A financial plan needs to be flexible in order to cater for different circumstances. What may work for one person may not be ideal for someone else. There  is a time to save and a time to invest, and a time to spend. 

Keeping a balance on your finances.

Everyone has a plan in place for their finances and if you think this is not true then the saying, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail” rings true.

That means having finances to pay for things which crop up when least expected to. The car breaks down, the laptop plays up, the clothes dryer needs replacing etc. 

A sensible person will make allowances for these types of things and have the money available when these things crop up. 

This is what is known as a rainy day fund. The rainy day fund is usually in a low risk low interest everyday account. The reason for this is because if you invested your rainy day fund in shares then the day you need top use the money will be the day the markets have taken a dive.

Your age and health are important factors in your financial planning. If you are in your sixties then you are not likely to make plans with a thirty year time frame as would be the case with someone who is in their twenties. 

Health is another factor. If your health is such that you may have say less than ten years ro live then again, your mindset in terms of financial planning will be different from that of a person who has no health issues to worry about.

Young people have the advantage of time on their side and therefore have many options. It is a time to sow into the future for whatever is sown during a youngster’s teens and twenties will reap a harvest in decades to come.

As far as finances go it is a time to lay a financial platform for the future. Joining a retirement scheme of some kind is imperative. I think it is fair to say that most countries do have a retirement fund of some kind.

If you are participating in sport then my advice is to enjoy every moment of it because there will be a time when you will not be as strong, as fast, or as agile as you used to be so make the most of what you have and don’t die wondering what might have been.

I have been involved in athletics in the past. I have fond memories of competing in the running races at the Scottish HIghland games. It is a beautiful part of the world.

It costs money to travel, play sport, or to do whatever activity you are involved in so priorities differ from one person to the next. There is no one size that fits everyone.

But what if you have health issues that mean your life expectancy is only 5-10 more years?

If that is the case then you need to make the most of what time you have left and that is not to say that someone who is young should waste their time.

My father sold some land for 30k during the mid 1970s. He used it for various projects around the home but invested most of it. He was sick and died some eight years after he sold that piece of land. A new sleepout and small swimming pool being the main projects. We all helped with the projects.

I can understand why someone who has health issues is keen to tick off items on their bucket list and not just spend their time in an undertaker’s waiting room. 

Everyone is to their own as they say and it is up to everyone to do what is right for them.


You are free to use this article for your blog or website, or as content for your ebook. Check out my blog

Work From Home…

with nothing more than a computer and internet access. This can give you back your freedom and life. The best part is anyone can do this! Click here for details:


Finding your niche

Finding your niche is exploiting your passions. Work on your passions and you never need to work another day in your life.

Find a person involved in a passion and you will find a person who always has something to look forward to come Fridays. 

I know men who love deer stalking, fishing, farming, gardening, carpentry, and playing sports. All of these activities are considered hard work to someone who does not share these passions. It is important to enjoy what you do in order to live your best life.

As a school kid, I had lots of interests, one of my hobbies was stamp collecting. At one point I was obsessed with collecting stamps. I used to buy them from the local stationary shop. I also had several other interests later on such as collecting comic books, athletics, and more.

It is easy to get a person to open up when they are talking about their hobbies even when they are naturally shy. Nothing brings a person out of their shell more than a conversation about their passion.

Dale Carnegie, author of the book, “How to Win Friends & Influence People,” writes, “Always talk in terms of the other person’s interests.”

How does this apply to marketing?

If you are promoting a product or service you are passionate about then your enthusiasm will be evident to customers. In order to sell you must be sold on the products or services yourself.

You cannot convince others of the benefits of whatever you are selling unless you are sold on the products yourself.

As a kid growing up some of the kids I used to hang out with loved fishing, something which I found quite boring. Another kid loved building stuff but carpentry is not my thing and I found that uninspiring. One thing I did enjoy at that time was possum trapping. We used to trap possums in the bush and sell the fir.

