Making the right financial choices

Making the right financial choices

Written by R. A. Stewart

Think of your life as a jigsaw puzzle and your choices as parts of the jigsaw. You need to make the right choices which fit into your life. A choice which is right for one person may not necessarily be right for another. It is just a matter of discovering your “why” and setting goals.

It is no secret that people make choices which lead to poverty. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, hanging out with the wrong crowd, and frittering away their money are some of the main reasons why many people are poor. 

Lack of financial literacy is at the heart of all of this because someone who has set themselves money goals will become more motivated to give up their vices.

What are the right choices?

That all depends on your passions, skills and talents. 

What gets you up in the morning? What do you look forward to?

The things you have a passion for tend to be the same things you have a talent for. Skills can be developed but if you don’t have any aptitude for a particular then you are better off looking elsewhere for fulfilment.

When I was at school, the boys did woodwork class and the girls did cooking and sewing. I did not have any kind of aptitude for woodwork and was always at the bottom of the class. I think if I had been at the cookery class, I would have found my niche. Some of the girls may have thrived working with tools. As one teacher at high school told us a couple of years later when trying to persuade some guys to take up cooking lessons, “All of the best cooks in the world are men.”

The point being, that when setting money goals, one size does not necessarily fit all. 

What are the differences then?

People have different financial circumstances. Some are married, some are single, some are mature, some are young. It all depends on what your personal goals and your needs are.

Once you have worked out your goals it is just a matter of figuring out how to achieve them.

When deciding on where to invest your money, ask yourself, “What is the purpose of this investment?” Once you know the answer to that you will have a fairer idea of which type of investment suits your aims.

About this article

This article is of the writer’s opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You are welcome to use this article as content for your blog/website or ebook.

Liabilities: what they are

Liabilities: what they are

Written by R. A. Stewart

A liability is when you have a debt to pay. You are responsible for that debt until it is paid. The opposite of a liability is an asset. It is something which provides some kind of value to you.

An example of a liability is when you have borrowed money from a finance company to purchase a car. You pay a certain amount to the finance company each week or fortnightly. It is a liability because it takes money out of your pocket and reduces your wealth.

An example of an asset is an investment with a finance company which lends out money to car buyers. This is an asset because it puts money into your pocket and increases your wealth.

Borrowing money is not the only type of liability which can reduce your wealth.

Others can be, keeping pets, smoking, drug taking, drinking, hobbies, and so forth.

Have you ever heard of dog owners spending thousands of dollars on vet bills when for just $50 they could have had their pet pooch put down. I know of some people who have spent $1,000 on a vet bill for their cat. If that is not financial stupidity I don’t know what is.

Emotional spending is very costly in the long term.

Borrowing for something which does not give you anything in return is a drain on your future financial welfare. Paying for a holiday is a perfect example. This is something you can do without. If you don’t have the money you don’t go on holiday. It’s as simple as that.

Hobbies can be expensive; have you ever seen those news items on television where some collectors have spent thousands of dollars on their items. Whether it is a doll collector, model train collector, or whatever, these people spare no expense in getting their hands on the next item to add to their list.

Becoming an investor rather than a consumer will help you to be better off financially in the long run. By minimizing your consumer purchases and investing that money instead you will build up an investment portfolio, whether that be in the share market, property, and the like. Stuff doesn’t last long and it loses its value over time.

Investing in yourself will pay dividends in the long run if you apply what you have learned. It is just a matter of applying whatever is applicable to your own life. There is a lot of investment advice on the internet and in books but not everything you read will be applicable to your personal circumstances. Having the ability to discern which advice to follow takes experience.

What you spend your money on today will have an effect on your future lifestyle. It is all about making the right choices in life. Politicians talk a lot about achieving different outcomes for certain groups of people. Personally, I think that it is choices which people need to take responsibility for because the only reason why there are so many different outcomes is because people make different choices.

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This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances therefore, discretion is advised. You may use this article for content for your website, blog, or ebook.


Dividend Yield and what it means

Dividend Yield and what it means

Written by R.. A. Stewart

A commonly used term in the share market is “dividend yield,” but what does this term actually mean? Some novice investors will be asking themselves but are too afraid to ask others for fear of revealing their ignorance.

The dividend yield is a stock’s annual dividend payments to shareholders as a percentage of the stock’s current price. This figure is often used as a guide to a stock’s future income based on what is paid for the stock.

