Should I get involved with Cryptocurrency


Written by R. A. Stewart

Cryptocurrency has been around for over a decade and has received a lot of publicity, not all of it positive, therefore it is assumed that if you are reading this you will be aware of what it is and no further explanation is required.

If you are thinking about investing in cryptocurrency there are some questions you need to ask yourself before proceeding. Here they are:

  1. Why are you investing in this?

Be honest! Are you investing in Bitcoin because you are hoping that the price will skyrocket and you will get rich as a result? This is as good a reason to invest in something just as long as you can afford to lose your investment. Investing in bitcoin should only be done with discretionary spending money. That is money you would have spent on an overseas trip, on nights out, or your hobbies. In other words; transfer your discretionary money to bitcoin investments. That way, if you lose your money, then there is no harm done.

  1. How does this fit in with my future?

This applies to whatever you are investing in. What is the purpose of this investment? Is it for the long term, medium term, or short term. Bitcoin does not fit into any of these categories because it is too volatile. Bitcoin should never be used as a substitute for your retirement fund but rather, just as an added string to your financial bow.

  1. Can I afford to lose this money?

A most important question. Only discretionary spending money should be used for purchasing cryptocurrency; that is money which you can fully afford to lose. Examples of discretionary spending money is money spent on gambling such as horse racing or the lottery, travels, alcohol, cigarettes, and non essential consumable items. It is just a matter of diverting some of your discretionary spending money in cryptocurrency. 

  1. Is this money better off invested elsewhere?

Are there any other areas where you are better off investing your money other than cryptocurrency? If you have any kind of debt then you are definitely better off paying that off first. Some of your discretionary spending money can be used to make greater contributions to your retirement fund or to your house deposit account. Where you spend your discretionary spending money can make a real difference to your finances in the long run.

  1. Will I be able to handle the volatility?

It is no secret that Cryptocurrency is volatile; if you do not have the mentality to cope with all of that then you should give Bitcoin a wide berth and invest in something safer. Emotion will affect your judgement if you allow it to, and this applies to investing in the share market as well. 


The questions you must ask yourself before investing in cryptocurrency are:

  1. Why am I investing in this?

2.How does this fit in with my future?

  1. Can I afford to lose this money?
  2. Is this money better invested elsewhere?
  3. Will I be able to handle the volatility?

Once you are able to answer these questions truthfully, you will have a handle on whether you should invest in cryptocurrency.

About this article

The information provided is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore, discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your blog, website, or ebook. Check out my other articles on


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“The risks of investing in Bitcoin”

Bitcoin, the world’s first and most popular cryptocurrency, has generated a lot of buzz in recent years. With its decentralized nature, limited supply, and potential to serve as an alternative to traditional currencies, many investors have been drawn to it as an investment opportunity. However, as with any investment, there are risks involved. In this article, we will explore some of the risks associated with investing in Bitcoin.

Volatility: One of the most significant risks associated with Bitcoin is its volatility. The cryptocurrency is known for its wild price swings, which can occur rapidly and without warning. For example, in December 2017, the price of Bitcoin reached an all-time high of almost $20,000, only to plummet to around $3,000 in just over a year. This kind of volatility can make investing in Bitcoin a risky proposition, especially for those who cannot afford to lose money.

Regulatory risk: Another potential risk associated with Bitcoin is regulatory risk. As Bitcoin is not controlled by any government or financial institution, it exists outside of the traditional financial system. This lack of regulation has led to concerns about money laundering, fraud, and other illegal activities. Governments around the world are beginning to take notice of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with some imposing restrictions or outright bans on their use. If regulators decide to crack down on Bitcoin, it could result in a significant drop in value.

Hacking and security risks: Bitcoin is stored in digital wallets, which are susceptible to hacking and security breaches. There have been numerous high-profile hacks of Bitcoin exchanges and wallets, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars’ worth of Bitcoin. If an investor’s wallet is compromised, they could lose all of their Bitcoin holdings. This risk is especially high for those who store their Bitcoin on exchanges or other third-party platforms.

Liquidity risk: Bitcoin is not as widely accepted as traditional currencies, meaning that it can be difficult to sell large amounts of Bitcoin quickly. This lack of liquidity can be problematic for investors who need to sell their Bitcoin quickly to access cash. Additionally, the decentralized nature of Bitcoin means that there is no central exchange where buyers and sellers can come together to trade Bitcoin, making it harder to find buyers or sellers for large transactions.

Market risk: Like any investment, Bitcoin is subject to market risk. The value of Bitcoin can be influenced by a variety of factors, including supply and demand, investor sentiment, and global economic conditions. If the market turns against Bitcoin, its value could drop significantly.