Make a list of all your interests/hobbies and all of the things you are good at (your skills). This will give you a starting point as to which programs to promote.

Then next go to sites such as clickbank or shareasale and join if you are not already registered. Once you have registered then you will be able to find products in your favoured niche to promote.

How to promote your chosen products is another matter altogether; fortunately a man named John Crestani has developed a system for making money on the internet. You can check it out here:

Below: possum trapping was popular with the kids when we were at school. (In NZ)

How to quickly grow on Instagram in 5 steps

This FREE guide will teach you how to grow on Instagram in 5 steps.

1-Plan out your content strategy

You most likely definitely realize it’s insufficient to post a couple of photos or videos and trust that the crowd will come surging in. 

Rather, you need a substance methology.

Simply like you would for your marketing campaigns.

Here are a few specific guidelines for Instagram:

*Research the best posts in your industry and track your competitors.

2-Use Branded Hashtags.

As a brand on social media you need some form of marketability. It’s a thin line between promotion and resourcefulness. To avoid being overly promotional but still market your brand, consider branded Instagram hashtags. An important stat to know is that seven out of ten Instagram hashtags are branded.

3-Use some of the best growth tools (Shortcut to fast growth)

As someone that is running an online business and trying to grow on Instagram, you will need someone to manage your account.

This tool will not only manage your account but it will also help you grow your audience on Instagram and get more real, organic followers.

Less work, more growth.

You can check my #1 recommended growth tool for Instagram by clicking here (300% faster growth on Instagram is what this tool will do for you?)

*It will get you more followers. How?

Your account picks up real organic followers that like and engages with posts that bring in the best results.

4-Instagram Captions

Instagram captions are essential for a successful account.

They give your audience everything from context for your products and services to essential calls to action to drive conversion forward. For example; Bucketfeet is a shoe manufacturer that uses Instagram captions to highlight collaborations and new or limited designs.

5-Connect with influences

As we previously mentioned, many brands incorporate user-generated content with users, collaborate on content and promote one anothers Instagram. But these people don’t need one million users, or have to be a celebrity to help you gain more exposure.

It’s smart to nurture and value your connections because just like your audience, influences deal with robotic messages all the time. Try to build real relationships by meeting up at industry events or asking to host joint webinars…..

and of course, don’t forget to try upleap for 300% faster growth on Instagram:

Investing mistakes

He who never made a mistake…

never made anything.

You could read all you can about the sharemarket but investors will from time to time go against their better judgement and invest in something because of greed or it is something they are interested in. I have lost money in the past from some of my investments.

Here is a sample:

Air New Zealand (early 2000s)

This company I thought was a reasonably safe investment. Air New Zealand was once owned by the government but it was privatised during the late 1980s or 90s. However, the company almost went under during 2001 I think it was when their shares dropped to 14 cents each from about $1.50. The government bailed them out and still owns about 51% of the company. During covid, the government bailed them out again after the border closures placed them in a financially precarious situation.

Lombard Finance L.T.D

This was one of those finance companies which offered higher interest rates than the banks for fixed term accounts. Lombard as it turned out had too much money tied up in too few projects and when one of their creditors folded it brought Lombard down with them. It lent money to property developers. Lombard Finance collapsed in 2008

Provincial Finance L.T.D

This company lent money for consumerable items such as cars etc. It, like Lombard, offered higher interest rates for fixed term than the high street banks. It was also a victim of the Global Financial Crisis.

Dominion Finance L.T.D

Another finance company which fell victim to the Global Financial Crisis. It too offered higher fixed term rates than the banks were offering.

Must be a lesson there somewhere.

These were by no means the only finance companies which went belly up during the G.F.C; South Canterbury Finance and Hanover Finance were high profile collapses. 

Some investors lost their life savings in Hanover FInance. 

That is a classic case of putting all your eggs in the one basket; a crucial mistake which affected how some folk will live during their retirement years. 

