by joining their country’s retirement scheme. In New Zealand this is called Kiwisaver. It should be pointed out that your kiwisaver could become part of property matrimony in the case of a break-up but you don’t even have to be married for this to occur. In New Zealand, a relationship of three years whether you are married or not will mean that any asset acquired during the relationship is equally owned and that includes savings in kiwisaver but only contributions to kiwisaver during the term of the relationship. 

If someone is irresponsible in the matter of finances then it is likely that they are irresponsible in other areas of their lives.

Having wisdom in the matter of relationships will make a big different to your long-term financial position. Lack of wisdom can send you to the poor house.

I will end this with something our teacher Mr. Hart said when we were at school, I was 13 when I was in his class.

During spelling lessons he used to tell us a story with one or two of the words that we were learning and on this particular occasion one of the words was wisdom. He told us this story:

One rainy day he was driving along McGowan Street which is the main street in the town where I attended primary school. (there was no intermediate school back then). Mr. Hart told us that he saw a man sheltering from the rain under the verandah of the shop and the man was reading the Friday Flash which is a horse racing paper. Mr. Hart then said, “If that man had wisdom he would save up his money to buy a raincoat for himself instead of spending it on the horse races.

Such is the value of wisdom.

About this article

You may share/print this article or even publish it on your blog/website/ebook.

The information in this article is based on the writer’s experience and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

Dumb Debt can destroy your financial future!

The quickest way to a financial mess is to borrow for stuff that loses it’s value. You not only pay more for such items but the item is worth less than when you acquired it because it is no longer new once you take possession of it and therefore you will receive less than what you paid for it. This is called “Dumb Debt.”

Avoiding Dumb Debt at all costs

Written by R. A. Stewart

Everyone has seen the television commercials with slogans such as “Buy now pay later,” and the like.

you do not need to save your money to buy that new car, a wide screen TV, that latest smartphone, or a holiday in a tropical island when you can have all these things now. 

Instant gratification is a very expensive habit; one that will lead you to a life of financial challenges.

There have been misleading statements in some of the advertising; one I saw read, “Helping you to get ahead.”

That kind of slogan suggests that  the finance company is doing borrowers a favour which is far from the truth.

Loan sharks and finance companies thrive on financial ignorance; a person with even a basic grounding in personal finance will avoid loan sharks as if they had tested positive for covid.

One should ascertain whether the item is a want or a need before signing on the dotted line. 

Many people go into debt because they want to live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget just to impress their friends. They are not happy with living modestly. 

An expensive lifestyle is costly in the long run. 

The parable of the prodigal son is a perfect example. Here was a young man who blew his inheritance on wasteful living and ended up living in poverty due to his lifestyle.

He not only blew his inheritance but was most likely living on credit.

It is borrowing that really kills off a person’s chances of financial success. That interest rate is dead money; it is the cost of borrowing.

Paying interest on stuff you have bought on credit adds to the cost of it and the value of a lot of stuff bought on credit is worth less as soon as you take possession of it.

“If you don’t have the money you don’t buy it,” is a simple philosophy to adopt.

What you think you cannot live without is something others have learned to live without. 

It all comes down to the choices we make.

There are some circumstances when it may be wise to borrow such as when the value of the item you are purchasing is going to make it financially worth your while such as a student loan. This may or may not mean you will get a good paying job but you must be absolutely clear that it is what you want to do otherwise the course will be a total waste of money.


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Disclaimer: The information in this article may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase from any of the links you click on.

Using the rule of 72 to get wealthy

Using the rule of 72 to get wealthy

Written by R. A. Stewart

Do you know how long it takes for your money to double using the rule of 72?

Using the 72 formula it works like this:

Simply divide 72 by the interest you are receiving on your money. Of course the calculation does not include the tax paid on your investment.

Another name for the rule of 72 is compounding interest or dividends as is the case when investing in the share markets. You are receiving an income from your original investment plus from the dividends and interest which are left untouched.

This is called compound interest.

There may be a temptation to hasten the doubling up period by searching for high interest investments. My advice is to be careful because if a finance company is paying it’s depositor’s higher than normal interest rates it only means that they are charging their borrowers higher interest rates than the banks. The reason why someone would pay higher interest rates is because they couldn’t get a bank loan because they are considered risky borrowers.

Several finance companies went belly up during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/2008. These were companies paying higher interest to their investors than market rates.

I did lose money on some of these companies. On reflection, instead of letting the interest compound I should have taken them and invested the interest into my Kiwisaver account.

The rule of 72 is just as applicable to investing in the share market. Your investment can grow using the same principle in managed funds or mutual funds as they are also called but profits can vary. 

You can calculate how much your investment needs to grow per annum in order to double within a specified time. 

72 / your time frame (years)

If you want your money to double in 10 years then you would need an average annual return of 7.2%

The important factor is time. Young people have that in their favour. 

Someone on the verge of retirement is not going to make plans for what they are going to do in thirty years time. Your age is an important consideration to where and what you invest in.

The rule of 72 also works for borrowers. You can work out how long it will take for your debt to grow with this simple formula: 72 / interest rate so if you are paying 15 percent interest rate the amount you owe will double in 4.8 years.

That is of course assuming that you have done nothing to pay off the debt.

It underlines the importance of paying off debt as quickly as possible.

About this article

This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You are welcome to use this article as content for your blog or website. 

I may receive a small commission if you sign up for Sharesies or Coinbase.

The Golden Rule of Investing

The Golden Rule of Investing

Written by R. A. Stewart

The one question you MUST ask yourself before investing your money is, “Can I afford to lose this money?”

Only you can answer this question, but…

that depends on when you need the money and what the loss of your investment will mean for your other goals.

For example if your goal is to save for a car within the next 18 months or so then this is considered a short to medium term goal which means that investing in something with low risk is imperative. Growth funds on the share market and bitcoin are out of the question because the loss of your investment could mean that you may not be able to purchase that car. It really comes down to how badly you require that car. If it is essential for you to get to and from work then you cannot afford to lose the money that you are saving for a car.

The same is said for money which you are saving for a house deposit but it really depends on how soon you require the money. If you are looking at a 10 year timeframe then investing in growth funds may increase your savings faster but no one can predict when and if the markets will crash so it is really a risk to invest your house deposit money this way but the flip side is that if there is a 1987 style crash then house prices will also tumble so less money will be needed to purchase a house.

Can you afford to lose your retirement fund? The answer is no but…

Where your retirement fund is invested all depends on how soon you need the money. Some financial advisors will tell you to scale back the risk as you are approaching retirement but the problem is that if you start doing that when the markets are down you are taking a loss and missing out on any gains which will happen when the markets rebound. The other thing to remember is that you are not going to just spend all of your retirement funds as soon as you retire. You may live another 20 years and that is ample time to recover from any crash which will occur near your retirement. Of course you may want to tick off as many items off your bucket list as you possibly can so the early stage of your retirement will be when you will want to do as much as you can. You certainly do not want to sit in an old folks home at 90 with any regrets.

The size of your retirement fund when you require it is determined by where you have invested your money. If you just saved your money and just left it in low interest accounts you will lose.


Because inflation will erode the value of your money. Then there is tax on the interest.

It is important to learn how to invest for a better outcome and where you invest should be determined by your age and how soon you need the money.

Saving up for a house is the biggest single investment in one’s life with a car being the second biggest. Not everyone has ever bought a house or car but have saved money for other things; here is a list of other items which many people are spending their money on:

*Paying off a student loan

*Saving for an overseas holiday

*Saving for a business

*Paying off a medical/dental bill

These are major items. It has to be said that saving for a holiday can be considered discretionary spending and therefore will not cause you a great deal of hardship, just disappointment if you lose this money in the share market.

Setting priorities is an important part of managing your finances and the one question that should be asked is, “Can I afford to lose this money?”

Disclaimer: The information in this article is of the writer’s opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. I may receive a small commission if you sign up for Sharesies or Coinbase.

NOTE: You may use this article as content for your website or ebook. Feel free to share this item.


6 Ways to Make Capital Gains

6 Ways to Make Capital Gains

Written by R. A. Stewart

There are basically two types of investment income. Capital Gains and Investment Income.

Investment income is income you receive from an asset, examples of investment income are interest on savings, rent from property, and dividends from shares.

Capital gains is the increased value of an asset; examples of capital gains is the increased value of property, shares, and other assets.

Some investments provide capital gains but no income; examples of these are precious metals such as gold, bitcoin, antiques and other collectable items.

Here are investments which provide Capital Gains:

The Sharemarket

The sharemarket offers excellent opportunities for capital gain. For most people, investing directly into the markets is not an option because the transaction fees once taken out for buying and selling shares make it not worth their while, however, there are plenty of managed funds investors with limited means can participate in. Sharesies in New Zealand  is one.  Investors can drip feed money into the markets with Sharesies and there is the option of investing in various funds or individual companies. Other similar types of platforms in New Zealand  are Investnow, Kernelwealth, and Hatch. These are not the only ones though. 

Your retirement scheme invests in managed (Mutual Funds) and they are also a form of Capital Gains. In New Zealand joining kiwisaver is a no brainer. KIwisaver is New Zealand’s retirement scheme.


The property market has been a popular Captain Gains tool for a lot of investors using not only their money but other people’s money in the form of a loan. Income is gained from rents which pays for the mortgage. All related costs are the most popular form of capital gains and the easiest one for the novice investor to get their toe wet in the markets and learn as you go because there are several mutual funds which are available and the start up costs are minimal. In New Zealand Sharesies only costs $1 to get into which gives you the chance to invest in managed funds or individual companies. It is a great way for tax deductible. This type of investment can turn to custard such as wayward tenants. If you are prepared to take the risk then this investment may suit.

Your own home is a good source of Capital Gains if you intend to sell at some point.

Another way to get in on the property ladder is to purchase shares in property investment companies in the sharemarket. This can be done by investing in individual companies or managed funds which invest in property.

Compound Interest

You must have heard of compound interest; that is when you invest in fixed term accounts for x% interest. Instead of receiving your interest payments into your bank account you let them be added on to your principal and you earn interest on your principal and previous interest payments. This is called compounded interest. 

The increase to your capital is called “Capital Gains.”

Interest rates are very low at present (2020); in some instances lower than the inflation rate which makes this kind of investing less attractive. It is important therefore to do your due diligence and not be enticed by some finance company offering higher interest rates than normal, because with higher interest rates comes higher risk. These finance companies offering higher interest rates lend to higher risk types of borrowers. 

I am not saying that you should not invest your money in these companies but rather do your due diligence and at least diversify your portfolio rather than plonking all of your life savings into the ione company.


This one is purely speculative but can be a good hedge against a downturn in the markets. The one drawback with gold is finding a place to store it. Another way to invest in gold is buying gold stocks in the sharemarket. Purchasing gold coins from auction sites such as Ebay and Trademe is another option. As with other investments it pays to do your homework and read all you can about gold and other precious metals. 

Crypto Currency

Crypto currency such as Bitcoin and the like should be treated as speculative investments, therefore, only invest money in this if you can afford to lose it. What I am saying is use your discretionary income to purchase crypto currency. This type of investing can be a rollercoaster but one piece of advice which may be useful is to not just purchase all your crypto currency in one transaction but to do on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis so that there is a chance that you have made a purchase when the currency is low. It is called averaging.


Investing in collectibles can give you a sense of satisfaction and profit when you intend to sell. You really have to know your stuff when dealing in antiques. Always remember, something is only worth what others are prepared to pay for. If someone is prepared to pay $1,000 for a painting at auction then that is what it is worth, however, if another painting is sold at auction for just $10, then that is it’s worth. The value of something is only a matter of opinion.

Recently (2020), some Banksy paintings sold for over $100,000 in New Zealand. The seller of the paintings paid a total of $500 for them in London (UK) some years earlier. It just shows how one’s eye for a bargain can be profitable.

For smaller items such as postage stamps, bank notes, beer labels, and so forth collectors can list their duplicates on auction websites to help fund their hobby.

This article is of the writer’s opinion and experience and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

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What is discretionary income?

What is discretionary income?

This is a question which is important to those who want to balance their household budget. As most people know there are two categories of spending; your needs and wants.

Here is a list of expenditure which can be classed as needs.




Car expenses


Loan repayments


Some of these items you have some control over. For example you have the ability to choose how much you spend on food. The same is with clothing. You have the option of shopping around for something affordable. You also have control over how much power you use.

Wants are items which are not essential but are optional. Here is a short list of items which are wants:







It is what you do with your discretionary spending money which will make a difference to your financial outcome. If you use your money as a seed for your investments then money worries can be a thing of the past. Dental and Medical bills are not cheap and the wise person who sets aside funds for a rainy day can pay for these emergencies in full.

Your personal financial situation will determine what you do with your discretionary spending money. If you have your life ahead of you then you may have more disposable income after your bills have been paid. If you are older you may not have as much disposable income but have more savings behind you.

If you have consumer debt then you do not have any discretionary spending money. Your number one priority as far as your finances are concerned is to pay off that debt. 

It is not how much you make which determines your financial outcome but what you do with how much you make. Some people spend all of their discretionary spending money and are left with nothing until the next pay day.

Here are some stories:

When I was a teenager we were helping a neighbour build a cattle yard on his farm. My father said to the neighbour, “There is no profit in having the best looking cattle yard.”

What he means is that having the nicest looking cattle yard is not going to make any difference to the bottom line profit of the farm.

Years ago, a colleague bought a car for twenty grand. When one of his friends told me, I replied, “If that was me I would have just bought the cheapest car and invested the rest of the money”.

An expensive lifestyle proves costly in the long term. Those who have developed the habit of living modestly are better equipped to deal with the cost of living crisis.

At the end of the day you make your choices and your choices make you.

About this article

The information in this article is of the writer’s opinion and experience and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that if you sign up for sharesies or coinbase through my site then I may receive a small commission.

He who never made a mistake…

He who never made a mistake…

never made anything.

You could read all you can about the share market but investors will from time to time go against their better judgement and invest in something because of greed or it is something they are interested in. I have lost money in the past from some of my investments.

Here is a sample:

Air New Zealand (early 2000s)

This company I thought was a reasonably safe investment. Air New Zealand was once owned by the government but it was privatized during the late 1980s or 90s. However, the company almost went under during 2001 I think it was when their shares dropped to 14 cents each from about $1.50. The government bailed them out and still owns about 51% of the company. During covid, the government bailed them out again after the border closures placed them in a financially precarious situation.

Lombard Finance L.T.D

This was one of those finance companies which offered higher interest rates than the banks for fixed term accounts. Lombard as it turned out had too much money tied up in too few projects and when one of their creditors folded it brought Lombard down with them. It lent money to property developers. Lombard Finance collapsed in 2008

Provincial Finance L.T.D

This company lent money for consumable items such as cars etc. It, like Lombard, offered higher interest rates for fixed term than the high street banks. It was also a victim of the Global Financial Crisis.

Dominion Finance L.T.D

Another finance company which fell victim to the Global Financial Crisis. It too offered higher fixed term rates than the banks were offering.

Must be a lesson there somewhere.

These were by no means the only finance companies which went belly up during the G.F.C; South Canterbury Finance and Hanover Finance were high profile collapses. 

Some investors lost their entire life savings in Hanover FInance. 

That is a classic case of putting all your eggs in the one basket; a crucial mistake which affected how some folk will live during their retirement years. 

Greed sometimes over rules better judgement.

We sometimes hear stories of young folk who have bought xxx stock in xxx company which has risen in value by a ridiculous amount. This type of rise is not sustainable and it is only a matter of time before the rising share value slows or in some cases takes a spectacular dive. 

I mentioned young folk because they do not have the past experience of older investors.

It has to be said that those who have made the most investment mistakes are likely to be in a better financial situation than those who played it safe all their lives and just kept their money in low interest accounts. Certainly better than those who are spenders rather than savers.

The bottom line is that it pays to diversify and spread your risk but the level of risk one takes is dependent on a person’s age because younger people have more time to recover from financial mistakes.

A lot of people cannot stomach the thought of losing a few grand on their investments yet would have problem frittering that money on lottery tickets, cigarettes, or booze. In order to achieve more favourable financial outcomes it is important to do a stock take of your outgoings (spending) and transfer money which would otherwise have been wasted into something more profitable. This could be starting an internet-based business, investments, or upskilling.

During the 1987 sharemarket crash thousands of investors lost fortunes. Many of them borrowed money using the value of their shares as collateral and the rising share prices meant that they were able to borrow more money. The collapse of the markets left investors with shares which were worth less than the value of the loans taken out to purchase them. The lesson here is to never borrow money for shares.

Here is a quote from the Auckland City mayor concerning debt levels. “Capacity to borrow is not the issue. It’s the capacity to pay it back.”

The other lesson is that it may be better to invest in upskilling. It never hurts to add another string to your bow.

This article is the result of the writer’s experience and opinion and not considered as financial advice. If you require qualified financial advice see your bank manager or financial advisor.

Financial know how

Readers are leaders.


There is no excuse for financial ignorance when there is so much finance information available on the internet and in printed form. Becoming familiar with the various forms of investments will hold you in good stead for the future.

How to gain financial literacy

Your financial literacy is your ability to make financially smart decisions. You were not born financially smart or dumb; your financial knowledge or ignorance was developed over a period of time. I assume that you are not ignorant otherwise you would not be reading this. So without further ado, here are some ways of gaining financial literacy.

Your own experience

There is no better teacher than your own experience but that does not mean you have to go ahead and make all of the mistakes it is possible to make. It is more a case of using your personal judgment based on your knowledge and the advice of others but you will make mistakes along the way; it is a part of the learning process. It is a matter of who to take advice from and whose advice to treat with a grain of salt. 

An excellent way of gaining financial literacy is to register with one or more of the share market online platforms where you are able to buy and sell shares online. Only a minimal amount of money is needed to get involved. In New Zealand is one such platform but is by no means the only one around. Other countries have similar such share trading platforms available.

