Banking Scams are costly

Steps to take to avoid becoming a banking scam victim

It is no secret that millions of dollars are being lost to scammers worldwide, therefore it is important to have the proper systems in place to avoid being the next victim. Internet scams come in many forms; the most common being phishing scams where the object is to obtain your email address or banking details. Here are some simple steps to take:

1 Don’t log in by clicking on a link

You just don’t know whether the link is from your bank or a scammer these days. It is advisable to type in the URL in your browser.

2 Use a two-factor id

A two factor login is where you log in with an username and password and a text message or an email message where you are given a code to type into the bank’s website.

Here is An example of how two-factor verification works: I sign in to do internet bank with a username and password. I then receive a text message with a code which I then enter to complete the signing process. This code may be sent to your email address if you have chosen to receive this code by email.

3 Use a different email address for your banking

The email address you use for your banking should never be used for other sites such as dating. Scammers will use these sites to try and hack into your email address.

4 Do not connect your debit card to your personal account on any website

I know someone who did this and the website concerned was hacked which exposed the banking details to the hacker. He lost $3,000 as a result.

5 Do not leave all of your money in the one account

If you have a large sum of money for someone’s inheritance or some other purpose then place it into an account which you cannot access through the internet. That way a scammer cannot have access online.

6 When you are using a google account to register with a particular site do not use any gmail account which is used for your banking.

It is worth keeping in mind that sites which hold your personal details may themselves be hacked into which means that your personal details are exposed to cyber criminals. This is what happened to the person who had 3k disappear from his account. It had a happy ending as the bank reimbursed him.

Do not under any circumstances hand over your username, password, or other details if anyone asks for it online. A bank will never ask you for this information.

Your friends could be costing you money

Your friends could be costing you money

Written by R.A.Stewart

The people you associate with could well be having a detrimental effect on your financial future and though you may not notice it at the beginning, eventually their influence could pull you down to mediocrity. Let’s look at an example from the animal kingdom.

If you lock a sheep on its own in a paddock, it will try to find a way of escaping to find greener pastures but if it has company it is quite content to remain in the same paddock with its friend.

People are like that; some will conform to the standards of others and as far as financial matters are concerned will take on board what the others are saying, and eventually will adopt the same kind of mentality towards finances.

There are different kinds of lifestyle habits which are incompatible to a financially successful lifestyle; drinking, smoking, and eating takeaways regularly are habits which will shorten your life and drain you of your finances.

Your choice of friends will influence your attitude towards money; if you associate with gold digger’s who believe people with lots of money are selfish, then you will be encouraged to spend your money rather than save and invest it.

This is what I am saying in a nutshell:

“The people you choose as your friends will set the standards for your life.” It is important that you keep good company because if you spend too much time with people with bad attitudes, some of their money attitudes will rub off on you. It has been said that you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. So who are you spending most of your time with? 

I have known a lot of people with terrible money attitudes. One is “You cannot take it all with you” as if you are going to pass away within the next week or so. What they are doing is to cling on to every excuse they can hold onto for their lack of financial literacy. They will try to make others who are in a better financial shape feel guilty by making them feel stingy or selfish.  This makes them feel less guilty about their own financial situation.

It is better to spend time with Financially literate individuals and in this way you will pickup some of their financial knowhow. You sure will not learn anything from those who friends are the type of people who go out on Saturdays or have no problem with breaking the law then they will encourage you to follow suit and a lot of people do in order to fit in and abandon the values taught by their parents.

The bottom line is, “If you keep company with financially ignorant people then you will become like them.

“He who walks with wise men shall become wise but a companion of fools will be ruined.” Proverbs 13:20

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