Greed sometimes over rules better judgment.

We sometimes hear stories of young folk who have bought xxx stock in xxx company which has risen in value by a ridiculous amount. This type of rise is not sustainable and it is only a matter of time before the rising share value slows or in some cases takes a spectacular dive. 

I mentioned young folk because they do not have the past experience of older investors.

It has to be said that those who have made the most investment mistakes are likely to be in a better financial situation than those who played it safe all their lives and just kept their money in low interest accounts. Certainly better than those who are spenders rather than savers.

The bottom line is that it pays to diversify and spread your risk but the level of risk one takes is dependent on a person’s age because younger people have more time to recover from financial mistakes.

A lot of people cannot stomach the thought of losing a few grand on their investments yet would have problem frittering that money on lottery tickets, cigarettes, or booze. In order to achieve more favourable financial outcomes it is important to do a stock take of your outgoings (spending) and transfer money which would otherwise have been wasted into something more profitable. This could be starting an internet-based business, investments, or upskilling.

This article is the result of the writer’s experience and opinion and not considered as financial advice. If you require qualified financial advice see your bank manager or financial advisor.

Online Business Opportunity Work From Home

I would like to introduce you to an online business that can literally change your life and help you make a full time income working from home. This same system has helped 100s of people with their financial goals whether it’s to just make some extra money on the side or start a fulltime business. The best part is anyone can do this and the cost is nothing when you compare it to the money you can make. Click on this link here – for details.


The quickest way to a financial mess is to borrow for stuff that loses its value. You not only pay more for such items but the item is worth less than when you acquired it because it is no longer new once you take possession of it and therefore you will receive less than what you paid for it. This is called “Dumb Debt.”

Avoiding Dumb Debt at all costs

Everyone has seen the television commercials with slogans such as “Buy now pay later,” and the like.

you do not need to save your money to buy that new car, a wide screen TV, that latest smartphone, or a holiday on a tropical island when you can have all these things now. 

Instant gratification is a very expensive habit; one that will lead you to a life of financial challenges.

There have been misleading statements in some of the advertising; one I saw read, “Helping you to get ahead.”

That kind of slogan suggests that  the finance company is doing borrowers a favour which is far from the truth.

Loan sharks and finance companies thrive on financial ignorance; a person with even a basic grounding in personal finance will avoid loan sharks as if they had tested positive for covid.

One should ascertain whether the item is a want or a need before signing on the dotted line. 

Many people go into debt because they want to live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget just to impress their friends. They are not happy with living modestly. 

An expensive lifestyle is costly in the long run. 

The parable of the prodigal son is a perfect example. Here was a young man who blew his inheritance on wasteful living and ended up living in poverty due to his lifestyle.

He not only blew his inheritance but was most likely living on credit.

It is borrowing that really kills off a person’s chances of financial success. That interest rate is dead money; it is the cost of borrowing.

Paying interest on stuff you have bought on credit adds to the cost of it and the value of a lot of stuff bought on credit is worth less as soon as you take possession of it.

“If you don’t have the money you don’t buy it,” is a simple philosophy to adopt.

What you think you cannot live without is something others have learned to live without. 

It all comes down to the choices we make.

There are some circumstances when it may be wise to borrow such as when the value of the item you are purchasing is going to make it financially worthwhile such as a student loan. This may or may not mean you will get a good paying job but you must be absolutely clear that it is what you want to do otherwise the course will be a total waste of money.


Feel free to use this article as content for your website, blog, or ebook. Check out my other articles on

Building Customer Relations

Border closures in New Zealand has seen a lot of KIwis stay at home and take their holidays domestically, a market that has been ignored due to the overseas tourist market. It has become all the more important to build good customer relations in order to encourage repeat business.

Taking Customers for Granted can backfire

Businesses who just assume that their regular customers will just walk into their premises and shout “serve me” are long gone. The border closures have left tourist and hospitality businesses in New Zealand’s tourist hot spots literally begging Kiwis to fill the gap. 

To some extent they have because New Zealanders who would have otherwise travelled abroad have instead taken their holidays within New Zealand due to  limited options for travel mainly due to the quarantine fee of of three thousand dollars on their return.

For many in the tourist hotspots local tourism as much as it is appreciated is not sufficient to keep their head above water but those who are able to ride out the drought repeat business it extremely important.

If tourist operators think that they can just take their customers on the ride of their lifetime whether it is jumping out of a moving plane, walking on the glaciers, quad biking, or bungee jumping and then not have any further contact with them again then they are missing out on repeat business.

Every customer probably knows at least one hundred people.

Those people are potential customers which come from repeat business. 

In order to keep your regular customers it is important to keep your customers informed. That means communicating with them regularly.

Communication is the key to any relationship; it encourages customer loyalty for without communication a relationship is doomed.

An autoresponder enables you to send a bunch of emails to people on your list in one hit for a minimal cost.

You can reach potential customers from all corners of the earth with a few clicks but until covid is a thing of the past the domestic market has to be nurtured and key to this is an autoresponder.

It may be true that once a bucket list item is ticked, that’s it, travellers will try something else but people do visit the same place more than once; take Queenstown as an example. The South Island tourist resort gets an influx of visitors during the ski season. Many of whom are regular visitors to Queenstown. Therefore, it makes sense to keep past and present customers informed of events coming up.

An autoresponder gives recipients the opportunity to opt out of mailings if they no longer wish to receive them. 

It is the fear of missing out on something that stops people from clicking on the “unsubscribe” link and that is the whole purpose of tourist activities; to give customers the experience of a lifetime, one that they will never forget. 

That old saying, “Don’t die wondering” will bring people out of their shell and that is what tourism is all about. Selling experiences that will become tomorrow’s memories.

Take your first step towards building better customer relations here:


You have my permission to use this article anyway you choose without any restriction. Check out my site for other articles



Is it possible to use a system to beat the odds and live a life of luxury? The lottery or lotto as it is called in New Zealand first began in 1987 and I have never heard of any lotto winner claiming to have found a system to beat the odds. Most have won using lucky dips or lucky numbers, others have just selected their own numbers. 

The odds of winning the lottery

Lotto is played by millions of people worldwide in the hope of one day becoming lucky but for the vast majority of people that lucky lotto day never arrives. The huge odds against winning lotto ensures that millions contribute to the pool but only a few hit the jackpot.

In New Zealand a lotto player is required to select six drawn numbers out of forty. It is called division one. The odds of any one set of six numbers being the successful six are in in three million+

Powerball is when you have selected division one + the powerball number which is 1-10. The odds of winning a powerball are so remote that one is more likely to be struck by lightning. It is not surprising that the powerball often jackpots to huge amounts.

Some mathematicians have described the lottery as a tax on stupidity.

At least 66% of New Zealanders play lotto at least once a year. I do not know how many of them play every single week.

People who would otherwise consider themselves intelligent fall for the enticing advertising in order to participate in a gamble that is unlikely to succeed. Rationality simply goes out of the window.

A song and dance is made about the fact that 20% of all lotto sales is donated to various charities.

What I have to say about that is the lottery sucks out more money from communities than it returns. 

If one was simply donating to charities directly the person making the donation is able to claim 33% back in tax. (New Zealand). The advantage of donating to charity directly is one can choose who to give money to.

Lotto players will completely ignore all of the mathematical statistics with the argument, “You have got to be in to win.”

Problem with that kind of thinking is that few people ever do and often when they do win something, the payoff is usually one of the smaller prizes which is often spent on buying more lottery tickets or quickly frittered away in the blink of an eye.


If a lotto player spends $10 per week on the lottery that equates to $520 per annum. Think of what else that could have been invested in or put to better use.

There are so many sharemarket trading platforms around today that the $10-$20 per week spent on lottery tickets could easily be used to start an investment portfolio.


Many people will swear by systems; whatever you are told the statistical odds of any set of six numbers being drawn are the same, however, if you choose numbers or a combination of numbers that are not chosen by other players then you will share the prize pool with fewer players if it is your lucky day. This is the type of strategy used by some system promoters.

Do not be deceived into thinking that any system will increase your chances of winning. This is not true!

As far as finances are concerned, I am saying that the money spent on lottery tickets is better directed at investments where you at least have something to show for it.


You are welcome to use this article to post on your site, as content for your ebook, or share it on social media. Visit my site for other articles on finance.



The weight loss industry is worth an enormous amount of money with women being the target of advertisers. It is important for those intending to go on a diet to question their motives and ask themselves, “Am I doing it for myself or am I being fat-shamed into doing it?” It is important to just be happy being you before you consider changing anything in your life because unless you are content there will always be something that you need in order to be happy.

Just be yourself

The human race is like licorice all sorts, you never know what you are going to get. There are as many personalities as there are people and there are a variety of shapes and sizes. It is therefore to accept who you are but at the same time change what you can change.

You may have no control over your build but you can choose what you put in your mouth. You may have no control of what talents you have been given but you have control over what you do with what you have been given.

The world puts unrealistic expectations on people and especially young women. They are expected to look as glamorous as those who appear in the glossy women’s magazines. Is it any wonder that so many women suffer from low self esteem?

If women think that they have too much pressure on them to look as fabulous as a Hollywood star, many of them expect men to have the perfect physical body. Let me tell you my story:

I have always been skinny; all through my life I meet women from time to time who say “You’re too skinny,” and so on. Once a young lady was telling me about her boyfriend and how he looks after himself. He had a good physical body. She was having a dig at me. At the time I was jogging six miles+ per day and was competing in athletics every weekend. Sometimes on both Saturday and Sunday.

As with all of the comments that have been made about me being skinny I have never taken offence nor suffered from an inferiority complex or low self esteem because of it. My shape has never bothered me. I have just accepted it as who I am.


I can understand why women would have their self-esteem attached to their weight when there is so much pressure on them to have a nice figure, but what they are really doing is living to please others rather than accepting who they really are.

It is important to accept who you are and not let your body shape determine your self worth.

You shouldn’t allow comments by others to determine your self worth either. If others cannot accept who you are then that is their problem not yours. 

The bottom line is that you can only live your life according to your own circumstances and not compare yourself with others because it will be similar to comparing apples to pears.

Your value is not determined by what others say about you. It is not determined by your dress size, or by your achievements. You may see the achievements of high profile sports people being applauded on TV but this will all pass. There are thousands of unsung heroes whom society takes for granted but they do their work day after day without complaint and without even a modest round of applause.

My suggestion is to focus on a “healthy eating” mindset rather than a “lose weight.”

It is far easier to achieve a goal based on what you eat and how much you eat rather than it is to lose weight. 

Like all things in life worth striving for, losing weight takes effort and sacrifice and only you can decide whether the outcome was worth it all.


Robert Stewart has a site with information about the keto diet. Feel free to share this article, post it on your blog, use it as content for your ebook, or to do anything you wish with this article without any restrictions.


Three kinds of people…


There are three kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. If you want things to happen in your life you have to make things happen and not wait for others to do it. As the saying goes, “If you want something done you have to do it yourself.”

Three kinds of people…

Those who make things happen..

These are the people who see an opportunity and take advantage of it. They are action people; they take action and because they take action they are often subject to a lot of criticism from those who have a need to give their self-esteem a boost. Action people do not allow the negative comments of others to influence their mindset because they are so focused on what needs to be done that what others say is given the attention it deserves. 

History is full of examples of those who have reaped the rewards of their actions. Bitcoin is one example; those who invested in Bitcoin at the very beginning have done extremely well. 

Action people make fortunes out of negativity.


When the markets have taken a dive and negative investors are selling positive people go shopping for bargains in the markets. 