Ponzi schemes and scams: Bitcoin has been used as the basis for numerous Ponzi schemes and scams, with fraudsters promising high returns for investing in Bitcoin. These scams can be difficult to spot, and investors can lose their entire investment if they fall victim to them.

In conclusion, investing in Bitcoin can be a high-risk, high-reward proposition. While some investors have made significant profits by investing in Bitcoin, there are numerous risks associated with it, including volatility, regulatory risk, hacking and security risks, liquidity risk, market risk, and the potential for Ponzi schemes and scams. As with any investment, it is important to carefully consider these risks before investing in Bitcoin, and to only invest what you can afford to lose. Investors should also take steps to secure their Bitcoin holdings, such as storing their Bitcoin in a hardware wallet rather than on an exchange or other third-party platform.

Despite the risks, many investors believe that Bitcoin has the potential to be a valuable investment over the long term. As the world becomes increasingly digital and decentralized, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may become more widely accepted as a form of payment, and their value may continue to rise. However, investors should always remember that investing in Bitcoin is not without risk, and they should carefully weigh the potential rewards against the potential risks before making any investment decisions.

Buying bitcoin can seem daunting at first, but with a little research and preparation, the process can be relatively simple. Remember to take your time and choose a reputable exchange and wallet, and be sure to verify your identity before buying. With the right tools and a little bit of knowledge, you can be on your way to owning bitcoin in no time.

Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin?

Then check out the coinbase, a well-established crypto-exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:

People who should never buy Bitcoin

Written by R. A. Stewart

Bitcoin is the currency of the twenty-first century according to those who are passionate about this type of investing. People who get involved in crypto currency such as Bitcoin or one of the others must understand the risks involved. It is a volatile form of investing. Because of the risks involved there are some people who should never invest in crypto currency. 

Here they are:

1.People who are in debt

If you have a debt to pay then your responsibility is paying off that debt, and the sooner, the better. It makes no sense to be investing in something in order to grow your money yet be paying interest on your debts. People who have debts to pay have no discretionary spending money until their debts are paid.

  1. People who are saving up for a house deposit

The best investment for your house deposit money is something which is more conservative such as balanced managed funds or conservative managed funds. Bitcoin is not the place for your house deposit money because if you did go ahead, invest all of your house deposit money in Bitcoin, most of it could disappear at the drop of a hat, such is the volatility of Bitcoin.

  1. People with Children

I believe that people who have children should not invest in Bitcoin, unless they are wealthy, and that any losses are not going to affect their lifestyle. People with children have the young one’s future to consider when making plans for the future.

  1. People who are Timid

People who cannot stomach the thought of losing money whether it be betting on the horses, investing in cryptocurrency, or playing the share market should definitely leave Bitcoin alone. Investing in crypto-currency is certainly not for the faint-hearted.

  1. People who have a mortgage

For the same reason as those with consumer debt. Paying off any debt means you will have less interest to pay.

  1. People with a student loan

If you have a student loan, then you are responsible for paying that back and should never invest in Bitcoin until that debt is paid. 

Never begrudge having a student loan to pay because investing in future education is an investment in the future. The key is to choose a course which will lead to a career you really want to do.

Investing in Bitcoin should only be done with discretionary spending money and not with money which is needed for a purpose such as a car or overseas travel. 

Here is a question for you, “Should retired people invest in Bitcoin?”

My answer to that question is, “If they can afford to lose it!”

If a retired person spent a grand or so on an overseas holiday, that is considered cool by some, yet, if they lost a grand on Crypto currency, these same folk would think that’s foolish.

Whether Bitcoin has risen or fallen, it is on paper only. It is only a profit or loss when it is sold. Always remember, something is only worth what others are prepared to pay for.

About this article: You may use this article as content for your blog or website. The information contained here is of the writer’s opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

Checkout my other articles on


Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin?

Then check out the Coinbase, a well-established crypto exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:


Disclaimer: I may earn a small commission if you sign up with Coinbase.

My thoughts on Bitcoin reports

Bitcoin investor loses $2m

That is, if the reports in the media are true; it all depends on the real facts. 

An investor it is claimed lost $2m on the Bitcoin he had invested with FTX. We all know that this is a crypto exchange which went bust.

What we do not know is whether the $2m lost in this disaster or whether his original investment into Bitcoin was $100k, $200k, $500k, or $1m.

If his original investment was $500k then that is the amount of his true losses. 

I remember in 2022 when the Bitcoin halving took place, the newspaper report stated that Bitcoin investors lost half of their money. This was only true if an investor had bought Bitcoin during its previous peak. If I had sold my Bitcoin then I would have received more than my original investment. It all depends on when one had bought their Bitcoin.

Leaving all that aside, there are some lessons to be learned here; the main ones being:

1 Investing in Bitcoin in no substitute for your retirement fund

2 Do not invest in Bitcoin if the loss of your money will cause you considerable financial hardship

3 Diversify between different Bitcoin exchanges. That is coinbase, blockchain, and others which are available.

4 Do not invest in Bitcoin if you cannot stomach the thought of losing your money.

It is important to keep in mind that whenever there is a chance for capital gain, there is a chance for capital loss. Investors are betting on the chances that Bitcoin will rise in price. It is just a matter of understanding the risks when investing in Bitcoin.

There is no method of investing which will guarantee that you will not lose or that you will receive an x amount in return. Past performance is no guarantee that whatever happened in previous years will repeat itself in the future.

Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin and are prepared to lose it?

Then check out the coinbase, a well-established crypto-exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:


Disclaimer: I may receive a small commission if you sign up for coinbase.

Risk and Reward

Investing risk and Reward

Written by R. A. Stewart

Weighing up the risks and rewards of various investments is doing your due diligence which is the responsibility of every investor.

There is no shortage of choice for investors to get involved with but it is a matter of choosing the ones which are right for your personal circumstances and goals.

Here are my personal views of some of the types of investments available:

High interest accounts with Finance companies

If a company is offering you an investment offering you a high interest; it can only mean that they are also charging high interest to their borrowers and the reason why some people are prepared to pay a higher rate of interest is because they have been turned down by a bank. This could only mean one thing. “These are people who are at a higher risk of defaulting on their loans.”

During the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. Several finance companies in New Zealand went into liquidation. Prior to this some financial commentators warned people that the high interest rates being offered by these companies does not reflect the risk they are taking.

Investing in Gold through an online investing platform

Investors are able to invest in gold through the internet via apps similar to Sharesies, Hatch, and Robinhood but is this a safe way to invest?

I am not so sure because the problem with gold is that it provides no income, therefore investors are relying on capital gains to make money. 

It is the transaction fees which could kill off any likelihood of profit, however, having said that, this is a good way to get involved in gold as an interest for a modest outlay. Just make sure you only use money which you would class as discretionary spending money.

Investing in Bitcoin

Is investing in Bitcoin a safe investment?

My answer to this is that nothing is 100% guaranteed, Bitcoin is a volatile investment. If you are prepared to ride out the lows then you can make capital gains for you. 

It is not a substitute for your retirement fund and under no circumstances should you invest your entire life savings in bitcoin. The same is applicable to the share market and gold.

If you have discretionary spending money then using it to invest in Bitcoin is the way to go and who knows, you may become the next Bitcoin millionaire.

There are risks with Bitcoin but if you use your common sense and learn as much about the risks as you can then you can reduce your chances of making choices which can be costly.

Investors have so many options to invest these days but there comes the risk of losing due to an economic downfall therefore, it pays to be on the conservative side. That is to diversify and spread your money around. 

About this article

This article is of the experience and opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your or ebook.

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“Is Bitcoin right for me?”

Answer to the question  “Is Bitcoin right for me?”
It all depends on what the money is going to be used for. Bitcoin is not
the place to invest savings which are for a house deposit or vehicle.
Bitcoin is not a substitute for your country’s retirement scheme.
Because of its volatility only discretionary spending money should be
used for buying bitcoin. What is discretionary spending money? It is
money that you can fully afford to lose. Some examples of
discretionary spending are money which is used for betting on horse
races or lotto, money used for dining out, and holidays. If you have
debts then any discretionary spending money you have should be
used to reduce that debt. Less debt also means less interest you
have to pay to service that debt.
The other factor to consider when deciding whether bitcoin is right for
you is your risk profile. If you have little tolerance for risk then bitcoin
is not for you. Life is too short for you to be constantly losing sleep
over how your bitcoin investment is doing.
In a nutshell, the only money which should be used for purchasing
cryptocurrency is money which you can fully afford to lose. And then
maybe, you will get a good night’s sleep.
Thinking about giving cryptocurrency a go? Here is something which
may interest you

How low will bitcoin go?

Question: How low will bitcoin go?

Answer to the question “How low will bitcoin go?”


That is the $64,000 question. I don’t think anyone really knows and if someone professes to know then you should check their credentials for making such bold claims. 

It should be pointed out that something is worth only as much as others are prepared to pay for it. If there are more sellers than buyers then the price drops. If people are greedy then the market will take advantage of it.

Many of the same factors which affect the share market are also present in cryptocurrency. I think it is no coincidence that the slide in bitcoin values has come at the same time as the share market slide.

Once the share market recovers then bitcoin may follow suit and notice I said “may,” without giving any guarantees because bitcoin has such a short history that it is difficult to predict its future but based on the last ten years it seems that bitcoin has gone through it’s highs and lows and this gives investors at least confidence that it is likely to recover but when will this be? Some are predicting that it will be late 2023 or 2024. Who knows?


Thinking about giving cryptocurrency a go? Here is something which may interest you: