Investing for seniors

Your age is a crucial factor in establishing your savings and investing strategy. Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are your savings years. It is these years when you build up your assets. 

Your 60s and 70s can be considered your spending years. It is when you tick off items on your bucket list while you are able to.

That does not mean that you do not have to work to make life more affordable and a lot of older people are taking this option, not because they cannot make ends meet on their pension, but because they enjoy what they are doing.

In New Zealand, retirees will have access to their kiwisaver account once they reach the age of 65. Money invested in kiwisaver will be in growth, balanced, or conservative funds. Most people during their working life opt for growth or balanced funds.

It is time to decide whether to stay with the status quo or invest in more conservative funds. 

Your age and your health are the two most important factors in deciding which fund to invest your money in. 

Older people do not have time on their side to overcome financial setbacks such share market falls and so forth, therefore if you are 60+ it is a good idea to lean toward more conservative investments but still retain some exposure to risk.

It is worth mentioning at this point that New Zealand financial advisor and writer Frances Cook has a formula for calculating how much exposure you should have based on your age, and it is this…

Subtract your age from 100.

If for example you are aged 60 then only 40% of your portfolio should be invested in the share market.

I do not necessarily agree with this formula and my exposure to the share market is more than her formula suggests I have.

However, that is a personal choice; one that I do not necessarily recommend to you because your circumstances will be different as they are for different people.

If you are connected to the internet and you have a lot of spare cash in your account then I suggest that you place most of your money into an account that is not connected to internet banking. This is to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of internet scammers. 

With internet banking being the norm, this could be difficult in the future though.

What I am saying here is to not park all of your money in the same place just in case the unthinkable happens.

It is important to take individual financial advice if you are offered a so-called opportunity to invest your money for a high return. Investments which offer high returns also offer a higher risk and that is something you should avoid in your later years.

Don’t be too proud to ask your family for advice if something you are offered sounds a bit dodgy. It is a good idea to only ask advice from family members who have a good level of financial literacy.

Your friends could be costing you money

Your friends could be costing you money

Written by R.A.Stewart

The people you associate with could well be having a detrimental effect on your financial future and though you may not notice it at the beginning, eventually their influence could pull you down to mediocrity. Let’s look at an example from the animal kingdom.

If you lock a sheep on its own in a paddock, it will try to find a way of escaping to find greener pastures but if it has company it is quite content to remain in the same paddock with its friend.

People are like that; some will conform to the standards of others and as far as financial matters are concerned will take on board what the others are saying, and eventually will adopt the same kind of mentality towards finances.

There are different kinds of lifestyle habits which are incompatible to a financially successful lifestyle; drinking, smoking, and eating takeaways regularly are habits which will shorten your life and drain you of your finances.

Your choice of friends will influence your attitude towards money; if you associate with gold digger’s who believe people with lots of money are selfish, then you will be encouraged to spend your money rather than save and invest it.

This is what I am saying in a nutshell:

“The people you choose as your friends will set the standards for your life.” It is important that you keep good company because if you spend too much time with people with bad attitudes, some of their money attitudes will rub off on you. It has been said that you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. So who are you spending most of your time with? 

I have known a lot of people with terrible money attitudes. One is “You cannot take it all with you” as if you are going to pass away within the next week or so. What they are doing is to cling on to every excuse they can hold onto for their lack of financial literacy. They will try to make others who are in a better financial shape feel guilty by making them feel stingy or selfish.  This makes them feel less guilty about their own financial situation.

It is better to spend time with Financially literate individuals and in this way you will pickup some of their financial knowhow. You sure will not learn anything from those who friends are the type of people who go out on Saturdays or have no problem with breaking the law then they will encourage you to follow suit and a lot of people do in order to fit in and abandon the values taught by their parents.

The bottom line is, “If you keep company with financially ignorant people then you will become like them.

“He who walks with wise men shall become wise but a companion of fools will be ruined.” Proverbs 13:20

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Kiwisaver Retirement Savings Scheme

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Proverbs 13:22

Saving for one’s retirement is the responsible thing to do and it is up to each individual to get their own finances sorted for their latter years. New Zealand has their own retirement scheme as most other countries do to help make life easier for their citizens when they retire. 

The New Zealand retirement scheme is called “kiwisaver.” It is open to New Zealand residents. Kiwisaver is voluntary and anyone aged up to 65 can join. You do not have to be in work to join kiwisaver, you are able to make voluntary contributions at any time.

You are about to make contributions through your wages and salaries of between 2%, 4%, or 8% (you choose). Your employer will also make contributions to your kiwisaver account. If you are not employed then you can choose to make voluntary contributions.

The key component of kiwisaver is the government’s contribution which is a maximum of $10 per week or $520 per year but you have to contribute at least $1040 per annum to get the full $520 otherwise you the government will put in 50% of whatever is your contribution.

You will receive the government money sometime in July. The kiwisaver year starts 1st July and ends 30th June and any money deposited into your kiwisaver account during this period will be eligible for the government contribution the following July. You could say leave it until June before you put any money in kiwisaver and still be eligible for the tax credits as the government money is sometimes called.

When joining KiwiSaver you will be given the choice of fund managers. If you do not choose one, the I.R.D (Inland Revenue Department) will choose one for you and when this happens, it tends to lean on the more conservative side. 

You have the option of different funds, Growth, Balanced, or Conservative with growth funds being aggressive. They have the potential to grow your savings but the downside is that they are the most risky. Conservative funds are low risk but can inhibit the growth of your savings while balanced funds are a combination of growth and conservative funds. 

Your savings in kiwisaver are locked in until you reach the retirement age of 65 (applicable in NZ) but you may be able to access your funds under exceptional circumstances. These are if you are suffering from financial hardship, have a terminal illness, or die (money goes to your estate). It is important that you have a will because if you don’t, any money still in your kiwisaver will likely be swallowed by lawyer’s fees.

You may use some of your kiwisaver funds for a deposit on your first home but only after you have been in kiwisaver for at least five years. If you are at that stage where you will be looking at purchasing your first home in the not too distant future then it would be a good idea to go for a combination of balanced and conservative funds when choosing which type of kiwisaver fund to invest in because if you went for growth funds, the markets may have gone down when it comes time to withdraw some of your kiwisaver funds for a home deposit. That would be a double whammy because when the market recovers and is on the up, you have missed out on the gains because you withdraw your money when the market was down.

It is a good idea though to have other investments which can take advantage of the swings and roundabouts of the markets even if you only have a small amount to invest. 

Always try to keep up to date with what is going on in the financial world as this will increase your financial literacy and help you make better decisions on your finances.

Check out my site for useful information on how to increase your wealth.

The information in this article is the writer’s opinion and experience. It is advisable to seek independent financial advice to ascertain the best financial plan for your situation.

Taking Responsibility for your Finances

Taking Responsibility for your Finances

Life is full of choices and what you do with your choices determines the outcome or what happens in the long term. Taking no action is a choice in itself. As far as finances go, what you do with your resources can make a difference to your life.

In New Zealand and in most countries some form of retirement scheme is in operation.That is where a small percentage of your pay goes directly into your retirement scheme. There are various incentives available to encourage people to contribute toward their retirement savings. 

New Zealand’s retirement scheme is called “Kiwisaver” and it is voluntary which means that no one is compelled to join or to contribute to their retirement fund if they do not wish to.

Considering the advantages of belonging to Kiwisaver it is truly baffling why anyone would not want to join. 

I have heard all kinds of excuses such as, “I’m not earning enough,” “You can’t take it all with you”, “Other people are not in Kiwisaver.”

These are all excuses and not reasons.

The truth is and the real reason why some people are not involved in KIwisaver or are contributing toward it is because they are irresponsible.

Of course you will not hear any of them admit that.

The bottom line is that it is not up to the Prime MInister to spoon feed people. At some point one has to take responsibility for your own finances.

Irresponsible behavior is a habit and a pattern of behavior. Responsibility is a dirty word to some people and a person who is not responsible enough to join a retirement plan of some kind is likely to be irresponsible in other areas of their life. The number of one parent families is a prime example of this. “Where are the fathers of these kids” is a question I sometimes ask myself when I see a story on TV about single mothers.

Responsibility also means that you must make the decisions on which funds to invest in; those who may be intellectually limited and those who do not have the time to do their research can make the use of a fund manager by investing in managed funds. All money invested into kiwisaver are in managed funds. 

Fund managers are skilled and have the kind of financial knowledge that the ordinary man in the street does not but you still have to choose which fund to invest in whether it is growth, balanced, or conservative. 

Markets will go up and down which are beyond the control of the fund manager, therefore, do not take your anxieties out of them when the markets are down.

It is certainly a fact of life that some people will let others make their decisions for them so that they have someone to blame when things turn to custard.

You may have a financial advisor but they still need to know what your intentions are as far as your goals in order to make the right choices for you. An investment made for someone who has thirty years left till retirement is not going to be the same as one for someone who has five years to go. It is your responsibility to keep your advisor informed.

That is, if you have an advisor. If you do not then it is up to you to do your own homework. That way, if things turn to custard then the person who is to blame is the one you see in the mirror every morning.

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Don’t Panic

Share marketing investing tips

Don’t Panic

Share market investors are advised not to panic when markets are down according to a financial expert on the radio this week. 

Your shares or your mutual fund/managed fund/kiwisaver may be down but to sell shares now when the price is lower or to transfer money from growth or balanced funds to a conservative fund would be to lock in losses and you will miss out on the gains when the markets bounce back.

Always remember that when the markets are down you will get more shares for your money so it is a good time to buy. 

It is also a time to review your strategy now and again not because the markets are down but because of changing circumstances.

If you are young you have time on your side which means that you are able to invest in growth funds and take a long-term view of your investments. There is more time to recover from financial setbacks when you are young.

Having said that, the older generation shouldn’t just invest in low risk low return funds without giving much thought to when they will actually require that money.

That is the most important factor, not time.

If you require the money within six months then investing in growth funds may not be the best option because the markets may be down at the time that you require the money.

It all becomes a balancing act, but with a cool head you can ride this latest storm out and take advantage of the next bull market which comes along.

Please note: This is the opinion of the writer. If you require professional financial advice see your advisor.


Selling articles on listverse

I came across a site called listverse while watching a youtube tutorial on how to make money from writing articles. The site in question was listverse. It is a site where you submit a list of whatever it is you are writing about. For example “Ten weight loss hacks.”

You do not need to be a writer according to the tutorial. All you need to do is to go on to a site such as Articlesbase or Articlesfactory and copy an article from one of these sites.

Then you go to a site such as spinbot or quillbot and get the article rewritten into your own words.

Next step is to go over the article to make sure it makes sense.

Then you submit the rewritten article to listverse.

I decided to use one of my own articles to submit to listverse only to find out that the minimum number of words per article was 1800. My articles are between 400-1000 words. The articles on Articlesbase, Articlesfactory, Ezinearticles, and the like are all under 1000 words therefore will not be accepted on listverse. One would need to add to the article until it reached the minimum 1800 words.

I kept working on my article until it grew to over 1800 words then I submitted it to listverse.

It was rejected because it was not what they were looking for.

Listverse does not accept articles on self-help, opinion, product rankings or reviews, money making guides, personal experiences, health advice, gaming or sports, and social justice.

They also inform me that they receive over 100 articles submissions each day and of those, only 3 are accepted for publication. 

These are not very good odds when you are competing against some very skilled writers.

None of this was even mentioned in the Youtube tutorial.  

My advice is to look elsewhere if you are looking for a site which pays for articles or do a google search and type in “Listverse alternatives” and see what crops up.

Incidentally, the article which I sent in was titled “Ten weight-loss hacks,” which was my own article. I posted this article on several free article sites such as ezinearticles, livejournal, articlebiz,, and others.

You can read the article on

How to prioritize your spending


It is important to prioritize your spending in order to get the best outcome for your finances. This will often mean delaying those items that you want in preference for something which is really needed. For example, car repair expenses should have priority over that new smartphone you saw advertised on TV. There is a system you can use to decide on how to prioritize your discretionary spending and this is explained.

How to prioritize your spending

We all spend money. That is the purpose of getting a job or being in business. All of the expenses involved in living need to be paid for somehow. Once the necessities are taken care of, what is left over is called discretionary spending money. It is up to us to make a choice with whatever discretionary spending money we have. We can save it or we can spend it, it is up to our individual choices.

Some folk fritter away their spending money because they have no plan to make the most of what they have. 

Two people can have the same level of income and the same outgoings but one has a financial plan and the other does not. I can tell you that the difference in financial positions between the two in the long term will be massive.

The truth is that both have a plan, one a plan for a favourable financial outcome and the other a plan for financial failure; the core difference between the person with a financial plan and the one who does not is priorities. They each have different priorities on how to use their money.

How do you establish priorities?

Here is a simple system.

Make a list of your top five goals on what you are saving for.

This could be to save for a smartphone, savings, new car, holiday, pay off debt, buy a new tv, or whatever.

Once you have written out your five items for your list, place a number besides them, one to five in no particular order of preference.

Now put them in groups of two. 

One and two, one and three, one and four, one and five, two and three, two and four, two and five, three and four, three and five, and four and five.

You will have ten groups of two.

Next place a circle around your preferred option in each group of two.

Here is an example.

Sam lists his top five goals (not in order)

  1. Paying off Debt
  2. Buying a cellphone
  3. Buying a motor vehicle
  4. Saving
  5. Going for an overseas holiday

The first group is Paying off debt V Buying a cellphone which if I was Sam I would circle paying off debt.

The next group is Paying off debt V Buying a motor vehicle. Once again I would circle the paying off debt option if I was Sam.

The third group is paying off debt V Saving and once again I would circle paying off debt because by paying off debt you do not have to pay interest on the money which has been borrowed.

Go through all of the other combinations and the option which has been circled the most is your priority.

This all clarifies your thinking.


Feel free to share this article or even use it as content for your ebook or website. Other articles can be found on

History of share market crashes


It is not a secret that the stock market can be volatile; history has shown us this. There are many factors which are the cause of a falling market; they could be a change of President in the US, correction in the market, or nervousness by investors resulting in them selling off their stocks. Whether a 1929 or 87 style crash occurs this decade or not, one thing is clear; it is still important to save and invest for the future because one thing is certain; you will cease working one day and need something to fall back on.

History of share market crashes

When one thinks of share market crashes two years spring to mind, 1929 and 1987, hopefully, such crashes on the scale which wiped out life savings are not going to occur in the foreseeable future. It is not guaranteed that it will not happen, but then nothing in this world is guaranteed apart from death and taxes.

There have been other financial meltdowns outside of the two main ones. Asian Financial Crisis of the 90s and the GFC of 2008 wiped billions of dollars off share values. 

The next major financial meltdown in the markets could be caused by the very people who will be most affected by it, Baby Boomers.


Because as more and more of them retire, they will withdraw their savings out of the stock market causing a major selloff.

This has been predicted in the past but there has not yet been any sign of this happening with the markets at record levels, however, who is bold enough to predict which direction the stock exchange will head in the future?

One thing you can guarantee is that there will be another market crash in the future; investors just need to be prepared for it.

Here are the most notable share market crashes within the last 100 years.

1929-The Wall Street Crash

The Wall Street crash lasted for over four years. Investors borrowed money to buy shares and when shares were sold off to repay the money to their creditors investors were left out of pocket. The 1929 crash led to the 1930s Great depression.

1962-The Kennedy Slide

The stock market had enjoyed a steady rise since the 1929 crash with the ten years prior to 1962 being good ones for the stock exchange. This all changed in January when share prices plummeted. President Kennedy attributed the decline as a correction for the rises of the past ten years.

1973-74-Stock market crash

The Dow Jones fell by 45% during the stock market crash which lasted two years between January 1973 and December 1974. The UK markets feared even worse losing 73% of it’s value during this time. The collapse of the Bretton Woods System was to blame. This is a system devised many decades earlier on an agreed fixed currency rate. 44 countries met in Bretton Wood to discuss the currency issue in 1944 hence the name Bretton Woods System.

1987-Black Monday

19th October 1987 will always be known as “Black Monday,” after the biggest one day fall in the stock market in history took place. Leading up to the crash many traders borrowed money to purchase shares and as share prices rose they borrowed more money using the value of their shares as security, however, when the stock market dropped by 20% in one day many investors owed more money than the value of their shares and found themselves in financial turmoil.

1997-Asian Financial Crisis

Many stock markets in Asia fell dramatically between July and October due to an overheated market. Many who bought shares on credit or with borrowed money were hit hard by the crash.

2007-2008-Global Financial Crisis

The failure of several financial institutions in the United States.

2020-The Covid Market Crash

Stock markets dropped 34% in one day on March 23 2020 as Covid-19 was starting to take hold. This started a worldwide recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Who knows when the next share market crash will occur; one thing is for certain, it will be out of the control of investors. It is up to each of us to plan our finances in such a way as to minimize the effect of a financial meltdown in the markets. This can be done by diversification; that is by having your money invested in a range of industries. This way you are not placing too many eggs in the one basket.


This article does not represent financial advice, but rather is the opinion of the writer. It is strongly advised that you seek independent advice from a qualified person. Feel free to share this article. You may use this article as content for your ebook or website. Visit my site for other articles.

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Do you have discretionary income to invest?

Do you have discretionary income to invest?

Why not invest it in Bitcoin?

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If you had bought $100 worth of bitcoin 10 years ago you would now be a millionaire.


bitcoin is volatile therefore, one should only purchase bitcoin with discretionary spending money.

What is discretionary spending money?

That is anything left over after paying your fixed costs such as rates, rent, taxes, power, holidays, etc.

In other words, purchase cryptocurrency with money you can afford to lose.

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