An example would be, if a stock sells for $10 per share and the company’s annual dividend is 50 cents per share, the dividend yield is 50 cents per share. The dividend yield is 5%. The formula for working this out is annualized dividend divided by share price equals yield. In this case, 0.50 cents divided by $10 equals 5%.

A stock’s dividend can change over a period of time. It may be due to the natural volatility of the markets or changes in the yield by the issuing company. The yield is not fixed and can be changed.

The dividend yield shown on some websites may not be accurate because it has not been updated. One week can be a long time in the markets.

To calculate the annual dividend paid out by a particular company per year you need to multiply the amount of a single payment by the amount of payments.

Keep in mind that whatever yield a company pays out, it is not a guarantee that they will continue to pay out at the same rate in the future. The old adage “Past performance is no guarantee of the future” rings true.

It is important to note that a higher yield does not on its own make a great investment. If the company is struggling then there is a risk that they may not pay a dividend to its investors.

The capital gain of a stock is the other main factor in a stock’s performance. Investors who purchase a stock for the long term are often purchasing for capital gains and this has proved successful.

The high dividend yield may be high due to the falling stock price; otherwise known as a “Dividend trap”. There is a good chance that dividends will be cut in such circumstances.

One retired couple I know uses the dividend payouts to pay for their health insurance. If you are in this position then choosing stocks with a high dividend yield may be the way to go. It is important to diversify and choose a wide range of companies to invest in.

If you do not need the income from the dividends then reinvesting is a good option. It will help to increase the value of your portfolio.

About this article

The information in this article is based on the writer’s experience and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your blog, website or ebook.


Investing with Sharesies

Investing with Sharesies is an accessible and straightforward way to invest in the stock market, you can get started on your investment journey and start building your wealth. However, before making any investment decisions, it is essential to do your research and seek professional advice if necessary.

 Join Sharesies here

Disclaimer: I may earn a small commission if you sign up with Sharesies.

The difference between assets and liabilities


Knowing the difference between real assets and real liabilities and then setting your financial goals accordingly can be the difference between getting yourself financially sorted or the poorhouse. It underlines the value of financial literacy in helping achieve your goals.

The difference between assets and liabilities

Written by R. A. Stewart

An asset is something which pays you money while an asset is something that costs you money.

So let’s look at some examples.

Is property an asset or a liability?

Some people may say it is an asset because it is something you own, however, if you owe money on that property and are not getting a return on it then it is a liability because it is costing you money.

Is it an asset if you are receiving rent from that property?

Only if you are making a profit.

Some people would not agree saying, “The property is increasing in value over time.”

Lets not forget there are rates to pay plus maintenance costs and insurance to pay on that property so it could be costing you money in the long term but you will have to sit down and do your homework. 

Other investment times are less complicated such as the sharemarket so lets look at other investment types which are assets. 


Your retirement fund

Mutual Funds, also known as managed funds

Other investments

Business or farm

Learn to invest your money in items that can be quickly converted back to cash; some investments do not allow you to quickly turn the asset back into cash without jumping through several hoops.


Any item which has money owed on it and this is your form of transport, however there are circumstances where it may be an asset such as if the vehicle is used as a taxi, which therefore makes it an asset as it is producing an income. Such costs and the money owing on the vehicle can be tax deductible. The same applies to any vehicle used in a business.

Even though a vehicle used for work and business purposes may be classed as an asset, the money owed on that vehicle is a liability and will go into the accounts as such.

The reason why so many people are in such a poor financial state is that they borrow for stuff instead of saving for it and therefore pay more for that item in the form of interest payments.

A pet can be classed as a liability if it is costing you an arm and a leg to keep. Think of a dog for example; I read somewhere that it costs $20,000 to keep a dog during its lifetime. That is not just the food but vet bills and the like. A dog can be classed as a liability.

Do a stock take

Before you know where your money is going you need to do a stock take of all your spending.Your number one priority has to be the elimination of debt and plug up those leaks in your spending that is costing you money. In this way you will know where to make savings and redirect that money elsewhere.

Your task needs to be to reduce liabilities which means reducing debt then once you have savings use it to build your wealth. This involves setting goals which will increase your wealth and not send you to the poorhouse.

There are a number of share market platforms where you are able to drip feed money into the markets. Take advantage of these as they are a great way to build your financial literacy.


Accumulating assets instead of liabilities will lead to a more prosperous future. It is vital for investors to know the difference between the two. In this article Robert Stewart explains this difference. Check out his blog at

All the best.

