Mistakes made by ordinary investors


Written by R. A. Stewart

We all make mistakes; none more so than when we are making investments but it is important to learn from your mistakes in order not to repeat them. It is also important for investors to note that a financial mistake should not be a deterrent to making further investments. Just keep saving and investing and that will make life easier later on.

Mistakes made by ordinary investors

If you have money invested in your country’s retirement plan then you are an investor whether you know anything about the markets or not. Chances are you have your money investyed in some kind of mutual fund which is managed by a fund manager who invests on your behalf. It is up to you to decide on which fund to invest in and for how long.

1-Too Conservative

You have got to learn how to be an investor and take calculated risks; there are no two ways about it. You can manage these risks to take into consideration you age, goals, and your timeline. If you have your money in conservative funds and you are in your twenties then your retirement fund will fall far short of where it is likely to be when you retire. Investing in growth funds is all about achieving capital gains.

2-Too inconsistent

Lack of consistency as far as contributing to your retirement fund will cost you in the long run. It is easy to be consistent in your contributions when the share market is going strong but it is when the markets are bearish that you need to motivate yourself to keep investing because during the low points is when there are bargains in the share market. If you are working in some type of job then a percentage of your gross wages will be deducted and deposited into your kiwisaver account.

3-Too Emotional

Fear and greed is what drives the share market is an old cliche which rings true. Many investors react to the market’s swings and roundabouts and sell when they should hang on to their stocks. Investing in the share market is a long term game; it is not a sprint, it is a marathon. If you have some kind of retirement fund then your fund manager invests on your behalf, however if you are in New Zealand you are able to switch funds which some investors do in reaction to what the market is doing. If you have some kind of financial goals then this should take into consideration a possible share market crash.

4-Too Greedy

Many investors are simply too greedy; they invest in something offering high returns without paying any attention to the risk they are taking on, or worse still, they place all of their eggs in one basket hoping to make a killing. This all or nothing approach has destroyed several retirement plans. This was certainly the case when several investors saw their life savings disappear with the collapse of several finance companies. Diversification minimizes your risk.

5-Too Impatient

Patience is the name of the game in investing. It is time and not timing which will build your retirement riches. There will be ups and downs in the markets but a bit of patience will pay off in the long run. Something some people do not have so the invest in risky stuff offering quick returns and end up ,losing more often than not.

6-Too Gullible

There are offers or as the are called “opportunities,”promoted online mostly and sometimes in the print media as a way of making quick profits. If an investment seems too good to be true then it mostly certainly is. Usually the person or company promoted such offers are the ones making money out of it. You may have read stories about the amount of money such people have made from whatever it is being promoted but tey are in the minority.

It is up to investors to take responsibility for their own decisions and not try to find a scapegoat if things turn to custard.


This article is based on the writer’s own experience and opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Please do your own due diligence when investing. You may share this article or use it as content for your ebook or website.

5 things you should never borrow money for

5 things you should never borrow money for

Written by R. A. Stewart

Holiday Travel

This is a complete no no because once your holiday is over you have nothing to show for the money which has been spent on it. Before overseas travel is considered it is important to think where in the scheme of this could that money be better spent as far as your goals are concerned. Other debts such as a mortgage, car repayments, and hire purchase repayments must all take priority and this is where any surplus cash should go. To go on holiday while having these debts hanging over your head is completely irresponsible. If this is you then you are heading for financial hardship.


I have said it many times previously; “Only purchase cryptocurrency with your discretionary spending money.” In other words, money which you can fully afford to lose. Money which is set aside for household bills such as the rent/rates money or power should not be used for purchasing cryptocurrency. If you bought bitcoin and lost it all, would that cause you undue hardship? is the question which will determine whether you should go ahead with your purchase. It is also worth remembering that cryptocurrency wallets can be hacked and you can also lose money this way. It is also a good idea to point out that investing in cryptocurrency should never be a substitute for investing in your country’s retirement scheme but rather is something treated separately.

Electronics (TV, Laptop, etc)

There are items which are classed as needs and wants. Needs are things such as rent, power, food and grocery items, car expenses, etc. Wants are luxury items which should only be bought with discretionary spending money. Borrowing money for household goods is called consumer debt. You are borrowing money for items which lose their value over time. If you are borrowing money to pay for your needs then there is something seriously wrong with your household balance sheet and making an appointment with a budget advisor is the first step toward getting back into the black.


As with other consumables you should never borrow money for household furniture. It is better to pick up cheap stuff from a charity shop than to go into debt for the sake of impressing your peers with nice stuff which is what you are basically doing. Some folk are so focused on accumulating stuff rather than accumulating assets that they never get around to achieving any kind of financial success because there is always something they want to buy. Once something is paid off they look for something else to buy on credit. It becomes a never ending cycle of debt and in the long term all of the interest payments add up to a huge sum of money.


