My Thoughts about BItcoin

Written by R. A. Stewart

Bitcoin is an alternative investment for those investors who do not mind the roller coaster nature of cryptocurrency. If you have the risk profile to be able to stomach the prospect of losses and are sensible in how you approach this form of investing then you can make money from Bitcoin as others have done.

Here are some things you should keep in mind:

1 Bitcoin has a short history

The disadvantage of a short history is there is less data to work with for making future predictions, but it should be kept in mind that past performance is no predictor of the future. Using the share market as an example, one can find companies that have made it through the 1987 sharemarket crash. This is a sign of resilience. No one knows how a future share market meltdown will affect the price of Bitcoin because it has not had to deal with such an event.

2 Something is only worth what others are prepared to pay

Bitcoin is only worth what others are prepared to pay, in other words, it is demand that determines its price. This rule also applies to other forms of investing such as gold, art, property, and the share market.

3 Only invest discretionary spending money in Bitcoin

Only discretionary spending money should be invested in Bitcoin. This is money you can fully afford to lose. Money in this category is money you spend on entertainment and hobbies. If you can transfer some of this spending money into Bitcoin, you may just make a bit of money. What I am saying is, you should never spend what you cannot afford to lose in Bitcoin. There is a saying,”Scared money rarely wins”.

4 Diversify

It is important to diversify with cryptocurrency investing as it is with investing in the share market, but just how does one do this when Bitcoin is the main player in cryptocurrency with Ethereum coming in a distant second. I am talking about investing with different crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Blockchain, and Kraken. There  are a lot of others. A few have gone under which have caused investors to lose a lot of money.

5 Don’t get greedy

Greed is the downfall of a lot of investors. It is tempting to think, “If I invest my life savings in Bitcoin, I will make a killing by xxx date. You could also lose it all. Always remember that for every person who made such a killing there are others who lost their shirt. What usually happens is the one who made the killing will usually try the same thing over and over and give back those gains.

6 If there is an opportunity for capital gain

There is also the chance that you may lose. If you expect to never lose any money at some stage then Bitcoin is not for you. Bitcoin investing requires you to have the kind of mindset that can cope with the roller coaster ride which characterizes cryptocurrency otherwise you will panic when things don’t go as expected. Investing requires a cool head at all times, even when the newspaper reports tell you that you have lost your money. The truth of the matter is that newspapers do not always give you the full story.

I remember when the price of Bitcoin peaked in November 2021 then halved a year later. One newspaper article said, “Investors in Bitcoin have lost half their money.”

That is only true if you had invested in Bitcoin at its peak because if I had sold Bitcoin when the paper was saying, “Investors have lost half of their money,” I would still have received more money than my original investment.

About this article

The content in this article is of the writer’s own opinion and experience and may not be applicable to your own circumstances, therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your website, blog, or ebook.

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Crypto risks

Ways to do your dough on crypto investing

The advice to investors in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency is be aware of the risks and plan accordingly. A prudent investor is not going to invest their entire life savings into crypto, something a fool may do and this is not just because of the volatility of cryptocurrencies. There is more than one way of your money disappearing with crypto. 

Here they are:

1 Volatility

This is the most common way to lose your money. We all know about the volatility of cryptocurrencies. We also know that it is possible for the value of your Bitcoin to drop significantly. It is because of this that you should only use discretionary spending money for purchasing cryptocurrency. 

What is discretionary spending money?

This is money you have left over after paying for your living costs.

2 Password amnesia

Losing your password is another way you can lose your money in bitcoin. Crypto wallets tend to allow you to have a number of failed log in attempts before you are locked out of your wallet permanently. This happened to an Australian man who had 400k in his crypto wallet. He had tried everything he could to remember his password. After 8 failed log in attempts he was left with two. No news on whether he had used up his last two attempts.

3 Hacking

Hacking can be a problem for websites and its users. Your email address can be hacked and if that happens your crypto will be exposed. It will pay to have a two step authentication system. That is you log in as normal with your email address and password. You are then sent a text and asked to type in the code which you received by text message.

4 Fraud or other circumstances

2022 saw the collapse of crypto exchanges FTX. The man behind FTX was arrested on suspicion of fraud. Blockfi also ran into difficulties but it is not known what its circumstances were. 

Bitcoin is not a substitute for your retirement fund. It needs to be treated separately and only with money you can fully afford to lose.

There are over 100 crypto exchanges and it is likely that others will suffer the same fate as FTX and Blockfi for various reasons. 

Scam warning

Here is a warning which you should take note of. I know someone who deposited $3,000 into his  bank account and the following day the money just simply vanished from his account. He alerted his bank. They found that his personal bank account was linked to his debit card which he gave to an overseas website to purchase goods. However, this site was hacked which provided those responsible with easy access to his money. I told him that he should have deposited the money into an account which is not linked to internet banking.

There was a happy ending as the bank paid him $3,000 for his loss.


This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Feel free to share this article. You may use it as content for your blog/site or ebook.

Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin?

Then check out the coinbase, a well-established crypto-exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:

What is the biggest mistake made by bitcoin investors?

Question: “What is the biggest mistake made by bitcoin investors?”

Answer to the question, “What is the biggest mistake made by bitcoin investors?”

The biggest mistake is being too careless with your online banking and that includes crypto trading. Here are some rules to follow:

1. Don’t log on by clicking on a link in an email but type in the site’s URL instead.

2. Invest your cryptocurrency in different wallets because there is always the possibility that one wallet can be hacked and you will lose all of your bitcoin.

3. Use different email addresses for different crypto wallets.

4. If possible, do not use your normal email address for signing up with bitcoin wallets.

5. When using a two step method to sign in with a bitcoin wallet include your cellphone.

Following simple rules are necessary in order to stay safe online because the cyber world is full of scammers who are after your money. A bitcoin crash is not the only way you can lose your money as a crypto trader. Hacking is a problem. If your email address is hacked by scammers then how easily would the scammers have access to your crypto wallet?

It is not unheard of for a bitcoin trading platform to go bust. Cryptopia in New Zealand is an example. It is believed that hackers are responsible for that one. Therefore, it will pay to spread your money around different wallets to spread your risk.

Most importantly only discretionary spending money should be used for bitcoin trading. That is money you would have otherwise used for nights out, holidays, and hobbies. That way any loss to your money will not cause any undue hardship to you.

Thinking about giving cryptocurrency a go? Here is something which may interest you:

Is it too late to invest in bitcoin?

Answer to the question: Is it too late to invest in bitcoin?

Answer to that question: If you believe that bitcoin will not rise in the future then it is too late to invest in bitcoin (according to your opinion) but who is to say that it is not going to be worth 100 times more than it is today? Look at it this way; if someone told you about bitcoin in 2010 and tried to persuade you to purchase some then you would probably have dismissed them as a scammer but now there are lots of investors who have thought “if only I had.”

Asking the question of whether it is too late to invest in bitcoin is similar to asking the question whether it is too late to invest in gold or the share market.

You are never too late for anything. Gold and the share market have both had their ups and downs and if you invest in something that is on a down cycle then chances are your investment will produce some capital gain but at the same time it is worth keeping in mind that whenever there is a chance for capital gain there is always a chance for a capital loss.

The rules of investing in other assets also apply to cryptocurrency and one of these is “If something is too good to be true then it is most likely is.”

So is it too late to be investing in bitcoin? Not if it bottoms out and starts rising again. As long as you have some money to speculate with that you are quite prepared to lose then there is no harm in having a go and who knows you may have caught on to the next crypto bull run.


Thinking about giving cryptocurrency a go? Here is something which may interest you: