Saving for whatever…

Written by R. A. Stewart

Establish your savings goal. Are you saving for your retirement, a new car, a deposit for a home or whatever. This will be the determining factor when choosing where to invest your money. It is important to note that you can have several different savings/financial goals at the same time with a different type of investment with each goal. 

For example, you may have a short term goal to pay off your TV set, a medium term goal to save for your car, and a long term goal to put away money for your retirement.

Your financial goals should be split up into three categories; short term, medium term, and long term.

The category will determine where it is best to place your money.


Oncall-6 months

This is money on standby and used for general household bills such as power, car running expenses rent, and so forth. 

Where to keep this money; Ordinary savings account or bonus bonds


6 months-3 years

This is money being saved for a car, appliance, overseas trip.

Where to keep your money; Bonus Bonds is a good option but mutual funds is an option but invest conservatively. 

There are a number of managed funds which are cropping up and you do not have to have much to get started with them. A good one for the beginner is sharesies (in NZ). If you are from another country there will be companies similar to Sharesies you are able to invest with.


3 years+

Saving for a house deposit and building a nest egg for your retirement are examples of long term goals.

Where to keep your money; kiwisaver is an ideal investment to drive you to your savings destination because the incentives will help your savings grow.

Some tips.

Pay off debt first because if you are able to pay off a debt where you’re paying say 10% interest on the debt then the interest saved from the paid off debt is just as if you had been paid the 10%; as the saying goes, “A dollar saved is a dollar made.”

Stuff happens in life where circumstances change therefore you need to be prepared to be flexible.

Take a long term view of your investments. It is time and not timing which is the key to investing. As you gain more experience with investing, your risk profile will improve.

Read all you can about finance and the sharemarket. Knowledge will help you overcome your fears when investing.

PLEASE NOTE; The information in this article is the writer’s opinion based on his experience. If you require financial advice see your bank.


The advantages of joining kiwisaver

Kiwisaver is New Zealand’s retirement scheme. As a savings tool, it is a no brainer for ordinary New Zealanders who want a more prosperous future. There are numerous advantages in joining kiwisaver. If you are not from New Zealand, your country’s own retirement scheme will have its incentives, so it would pay to do your research and check them out. If you are a resident in New Zealand, here are the main reasons for joining kiwisaver.

1. The annual tax credit of a maximum of $520 will help boost your savings. This is paid out in July and to receive this full amount you must invest at least $1040 in the previous 12 months. For example to receive the $520 in July 2020, you must deposit $1040 into kiwisaver between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2020. If you deposit less than $1040 during this period your tax credit will be 50% of your contributions.

The government contribution is tax free!

If I told you it is possible to make 50% profit on your investment, what would you be thinking? Perhaps you would be sceptical and wondering if its too good to be true. Yet it is true that the government’s contribution to your kiwisaver account is tax free.

2. The employer contributions of 3%. 

Again this is money available but only if you have joined kiwisaver.

3. You are able to use a portion of your kiwisaver funds to help purchase your first home. There are rules surrounding this. I believe that you have to have been enrolled in kiwisaver for at least 5 years. If both husband and wife are both in kiwisaver, this can be a big help toward getting your first home.

4. Another advantage of having your retirement funds in kiwisaver compared to other types of investments is that if you need to go on income support then money earned by your kiwisaver account will not affect your benefit whereas any income derived from investments such as dividends from shares and fixed term interests will affect your benefit. It must be stressed that it is not the amount of savings in these investments that is of concern but the income from them.

5. Your savings with kiwisaver are locked in until you reach the retirement age of 65; this means that there is no temptation to dip into your savings, however, there are some circumstances where you may be able to access your funds prior to your 65th birthday. They are;

(a) To use the money for a deposit on your first home (conditions apply)

(b) Undue hardship

(c) Terminal illness

(d) A condition which makes it unlikely that you will live beyond 65. 

6. If you die an untimely death your kiwisaver funds can pay for your funeral. It is important though to make sure you have a will otherwise lawyers fees will take up a good percentage of your estates finances.


Online friendship/pen pal clubs

There are a lot of ways to contact others online, some free, others require some kind of subscription. It is best to check whether how many members they have in the country you are seeking pen pals before committing yourself to joining, however, some of these clubs cost nothing to join, so you can sign up and see what happens. 

Global Penfriends

This one is based in Scandinavia but is a worldwide site with a large number of members from most countries. It does not cost a lot for a full membership. Global Penfriends cater for both email & snail mail pen friends. Check it out on


Another internet penpal club, Interpals is relatively easy to sign up, and has a good selection of people to choose from.