Share Market advice for beginners

Beginners Guide to the share market

Written by R. A. Stewart

You do not have to be rich to get involved in the share market these days with online share market platforms such as Sharesies and Hatch which provide a gateway to novice investors.

If you are from a country other than New Zealand or Australia then Robinhood from the States is a share market platform which you can use.

Here are my tips to follow if you are a complete beginner.

Tip 1: Shares go up and down

The value of your shares will fluctuate; that is the nature of the markets. It is important not to focus on your shares but rather on saving and letting the markets take care of itself because if you are strategic with your investments then falling markets will not scare you. 

Tip 2: Know why you are investing

Have a clear plan on what the money’s for. Is it for your retirement, a mortgage, a vehicle, or as a rainy day fund. 

Tip 3: Invest money you can afford to lose

Money which is invested in the share market should only be money which you can fully afford to lose because of the volatile nature of shares, however, you can choose a conservative funds when investing in managed funds. It all depends on your time frame. If the money is needed in the short term then investing in conservative funds will be your best option. 

Tip 4: Know your risk profile

Your risk profile is the level of risk you are prepared for or are willing to take. If you are young you are able to take more risks because you have more time to recover from financial setbacks.

Tip 5: Not a substitute for kiwisaver

Online investing  platforms such as Robinhood, Sharesies, Hatch and the like should not be a substitute for your retirement fund, in New Zealand that is called Kiwisaver)

Tip 5: Not a get rich scheme

Investing in the share market is a long term game; it is not a get rich quick scheme. Don’t be taken in by the stories of those who have made a share market killing because you never get to hear about the losses and it is likely that people who made that killing will spend years trying to make another killing and lose all their gains.

Tip 6: Patience is a virtue

It is time and not timing which is the key to making money in the share market. Patience investors are rewarded handsomely if they stay onboard rather than jump ship during stormy seas.

Tip 6: Do your homework

It is important to do your homework on the various companies you plan to invest in and not just invest haphazardly. The alternative is to invest in managed funds; the fund manager will choose the companies for you.

Tip 7: Take responsibility

Don’t blame anyone for your mistakes, take responsibility for them and learn from them; that way you will become a better investor.

Tip 8: Get right advice

Listen to the right people. Prior to the Global Financial Crisis, some financial experts were saying “The high interest rates do not reflect the higher risk investors of finance companies are taking on.”

Well guess what happened? A number of them folded.

About this article

The information in this article is of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your blog or website.

Start investing on a shoestring

Sharesies makes it possible for anyone to get into buying and selling shares. It is an online share market platform where you have the option of purchasing shares in individual companies or in various funds (managed/mutual funds). You can even start with $5. This is a no brainer because it gives investors young and not so young the chance to improve their financial literacy. There is certainly no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and this is applicable to everything else, not just investing.

Join sharesies here:

Disclaimer: I may receive a small sign up bonus if you join sharesies.

Banking Scams are costly

Steps to take to avoid becoming a banking scam victim

It is no secret that millions of dollars are being lost to scammers worldwide, therefore it is important to have the proper systems in place to avoid being the next victim. Internet scams come in many forms; the most common being phishing scams where the object is to obtain your email address or banking details. Here are some simple steps to take:

1 Don’t log in by clicking on a link

You just don’t know whether the link is from your bank or a scammer these days. It is advisable to type in the URL in your browser.

2 Use a two-factor id

A two factor login is where you log in with an username and password and a text message or an email message where you are given a code to type into the bank’s website.

Here is An example of how two-factor verification works: I sign in to do internet bank with a username and password. I then receive a text message with a code which I then enter to complete the signing process. This code may be sent to your email address if you have chosen to receive this code by email.

3 Use a different email address for your banking

The email address you use for your banking should never be used for other sites such as dating. Scammers will use these sites to try and hack into your email address.

4 Do not connect your debit card to your personal account on any website

I know someone who did this and the website concerned was hacked which exposed the banking details to the hacker. He lost $3,000 as a result.

5 Do not leave all of your money in the one account

If you have a large sum of money for someone’s inheritance or some other purpose then place it into an account which you cannot access through the internet. That way a scammer cannot have access online.

6 When you are using a google account to register with a particular site do not use any gmail account which is used for your banking.

It is worth keeping in mind that sites which hold your personal details may themselves be hacked into which means that your personal details are exposed to cyber criminals. This is what happened to the person who had 3k disappear from his account. It had a happy ending as the bank reimbursed him.

Do not under any circumstances hand over your username, password, or other details if anyone asks for it online. A bank will never ask you for this information.

