Difference between good debt and bad debt

Good Debt and Bad Debt 

Written by R. A. Stewart

Do you know the difference between good debt and bad debt? One needs to be used with caution while the other is to be avoided like the plague.

First the basics.

When you are borrowing money you are paying for the use of that money and that is called interest. This adds to the cost of what the money is used for. Therefore, it is important that you save and use your own money if at all possible.

There are some things which it may not be possible to use your own money such as a student loan or a mortgage because these are major investments, however, most people will contribute a portion of the money needed such as a house deposit.

Good Debt

Listed below are things which are considered to be good debt:

A Student loan


An investment with a higher expected return

Good debt helps to build your wealth.

Listed below are things which are considered to be bad debt:

Bad debt


Household appliances

Veterinarian bills



The reason why these are bad debts is because you end up with little or nothing for your money.

Bad debt does not contribute to your financial well-being, it is detrimental to it.

It is important to know the difference between an asset and a liability. An asset increases your wealth while a liability reduces it.

How to manage debt levels

Pay off debt as fast as possible

Avoid paying high interest rates for consumable items

Stay within your budget

If you don’t have the money you don’t buy it.

Build an emergency fund; this would be a separate bank account from your every day personal account. An emergency fund will ensure that you have money on hand for anything unexpected which crops up.

People with debt do not have any discretionary spending money. These people will probably disagree, but honestly; going on an overseas holiday when one owes money to someone is irresponsible and selfish. It is like giving the middle finger to your creditors.

One should avoid credit cards like the plague. These are for greedy and selfish people. A good money manager will not own a credit card, because to them, “debt” is a dirty word.

Learn to live within your means and to stay within your budget. Prosperity is a matter of choice. If you don’t have any plan for increasing your wealth then you choose not to be wealthy. I do know of many people like this who purchase a lottery ticket every week and that is their only hope of becoming wealthy.

Do not envy those who drive around in a fancy car and live in an expensive house. For all you know these people could be up to their eyeballs in debt. Just live according to your own means and let others do the same. 

To summarise

Good debt is when you borrow for an asset which has a payoff which makes it worthwhile paying the interest for the loan. Bad debt is when you borrow for something which has no lasting value.

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You may use this article as content for your blog/website or ebook. The contents of the article may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore discretion is advised.

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Should the retired join Kiwisaver?

Should the retired join Kiwisaver?

Written by R. A. Stewart

Kiwisaver is New Zealand’s retirement scheme. It is a scheme which locks money in until the retiring age of 65. A change of rules to Kiwisaver in recent years has enabled those who have reached the retirement age of 65 and who are not already a member of Kiwisaver to join.

This leaves the question “Are there any advantages for anyone aged 65+ to join Kiwisaver?”

My answer to this question is “Yes”.

In fact there are several benefits of joining Kiwisaver after 65.

If someone is in such a financial position to be able to contribute to Kiwisaver at a later stage in life then why not? Any spare money which you have available for emergencies will help make your retirement easier as far as having an emergency fund.

If you access your bank account via the internet (Who doesn’t?) and use your phone to do your banking then having your savings in Kiwisaver will make it virtually impossible for scammers to get access to it. Kiwisaver members who have tried to access their funds which are in Kiwisaver have to jump through a few hoops to get it, including the over 65s.

At least it makes you a lot safer as the over 65s are prime targets for scammers and gold diggers.

There may not be any of the incentives such as the annual $520 government money available for the over 65s but it is still a good idea for retirees to hold on to their kiwisaver account and even contribute to it because any money which you have available acts as a financial shock and one of these is ill health which are more likely to happen to older people. Unexpected medical bills can be financially draining, therefore, having the funds can be less worrisome for the over 65s.

As a retiree you are given several options as to how you manage your kiwisaver which makes it very flexible.

You can withdraw all or some of your funds in kiwisaver.

You can opt out or opt in.

As you get older, medical bills can become a problem, therefore, any money you have behind you can make life less challenging for you.

What happens to your kiwisaver account when you pass on?

You can name any family member as beneficiaries of any money you have in kiwisaver. It will be treated just like any other asset you own as far as your estate goes and if you do not have a will then it is likely that legal fees wil;l take up a portion of your assets as the legal process will decide who gets what.

Having a will will make this part of your family’s life easier toi deal with.

About this article

THe information provided may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your blog or website. Check out my other articles on www.robertastewart.com

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Kiwisaver for kids: what you should know

Kiwisaver for kids: what you should know

Written by R. A. Stewart

Some people may be asking if they should sign their kids up for kiwisaver. My answer to that question is a resounding “Yes” though some people might have a different opinion.