International Penfriends

This club is based in Finland but does cover all countries. I have been a member of this club. How it works is that you supply a list of countries you are seeking penfriends from and they will send you people to write to. I also received letters from those who received my details from the club.

Kawasaki Penfriends

As its name suggest Kawasaki Penfriends is based in Japan. It is useful for those who want to learn Japanese. Most of the ads are from Japan with a sprinkling of listings from other countries. You are able to place an ad every month in their newsletter.

Penfriend Club

This is a club with a worldwide following. I have never joined but it does not seem to be any worse or better than any of the others

Letter Exchange

This club publishes a print version of their magazine which you can obtain by paying by paypal. Single copies are also available.

Penpal World

A good selection of members to choose from and easy club to join.


Sassociations has an email and snail mail part to it.

Christian Cafe

This is not a penpal club but rather a dating site, if you are looking for someone. Check out the link below;”>


Online auction selling secrets

I have been selling my unwanted items on the New Zealand auction site trademe for years; here are my best tips to get the most out of online selling. These are equally applicable to Ebay which I also use.

The headline

Be prepared to change the headline if something does not sell. A different headline may show up in the site’s search engine when previously it didn’t. If for example you are selling a book and use the book’s title as the headline you could instead use the author’s name as the headline.

The photo

Make sure the photo you are using to sell the product perfectly represents the item and is of good quality (the photo)

Shipping costs

Items that do not include a shipping cost do not sell as well as ones which do. There really is no excuse for not letting potential customers know how much the item will cost to ship.

Auction or buy now

Should you place a “buy now” option on your site? The answer is a “yes” because it gives potential buyers the opportunity to purchase immediatel, and when they have the money ready to pay for the item. This may not be the case if they receive an unexpected email to let them know they have won the auction; one which they had not budgeted for.

Placing feedback

Don’t be in too big of a hurry to place negative feedback on someone because other customers will see this and be reluctant to do business with you. I only place unfavourable feedback in exceptional circumstances. Some people who receive a bad feedback will retaliate by giving you bad feedback so be wary of this. It will affect your rating and may cost you. The alternative is to not leave any feedback on anyone you are not happy with.

Selling ebooks?

For goodness sake make it easy for customers to download an ebook if you are selling them on ebay. Some sellers make the process of download so complex that it would challenge the mentality of Einstein. This is the biggest problem I have experienced when purchasing ebooks from ebay. Just send me the PDF thank you.

Auction sites


9 online classified sites

Written by R. A. Stewart

There are a number of online classified sites where you are able to post your particular ad at no cost; many are worldwide sites with a section for every country in the world. Here are the ones I know of;


More than just a classified site, adlandpro has a lot more content than the others. It is more popular in the US than anywhere else.


I find this an easy site to post on to and you can post ads to any region from anywhere in the world.

Classifieds (UK)

This is a UK based site.


This site is popular in the US where it originates from but does have a section for all countries


A UK classifieds site.


Gumtree is more popular in the UK than anywhere else but like the others has a section for every country and is widely used.


A site which originates in China where it has a higher following than anywhere else.


This is a London based classifieds site; they have a printed publication available or they did have one last time I was there in 2013. THe Heathrow airport is where you will find a copy if they are still in print.

US Free ads

As its name suggests is a US based site.


Attention all Brick and Mortar businesses!


Whether you like it or not, it is essential that you have sufficient exposure on the internet otherwise your competitors will be taking your potential customers.

So if you are someone who has just moved into your town searches online for say a hairdresser, plumber, mechanic, or dentist, or whatever business you are involved in, will they find your business listed?

There are so many ways to get noticed online, the ones I know of are listed below;

1. Set up a facebook page

This is easy enough to do, it takes a bit of practice though to work your way through all of the steps; if you do not have the know how there are services out there who will set up a facebook page for you.

2. Set up a twitter account

Setting up a twitter account is quite easy, the one thing I like about twitter is that it is so easy to send tweets. I write my tweets on a word document the night before and simply copy and paste them when tweeting.

3. Set up a linkedin account

Linkedin is a good site to network with other like minded people, it is a site where you are able to write out your CV for potential employers to see. I use linkedin to post articles I have written though.

4. Set up a blog on wordpress or blogger

You are able to set up a free blog on or; these are ideal for those with limited technical know how and once you get a bit more tech savvy, you can set your own website up. I have several blogs on these platforms plus others on other free site building platforms. I also have my own site.

5. Get listed on

Yelp is becoming more popular as a review site; how it works his customers list the businesses by placing a review about them then it is up to the business to claim their business on yelp.

6. Post articles on is one of the most popular article sites on the net. A lot of businesses write articles about the business they are interested in; let’s say you own a hotel, then you could write helpful articles about the hospitality/tourism industry with a link at the bottom of the article to your hotel’s website.