Circuit break your bad spending habits

Circuit break your bad spending habits

Written by R. A. Stewart

Bad spending habits can quickly add up and cost you a small fortune over a period of time. Buying coffees downtown may cost you a fiver but if you are doing it daily then that is $25 per week which you could have used for some other purpose. 

A bad spending habit can be very hard to break so why not use a circuit breaker. That is, decide that you are not going to do this bad habit for 24 hours. See how you go.


Have you ever thought about how much you are spending on coffees when you are downtown? Let’s think about it, $5 spent on a coffee + whatever you choose to eat with your coffee adds up to a small fortune. If you are spending $5 on a coffee and $4 on a couple of sandwiches then that is $45 per week. That is assuming you work Monday-Friday. Do the maths and your $45 per week adds up to over 2k per year. If you need to find an extra 2k per year to balance the budget or to go towards your other goals then this is a good starting point.

Eftpos card spending

Using the eftpos card is so convenient, so many of us do it without even thinking about how it is affecting our bank accounts. There is a cost to prolific eftpos use and that is high bank fees at the end of the money. Breaking out of the habit of using our cash instead of cards helps us to understand that it is real money we are spending. Putting a 24 hour halt to our eftpos card use will help us to break this costly habit. 

Buying lunches

This is another area where you can save a bit of money. If you are into the habit of buying your own lunch instead of making it then why not decide that you will not buy your lunch for today. If you can put a circuit breaker on this habit then it may help you to form the habit of making your own lunch.

Credit card spending

If you have a credit card spending habit then the question has to be asked, “Are you living beyond your means?”. I know lots of people who have never owned a credit card yet are on benefits or low paid jobs. Lifestyles can be adjusted according to your level of income but the problem is when you have accumulated debts then all of a sudden have lost your job. If you have made a habit of using your credit card then make a habit of not using it for a day at a time then after a week or two it will become a habit and your finances will be in a better shape. Adopt the motto, “If I don’t have the money I don’t buy it!”.


This habit can destroy a family’s financial future. Placing a 24 hour break on all gambling activities will help you to break the habit. Unfortunately, some people are addicted to some forms of gambling. If this is you then, it is time to seek help. 

Internet spending

This is another drain on your finances. Surfing the internet looking for stuff to buy can drain your bank balance. This is money which could have been put toward some investment. 

Alcohol, smoking, and making unnecessary trips in your car are other drains on your finances.

It is not how much money you make which will enable you to get rich, it is how much you save and invest. It is the old saying, “Different outcomes are due to different choices,” therefore if you want a different outcome in your life from what you are experiencing then make different choices.

About this article

The information in this article is of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your blog or website. 

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Are you a responsible Investor?

Are you a responsible Investor?

Written by R. A. Stewart

Answer these three questions to find out, but be honest.

Question number 1:

Do you blame others for losses which may or may not have been out of your control?

If you had money invested in a company which went into liquidation, do you take responsibility for the loss and learn lessons from it or do you find a scapegoat and play the blame game by finger pointing at others. Several finance companies went under in New Zealand during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/2008 and there were sad stories of investors who had their life savings invested in the one company. In other words they had placed all of their eggs in the one basket. If they were honest, these people would have admitted that they were greedy because these companies were paying investors higher than normal interest rates. Financial experts were saying prior to these meltdowns that the higher interest rates do not reflect the risk investors are taking.

Question number 2:

Do you improve your financial literacy by reading finance and investing books?

Unless you educate yourself in matters of finance and investing you will be at the mercy of sharks who will take advantage of your ignorance. Sad stories appear in the newspapers now and again of people losing money because of some financial mistake. If they had sufficient financial literacy they would have made different decisions. The ability to discern whether something is right or wrong is sometimes down to education and experience.

Question number 3:

Do you save something from every payday to invest?

It is not how much you make which counts, it is what you manage to save from every payday.

Financial experts say that you should save at least 10% of your income for the purpose of building your wealth. In this day and age there is no shortage of investment opportunities and it only takes $14 or so to start a share portfolio.

Question number 4:

Do you make your own investing decisions?

Some people like to leave all of the decision making to others. Why?

Because they want someone else to blame if everything turns to custard and losses will occur. It is all very well asking a financial adviser where you should invest your money but investors need to take responsibility for their own decisions and use their common sense.

Fund managers make decisions on investors behalf but as an investor it is your choice of whether to invest in growth, balanced, or conservative funds, and that all depends on your time frame.

A mature person admits their mistakes and treats them as a learning experience and uses the lessons learned in order to make better decisions in the future.