Kiwisaver is New Zealand’s retirement scheme. Anyone who is a New Zealand resident or citizen can join and take full advantage of the incentives the government provides for members of kiwisaver. There is no age restriction. Anyone can join from newborn to those already in retirement. However, the incentives do not kick in until a child reaches the age of 18 and stop at age 65, the retirement age in New Zealand.

An under eighteen year old or over sixty five year old in employment can make contributions toward their kiwisaver through their wages; this could be 2%, 3%, 4%, or 8% of their gross wages but their employer has no obligation to contribute to their kiwisaver, even though some choose to.

There is the option of making voluntary contributions toward kiwisaver and this is something which a lot of people do.

What are the benefits of someone under eighteen signing up for kiwisaver?

There are many and the number one reason is that it will improve a child’s financial literacy. It will help them understand how the markets operate and why their kiwisaver balances go up and down.

Another benefit of kids joining kiwisaver early is that it will give their relatives an opportunity to contribute to their kiwisaver; this means that by the time a child reaches eighteen, they may have  a more than useful kiwisaver balance. 

It is possible to use some of your kiwisaver to purchase your first home but you have to have contributed towards the kiwisaver for at least five years. It is not known if the years prior to a member’s eighteenth birthday count. Generally, most home deposit withdrawals are made by those aged over thirty so it may not be such a big deal.

Those aged under 30 are able to access their kiwisaver for a rental bond. The bond is returned to the kiwisaver account after it is returned by the landlord.

The other ways kiwisaver can be accessed prior to turning 65 is in the case of a terminal illness or going overseas permanently. Many folk have made kiwisaver withdrawals due to hardship and this number has increased during the Global Financial Crisis but it should only be as a last resort.

Investors have to go through a lot of hoops in order to access their retirement savings prior to retiring. The purpose of kiwisaver is to build a nest egg for your retirement and to access it early really defeats the purpose of it.

Some people argue, “You can’t take it all with you,” or “I am young.” This kind of thing will lead to certain outcomes. You will be dead and leave your family with financial issues to deal with or you will be broke. The habit of saving money is a habit which will enable you to get the most out of life and the sooner this habit is formed the better off your kids will be in the long run.

Their future self will thank them for it.

About this article: You may use this article as content for your blog/website or ebook. The information in this article is of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances., therefore, discretion is advised.

Check out my other articles on www.robertastewart.com

The Saving Habit

Make Saving a Habit

If there is one financial habit which will get you ahead it is this one…


Why you must develop the savings habit

It is not how big your pay packet is, what counts is what you do with the money. Irrespective of your financial situation, it makes economic sense to save a portion of your income regularly. the mains reasons for saving are;

1-For unexpected emergencies such as car expenses, the washing machine breaking down, or dental bills.

2-To put aside money for your retirement.

3-Holidays or wedding expenses.

4-study expenses

5-Home repairs.

6-To save for a deposit for a home.

7-Saving for a car

8-Saving for a business

Consequences of not having any savings

If you do not have any savings of your own then if an unexpected emergency crops up such as the car breaking down then you may have to borrow the money to pay for repairs and every time you borrow money, the interest you pay means that you are always paying a higher price for goods and services bought with borrowed money than someone who always pays in cash.

Saving money requires you to live within your means and to live modestly. Good savers will not purchase items brand new when they can find the same item in a charity shop at a fraction of the price. 

Your choices will make or break you

Every time you make a choice there will be consequences, good or bad. The key is to make enough good choices to succeed and to minimize your bad choices. It is important to keep your eyes and ears open to what is happening around you and listen to wise people who have succeeded in their chosen field. Having said that, you must row your own boat and discover your own calling in life.

Joining your country’s retirement scheme.

Many countries around the world have their own retirement savings scheme where a portion of your gross income is invested in that country’s retirement fund and your money cannot be withdrawn until you reach retirement age which varies between different countries. (In New Zealand it is currently 65)

Accumulate investments.

It is a good idea to not only have a retirement fund but invest in various areas to increase your financial knowledge. The share market, managed trusts, and fixed term investments are all well worth getting into.

Don’t place all your eggs in one basket

Don’t under any circumstances place all of your eggs in one basket. There is no guarantee that a particular company will not go under irrespective of how solid it appears. After all, if a company is in trouble, its directors are hardly going to shout it out from the rooftops are they? During the economic downturn around 2008, many people lost a lot of money in failed finance companies and the tragedy was that many of these folk invested their entire life savings into the one company. In other words they placed all of their eggs into one basket. The number one rule is to spread your risk. Divide your money among several different companies. That way you stand a far better chance of protecting your financial assets.

About this article

You may use this article as content for your blog/website or ebook. This article is of the writer’s own experience and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances.


How Seniors Can Make Their Money Work in Retirement

Financial Freedom After 60: The Best Investment Options for Seniors

Written by R. A. Stewart


Your age is a crucial factor in establishing your savings and investing strategy. Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are your savings years. It is these years when you build up your assets. 