There are lots of other ezines; one is which like ezinearticles has a lot of information.

7. Set up an autoresponder

An autoresponder allows you to send numerous emails to your list of subscribers plus you can do a whole lot of other stuff. AWEBER, Get Response, and Mailchimp are three of the most popular autoresponders; I use Aweber, they have an excellent system and helpline if you get stuck. You can sign up for aweber below;

Aweber has the right tools for your email marketing campaign

Aweber is an auto responder which enables you to send messages to your list of customers. With Aweber you are able to collect email addresses of those who have signed up to your list. 

What I enjoy about Aweber is their very good support system. If I am unable to figure something out then I just send an email to the aweber support. Very happy with the service I have received.


Best free blogging platforms

Ready to start your own blog? Here I will take a look at several blogging platforms which I am using and tell you about my experience with them. All of these are free to use, however you do have the option of upgrading which will give you more options.


There is and the paid version but this concerns the free version I have found this a very easy platform to use but you have to get your head around their system and that takes practice. WordPress has an excellent support system where you email them if you cannot get your head around some of the technical stuff. Some of my sites are;


This is another free site and one where I have a number of websites. It has a different kind of system from wordpress so it is just a matter of trial and error in order to figure things out. The support system is not as good as that offered by wordpress but if you just good search any question then you may get the answer you are looking for.

Some of my sites on weebly are; 


This is the easiest way for the beginner to start a blog, all you need is a gmail address and you are away. Some of my sites on blogger are; and


This site is a bit more complicated than the others but once you get your head around it, you are able to build some professional looking websites. I have used this site and find it a bit more technical than the others.

Other blogging platforms





How to create a budget

Taking the time and effort to sit down and concentrate on creating a budget usually sounds like the most demanding and unexciting thing. No matter how it is argued creating and sticking to a budget will eventually help keep an individual financially healthy. It is important to note that the more accurate information is forthcoming the better and more realistic the budget planning exercise will be

How To Make It  

Withholding information or presenting distorted and incorrect information will not benefit in any way and will only end up frustrating all parties when the said budget does not work.  

The reason why some folk are dishonest when it comes to budgeting is because they are unwilling to give up certain bad habits that may be the root cause of their financial difficulties. 

A person who is addicted to cigarettes, weed, alcohol, or the pokies will be unwilling to give up their so-called pleasures,

The following are some tips on how to go about creating a budget: Compiling all financial statements available for close scrutiny. This should include bank statements, investment accounts, utility bills and any information of sources of income and expense

The idea behind this exercise is to be able to create an average monthly spread sheet so the more detailed the information the better.  

Keeping an up-to-date version of all sources of income is the next step to be taken. This may vary for those in the self employment sector or for those in business. However for all types of income taking into account the monthly total income amount is what is needed.  

Next there should be a very detailed list of monthly expenses created. Every detail should be included no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it maybe.   

The item included should be the likes of mortgage payments, car payments, auto insurance payments, groceries, utilities, 

entertainment, dry cleaning and laundry expenses, auto insurance, retirement, college allocations, saving and essentially anything and everything that the individual spends on.  

Total both the income and expenses based on monthly calculations and then make the adjustments where necessary, especially if the expenses are more than the income. Make cut back or cut out wherever possible.  

Changes have to be made in order to achieve a breakthrough in any area of your life and finances are no different. 

 Doing It Right  

The following are some practical suggestions anyone can try: Keeping the budgeting exercise as simple as possible is one sure way to encourage enthusiastic participation.   

Don’t categorize too much but remember to still maintain some semblance of accuracy. Having 2 – 5 categories would be ideal for working out a good budget easily.  

Be descriptive in categorizing everything accurately. Avoid using terms such as miscellaneous and others as this would tempt the individual to justify random items that are more frivolous spending that wise spending.   

This can also contribute to the scenario of not having adequate knowledge on how and why such expenses were needed to be incurred.  

Tailor the budget to adequately fit the needs of the parties concerned. Using example from others is a good idea but copying without proper thought or consideration would render the so called tailored budget useless.  

Have a specified amount for personal needs and sudden expenses clearly outlined and do not under any circumstances waiver from it. Also there is no need to always spend this amount as it can be 

accumulated and kept aside for possible indulgence sometime later.  

Make provisions for major expenditures that would be necessary during the course of the year. Examples of which might include cost of major car repairs, replacing of major household items, cost incurred for major house upkeep exercises and other expenses that would be considered out of the norm yet necessary and costly.  


The following are some tips on how to effectively combat this and turn the situation around: 

Be aware of how much is being spent at any given moment. People often don’t keep track of their spending habits until they are hit with the bill at the end of the month. These especially so when credit cards are involved. 