Experience of others

The easy was to learn is from the mistakes of others. All you need to do is to keep your eyes open; many people do not do this and instead follow others like sheep. This is not necessarily the best way. In fact history has taught me that following the crowd is often the wrong way. A classic example is the share market when a stock is valued well above it’s true worth because so many people have jumped on the bandwagon and bought shares in that particular company because everyone else is doing it. It is young people without experience in the markets who are prone to this mistake.

It pays to go against the crowd; what this means is that you look for bargains in the markets whether it is gold, shares, property, and so forth. You do not have to experience what others are experiencing if you have the ability to assess what is a good investment and what is not.

Be prepared to listen to what the older generation have to say. Many of their opinions will be based on their own experience.


Ignorance is no excuse as far as not being financially educated because your local library will stock books on finance. There are some terrific books on finance, some I recommend are, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter. They have several other books which are recommended reading. “How to Be Rich & Happy” by Hans Jakobi, Australia’s wealth coach is another book I recommend. Hans also has several other books published, “Underground Knowledge” and “Due Diligence,” are two of them. “Making money made simple” written by Australian financial advisor Noel Whittaker is a good read. Frances Cook, Mary Holm and Martin Hawes are other excellent financial authors.

The internet

There is a lot of information available online on finance and investing; a simple google search will bring these up but like listening to your mates you have to use your own judgement when assessing the information from some sites and how it relates to your own personal situation. Martin Hawes and Mary Holm are both reputable advisors with good websites.


Most newspapers carry financial information and these are worth reading. Cut out articles that interest you; they make good reading in a year or so.


Feel free to share this article or post it on your site. You also have permission to use it as content for your ebook. My blog has down to earth information about everyday finances. 

The information in this article may not be applicable to your personal circumstances so discretion is advised. I may receive a modest sign up bonus if you decide to join

Start investing on a shoestring

Sharesies makes it possible for anyone to get into buying and selling shares. It is an online share market platform where you have the option of purchasing shares in individual companies or in various funds (managed/mutual funds). You can even start with $5. This is a no brainer because it gives investors young and not so young the chance to improve their financial literacy. There is certainly no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and this is applicable to everything else, not just investing.

Join sharesies here:

12 Ways to reduce your power bills

12 Ways to reduce your power bills


Reducing power bills can be achieved through various strategies that focus on conserving energy and optimizing electricity usage. Here are some effective ways to reduce your power bills:

  1. Energy-efficient appliances: Replace old, energy-guzzling appliances with energy-efficient models. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates they meet high energy efficiency standards.
  2. Unplug unused devices: Many devices and appliances continue to draw power even when not in use. Unplug chargers, laptops, gaming consoles, and other electronics when they are not actively being used or invest in smart power strips that cut off power to devices when they are not in use.
  3. LED lighting: Switch from traditional incandescent bulbs to energy-efficient LED bulbs. LED lights consume significantly less energy and have a longer lifespan.
  4. Adjust thermostat settings: Lowering your thermostat by a few degrees in winter and raising it in summer can lead to substantial energy savings. Utilize programmable thermostats to automatically adjust temperature settings based on your schedule.
  5. Efficient cooling and heating: Keep your home well-insulated to prevent heat loss during winters and heat gain during summers. Seal any drafts, insulate walls and attics, and use curtains or blinds to regulate sunlight and temperature.
  6. Energy-saving settings: Optimize the energy-saving settings on your appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. Use cold water for laundry, run full loads, and avoid using heated dry settings.
  7. Smart energy management: Install a smart energy management system that allows you to monitor and control your energy usage. Smart thermostats, smart plugs, and energy monitoring devices can provide insights and help you make energy-efficient choices.
  8. Energy-conscious habits: Develop energy-conscious habits like turning off lights when leaving a room, using natural light whenever possible, and using energy-efficient cooking methods like microwaving or using a slow cooker instead of an oven.
  9. Solar power: Consider installing solar panels to generate your own renewable energy. Solar power can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your power bills in the long run.
  10. Energy audits: Conduct an energy audit of your home to identify areas of improvement. Professionals can assess your energy usage, insulation, and suggest personalized strategies to reduce power consumption.
  11. Time-of-use pricing: Check if your utility company offers time-of-use pricing plans. These plans provide different rates for electricity based on the time of day. Shifting energy-intensive tasks to off-peak hours can result in cost savings.
  12. Phantom power reduction: Unplug electronic devices or use power strips with switches to eliminate “phantom” or “vampire” power, which refers to the energy consumed by devices on standby mode.

By implementing these energy-saving practices and adopting a mindful approach towards electricity consumption, you can effectively reduce your power bills while promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

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