An absurd amount of money is spent by some pet owners per annum; namely dogs and cats. It is one thing spending your discretionary money on your hobbies and pet ownership is one, but it is another to use borrowed money to pay for it all. I have seen some people spend a lot of money on vet bills for cats and dogs when the sensible thing to do would be to have the animal put down. I was told of someone who spent a grand on vet bills for a cat only for it to die a few weeks later. Now you have to think what would you have done with that kind of money? It could have been used to pay off a mortgage if you have one or some other debt, or have been invested into some mutual funds. 

We all have a choice to spend whatever discretionary income we have and each choice has different outcomes, therefore the trick is to invest your money into something which will give you the best kind of outcome for your personal circumstances.


Who do you turn to for advice during the market slump?

Written by R. A. Stewart

There is advice flowing in all directions on the best way to manage your finances during the market downturn. Who do you turn to for advice? Well, for a start, it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their finances and do their own due diligence. The possibility of a share market crash should have been factored into your plans. How often has it been said that your age and tolerance to risk are two factors that determine where to invest your money. If you are in your 20s then the market slump should not be an issue for you as far as your retirement savings are concerned because you have the advantage of time on your side. It is a different story, however, if you are saving for a house deposit. If this is the case then your money should be in more conservative funds but it all depends on how soon you need the money to purchase a house.

Eight years ago I was doing a mystery shopping assignment for a kiwisaver scheme and was advised to scale back to more conservative funds because of my age. I did not do that but if I did I would have missed out on the gains which occurred during that time. My kiwisaver balance would have been a lot lower than it is even during the current slump.

Personally, I am prepared to just weather the storm. How long this will last, who knows?

There was a financial advisor on TV one night saying, “People need to invest money at a higher rate than the inflation rate,” but she didn’t specify where we are supposed to find such an investment since the inflation rate is higher than fixed term interest rates.

Another financial advisor on TV said “Investors need to think about where they will be in ten years time rather than ten minutes time.” He said, “Investing in the share market is a long term game.”

Investors may be tempted to invest in something offering high interest rates. It is worth reminding people that during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 and 2008 several finance companies went bust leaving a lot of investors out of pocket. In fact some investors lost their entire life savings in some of the company collapses.

A young woman was interviewed on TV last week and she told the reporter that she was in a conservative fund (in Kiwisaver). She wasn’t concerned about the tumbling markets. She was oblivious to the fact that she had missed out on all of the gains which the share market had made over the years and she will miss out on future gains in the markets because it is a good time to invest in the markets right now and this particularly applies to the young ones. The reason why it is a good time to invest is because you will get more units for your money. 

If you are saving for something for the short to long term then it is better to have your money in more conservative funds. These are decisions that need to be made by each individual and not others. It is about taking full responsibility for the outcome and not blaming others.

Disclaimer: This article is based on the writer’s opinion and experience and may not be applicable to your situation. If you require qualified financial assistance then see your bank, financial, or budget advisor. You may use this article as content for your ebook. Check out my other articles on www.robertastewart.com


The quickest way to a financial mess is to borrow for stuff that loses its value. You not only pay more for such items but the item is worth less than when you acquired it because it is no longer new once you take possession of it and therefore you will receive less than what you paid for it. This is called “Dumb Debt.”

Avoiding Dumb Debt at all costs

Everyone has seen the television commercials with slogans such as “Buy now pay later,” and the like.

you do not need to save your money to buy that new car, a wide screen TV, that latest smartphone, or a holiday on a tropical island when you can have all these things now. 

Instant gratification is a very expensive habit; one that will lead you to a life of financial challenges.

There have been misleading statements in some of the advertising; one I saw read, “Helping you to get ahead.”

That kind of slogan suggests that  the finance company is doing borrowers a favour which is far from the truth.

Loan sharks and finance companies thrive on financial ignorance; a person with even a basic grounding in personal finance will avoid loan sharks as if they had tested positive for covid.

One should ascertain whether the item is a want or a need before signing on the dotted line. 

Many people go into debt because they want to live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget just to impress their friends. They are not happy with living modestly. 

An expensive lifestyle is costly in the long run. 

The parable of the prodigal son is a perfect example. Here was a young man who blew his inheritance on wasteful living and ended up living in poverty due to his lifestyle.

He not only blew his inheritance but was most likely living on credit.

It is borrowing that really kills off a person’s chances of financial success. That interest rate is dead money; it is the cost of borrowing.

Paying interest on stuff you have bought on credit adds to the cost of it and the value of a lot of stuff bought on credit is worth less as soon as you take possession of it.

“If you don’t have the money you don’t buy it,” is a simple philosophy to adopt.

What you think you cannot live without is something others have learned to live without. 

It all comes down to the choices we make.

There are some circumstances when it may be wise to borrow such as when the value of the item you are purchasing is going to make it financially worthwhile such as a student loan. This may or may not mean you will get a good paying job but you must be absolutely clear that it is what you want to do otherwise the course will be a total waste of money.


Feel free to use this article as content for your website, blog, or ebook. Check out my other articles on www.robertastewart.com