Negative people make things happen alright; they create opportunities for positive people to cash in.

Those who watch things happen…

These are the people who want everyone else to be their guinea pig, to test out every new idea that comes along. They watch other people get rich on ideas that they themselves did not get involved in. They are the type of people who do not know anything unless a book points it out to them. An example of these people could be found in England who caught covid during the vaccine roll out but for one reason or another chose not to be vaccinated.

These people are procrastinators; they keep putting things off which means they are constantly missing out on opportunities to better their lives. Change scares these people. You know the story. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Those who wondered what happened..

These are the people who do not want to do anything for themselves. They refuse to learn anything new whether it is personal finance, technology, or up-dating their skill base. These people have no desire to better themselves and want everything handed to them on a plate. The sad thing about these people is that they want to bring others down to their level because it makes them feel better about themselves.

You certainly do not want to align yourself with these people as your own self-esteem will suffer.

The bottom line is if you are in the first group of people then expect to cop a lot of ridicule and criticism from the third group. It is best to spend as much time as you can with like-minded people and not be drawn into trivialities which fill the minds of the third group of people.


You are welcome to share this article, post it on your website, or use it as content for your ebook. Visit my site for other articles you can use.



There is no excuse for financial ignorance when there is so much finance information available on the internet and in printed form. Becoming familiar with the various forms of investments will hold you in good stead for the future.

How to gain financial literacy

Your financial literacy is your ability to make financially smart decisions. You were not born financially smart or dumb; your financial knowledge or ignorance was developed over a period of time. I assume that you are not ignorant otherwise you would not be reading this. So without further ado, here are some ways of gaining financial literacy.

Your own experience

There is no better teacher than your own experience but that does not mean you have to go ahead and make all of the mistakes it is possible to make. It is more a case of using your personal judgement based on your knowledge and the advice of others but you will make mistakes along the way; it is a part of the learning process. It is a matter of who to take advice from and whose advice to treat with a grain of salt. 

An excellent way of gaining financial literacy is to register with one or more of the sharemarket online platforms where you are able to buy and sell shares online. Only a minimal amount of money is needed to get involved. In New Zealand is one such platform but is by no means the only one around. Other countries have similar such share trading platforms available.

Experience of others

The easy way to learn is from the mistakes of others. All you need to do is to keep your eyes open; many people do not do this and instead follow others like sheep. This is not necessarily the best way. In fact history has taught me that following the crowd is often the wrong way. A classic example is the share market when a stock is valued well above it’s true worth because so many people have jumped on the bandwagon and bought shares in that particular company because everyone else is doing it. It is young people without experience in the markets who are prone to this mistake.

It pays to go against the crowd; what this means is that you look for bargains in the markets whether it is gold, shares, property, and so forth. You do not have to experience what others are experiencing if you have the ability to assess what is a good investment and what is not.

Be prepared to listen to what the older generation has to say. Many of their opinions will be based on their own experience.


Ignorance is no excuse as far as not being financially educated because your local library will stock books on finance. There are some terrific books on finance, some I recommend are, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter. They have several other books which are recommended reading. “How to Be Rich & Happy” by Hans Jakobi, Australia’s wealth coach is another book I recommend. Hans also has several other books published, “Underground Knowledge” and “Due Diligence,” are two of them. “Making money made simple” written by Australian financial advisor Noel Whittaker is a good read. Mary Holm and Martin Hawes are other excellent financial authors.

The internet

There is a lot of information available online on finance and investing; a simple google search will bring these up but like listening to your mates you have to use your own judgement when assessing the information from some sites and how it relates to your own personal situation. Martin Hawes and Mary Holm are both reputable advisors with good websites.


Most newspapers carry financial information and these are worth reading. Cut out articles that interest you; they make good reading in a year or so.


Feel free to share this article or post it on your site. You also have permission to use it as content for your ebook. My blog has down to earth information about everyday finances.