Avoid the impulse spending lifestyle. Most impulse buying sprees are done on a whim and without actually thinking it through is terms of if the particular item is really needed or not.  

In most cases the items are either used for a short period of time or not at all. Try waiting a day or two before actually committing to the purchase, by which time the individual would have had the time to reconsider the necessity of the purchase. 

Don’t spend time in places where the urge to spend is dominant. Some people go to shopping malls when they are bored thus the uncontrollable urge to spend becomes more dominant. 

Have clear objectives when going out shopping. Try writing a list of things that are needed before actually stepping out.  

This will help to keep the focus away from frivolous spending and more on the essentials needed. 

Consider the purchases that are currently being made and if they are being made simply out of habit.  

Most people don’t realize just how much they buy out of habit and this could one of the contributing factors to the overspending characteristic.

Set little actions which can become good habits if repeated often enough. 

Balancing the books is one thing; it is another to invest that money, but there are options for those who have some money saved and one of these is sharesies which you can join then drip feed money into the sharemarket. You can join here at;


How to beat inflation guide for ordinary people

Inflation is no respecter of people; it affects all of us, rich, poor, or in between; you do not have to have a lot of money to feel the effects of inflation, in fact, it is those who are least able to afford the rising prices who are affected by inflation.

So what is inflation?

Inflation is the name given to the rises in prices. This is all tallied up and averaged out with the measure of inflation indicated by a percentage point. If inflation is say 1.5% then it means prices on average have risen by 1.5% in the 12 months the survey was taken.

There are many different strategies for beating inflation, most involve investing for a return greater than the inflation rate. If you just stored the money under your mattress, the value of your money would decrease every year by the value of the inflation rate. If the inflation rate was 1.5%, then your money would decrease by 1.5% per annum.


When you purchase stuff using borrowed money, you are paying inflated prices for everything and this all adds up during your lifetime. “If you have not got the money then don’t buy it,” is a good rule to live by.


This is the best way of getting ahead financially in life and will protect you from some of the effects of inflation. Think of everything you spend on an annual basis. Some folks think nothing of spending $20 on coffees per week, but that adds up to  $1000 per year.


There is a huge difference between the price of something in a high street store and that same item in the second hand/charity shop; the amount you will save will quickly add up during your lifetime.


Invest it; there are plenty of options for you to invest your money, even if you do not have a lot to invest. “You do not have to be rich to invest but you need to invest to become rich.”


This is my favoured method for a long term inflation beating investment. Your retirement fund with all of it’s incentives is a no brainer, but there are lots of other managed funds you can join, many are ideal for the small saver who do not earn all that much. Managed Funds or Index Funds as they are also called have stood the test of time as the best way of beating inflation.

There are a lot more options for investors looking for managed funds to invest in and some of them can be started on a shoestring, it is all about managing your money and how to beat inflation.


Dating app assaults highlight dangers of swipe dating

Men and women who are swipe dating need to be aware of the dangers of meeting a complete stranger after getting in contact with them online. Many men have arranged to meet who they thought was a lady on a date only to be assaulted and robbed by male companions of his so-called date. This is exactly what happened to a 31-year-old male who met his date on a dating app in New Zealand. It was on the second date the man was robbed. The assault was serious enough for the man to require hospital treatment.

In 2018, British tourist Grace Millane was murdered in the North Island in New Zealand by someone she met on a dating app; Grace’s murder made world news headlines.

Unfortunately, incidents such as this are not uncommon.

In 2010, a Florida woman agreed to meet a man she contacted through Facebook on a date but robbery rather than romance was on her mind, and her two male companions shot their female friend’s date in the process of mugging him. All three were charged with and convicted of first degree murder.

There are other similar incidents which had less tragic outcomes but still left the would be casanova’s shaken.

People need to be aware that people are not always who they say they are online. It is easy to post a false identity online and use someone’s photo. 

However people tend to let their guard down when it comes to dating but most dating sites do at least have some safeguards in place to weed out the rat bags. If someone is not who they say they are, you can report them to the site’s administrator, but it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their own safety and follow the basic rules of dating which I have listed below;

1. Do not be in a hurry to reveal your physical address.

2. Meet in a well-lit public place away, and not close to your home.

3. Do not give too many personal details about yourself away to your date, at least at the beginning.

4. Use an email address which is not used for normal correspondence when registering with the dating site.

5. Do not reveal your surname until you are satisfied that all is above board, that means not using your surname in the email address you have registered with the site.

There are numerous dating sites to choose from, but none of them are 100% safe but many do at least have some feedback system so that one can report the ratbags to the site’s administrator. A dating site worth joining is christiancafe, you can find out more here.”>