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Prioritizing your spending

Prioritizing your spending

Written by R. A. Stewart

Life is all about making priorities and it is not all about money and how you prioritize your spending but about what you do with your time. We have different financial commitments and different levels of income but when it comes to time, we all have an allotted 24 hours in the day, no more and no less but our income and how we earn our income will have an effect on how much time we have to devote to the important things in our life.

Many people sacrifice their time for money by spending all of their time working leaving little time for anything else. They are out of balance.

If you have a specific goal in mind such as saving for a house deposit then the sacrifices may be worth it in the long term. Maybe because only you will know whether the long days were truly worth it. It all depends on what your priorities are.

What factors should you consider when setting priorities?

Here are several to consider:

Your commitments

Your debt levels

Your age

Your family circumstances

Your health

Your career

Your pets

It is important that you base your priorities on what is important to you and that you do not try to copy someone else’s figures. There is no one size that fits everyone; it is your own needs and wants which determine how you are going to prioritise your spending.

Everyone has different levels of commitments; these have to be managed as best as you can. Commitments can be financial such as a mortgage or other debt or something more personal such as a relationship. 

Your age is another factor; you are not going to take out a 30 year mortgage when you are 60. If you are in your twenties you will have different priorities. As a young investor you can take more risks with your investing strategy because you have more time to recover from a financial meltdown.

That does not mean being reckless with your investing but rather; taking calculated risks.

Your family circumstances are another factor to weigh up. If you have kids then you will have less disposable cash to play around with than if you are single. The flip side is that if you are in a relationship then you have the advantage of having two incomes which will make it easier to save for major life events such as having kids. It is a good idea to put aside money for this purpose.

Then there is your health to think about. If you are fit and healthy then that is great but as we all know, Father Time catches up on us sooner or later. If you have health issues which lessens your chances of reaching the retirement age then your priorities need to be different from those who are healthy.

Then your career or job is a priority. It has to be your top priority because it pays the bills. It is where you spend so much of your time so a carefully chosen career will help make your life more meaningful. Adding different strings to your bow will give you more options. Learning does not end once you leave school is a lifelong project.

Your pets can bring enjoyment to your life but they can also become a burden to your finances as a lot of people have found during the cost of living crisis. The SPCA were swamped with cats and dogs because people could not afford to keep them. When deciding whether to get a dog or a cat it is important to work out how much this is going to cost you. It is also important to consider the fact that keeping pets fits the discretionary spending category and that money spent on them will be better off going towards the mortgage if you have one or towards your retirement fund. 

As far as pets are concerned, many people let their hearts rule their heads; I mean honestly, why else would one spend a grand on a vet bill for a cat or even more than that on a dog when it would be cheaper just to have the animal put down?


This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore, discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your ebook, website, or blog. Feel free to share this article.

My thoughts on Bitcoin reports

Bitcoin investor loses $2m

That is, if the reports in the media are true; it all depends on the real facts. 

An investor it is claimed lost $2m on the Bitcoin he had invested with FTX. We all know that this is a crypto exchange which went bust.

What we do not know is whether the $2m lost in this disaster or whether his original investment into Bitcoin was $100k, $200k, $500k, or $1m.

If his original investment was $500k then that is the amount of his true losses. 

I remember in 2022 when the Bitcoin halving took place, the newspaper report stated that Bitcoin investors lost half of their money. This was only true if an investor had bought Bitcoin during its previous peak. If I had sold my Bitcoin then I would have received more than my original investment. It all depends on when one had bought their Bitcoin.

Leaving all that aside, there are some lessons to be learned here; the main ones being:

1 Investing in Bitcoin in no substitute for your retirement fund

2 Do not invest in Bitcoin if the loss of your money will cause you considerable financial hardship

3 Diversify between different Bitcoin exchanges. That is coinbase, blockchain, and others which are available.

4 Do not invest in Bitcoin if you cannot stomach the thought of losing your money.

It is important to keep in mind that whenever there is a chance for capital gain, there is a chance for capital loss. Investors are betting on the chances that Bitcoin will rise in price. It is just a matter of understanding the risks when investing in Bitcoin.

There is no method of investing which will guarantee that you will not lose or that you will receive an x amount in return. Past performance is no guarantee that whatever happened in previous years will repeat itself in the future.

Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin and are prepared to lose it?

Then check out the coinbase, a well-established crypto-exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:


Disclaimer: I may receive a small commission if you sign up for coinbase.