Your 60s and 70s can be considered your spending years. It is when you tick off items on your bucket list while you are able to.

That does not mean that you do not have to work, a lot of older people are taking this option, not because they cannot make ends meet on their pension, but because they enjoy what they are doing.

In New Zealand, retirees will have access to their kiwisaver account once they reach the age of 65. Money invested in kiwisaver will be in growth, balanced, or conservative funds. Most people during their working life opt for growth or balanced funds.

It is time to decide whether to stay with the status quo or invest in more conservative funds. 

Your age and your health are the two most important factors in deciding which fund to invest your money in. 

Older people do not have time on their side to overcome financial setbacks such share market falls and so forth, therefore if you are 60+ it is a good idea to lean toward more conservative investments but still retain some exposure to risk.

It is worth mentioning at this point that New Zealand financial advisor and writer Frances Cook has a formula for calculating how much exposure you should have based on your age, and it is this…

Subtract your age from 100.

If for example you are aged 60 then only 40% of your portfolio should be invested in the share market.

I do not necessarily agree with this formula and my exposure to the share market is more than her formula suggests I have.

However, that is a personal choice; one that I do not necessarily recommend to you because your circumstances will be different as they are for different people.

If you are connected to the internet and you have a lot of spare cash in your account then I suggest that you place most of your money into an account that is not connected to internet banking. This is to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of internet scammers. 

With internet banking being the norm, this could be difficult in the future though.

In any case I still believe that it will pay to arrange your finances so that if you fall victim to a scammer then not all of your money will be lost. 

Don’t leave all of your money in the one account for goodness sake as some victims of scammers have.

If you are traveling then make sure you don’t have access to your life savings because if you do then so will be a scammer if they manage to get hold of your login details. What I am trying to say is you should leave your entire life savings in an account which you use to do your daily spending. Keep it in a separate account from the account you do your day to day banking. The 

Scammers have all kinds of ways to trick people into handing over their login details.

Anyone can be a victim so don’t be proud by saying “I am not that stupid.”

As you get older you will have to invest more conservatively; that does not necessarily mean transferring from growth to conservative funds but investing some of your current savings into low risk accounts. The deciding factor is your timeline. How soon you need the money and funds which are going to be used within 12 months are best invested conservatively.





This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Feel free to share this article. You may also use this article for your website/blog or as content for your ebook.

7 Differences between a good and bad money manager

7 Differences between a good and bad money manager

Written by R. A. Stewart

The only reason why there are different outcomes in life is because people make different choices.  Therefore if you want to change a particular outcome you need to make different choices. The earlier in life that you start to make good choices the better your life will turn out to be.

Here are seven differences between a good money manager and a bad money manager. 

A good money manager will:

  1. Save something from their pay packet while a bad money manager will spend everything so that they have nothing to show from their labours. Saving a portion of what you make will make your life easier in the long term because you will have something to fall back on when some unexpected bill crops up.
  2. Invest their money while a bad money manager just leaves their money in an ordinary savings account waiting for it to be spent. A good money manager develops their financial literacy by participating in the markets while investing. There is a cost to ignorance and this is true with matters of personal finance.

a bad money manager remains financially dumb because they do not improve their financial literacy by participating in the markets.

  1. Read books on money management and personal finance. A good money manager will improve their financial literacy by reading books on personal finance. A bad money manager remains financially dumb because they do not improve their financial literacy by participating in the markets.
  2. Learn from their mistakes. A good money manager will acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. A bad money manager will not acknowledge their mistakes and will repeat them over and over again.
  3. Have a vision. Good money managers have a plan for the future. A bad money manager looks no further than the next payday. Having a vision means that you are prepared for unexpected expenses when they crop up. Having a separate account for emergencies is an example of this. This is often referred to as a rainy day fund.
  4. Take responsibility for their decisions and do not blame others for their mistakes.

Some people make it a habit to blame others when things don’t go well for them as is often the case in life. They will ask others for advice and when they follow it there will be someone to blame if an investment does poorly.

  1. Make wise choices.

This is not necessarily in relation to what someone does with their money but major life decisions such as the decision to have kids and how many kids to have and what to spend their money on. Rich people use their discretionary money to build their wealth while poor people fritter their money away on consumables. The only way to build your wealth is to spend less than you earn and invest the surplus. This is a simple formula which has made others wealthy. 

About this article: You may use this article as content for your blog or website. Visit my site www.robertastewart.com for other articles.

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The cost of a high lifestyle

The Cost of a high lifestyle

Written by R. A. Stewart

There is a huge cost attached to living a luxury lifestyle and this cost will be felt sometime into the future. It is when some of life’s big ticket items will crop up and unless you are prepared for them you will most likely end up borrowing to pay for them. This means that you will be paying interest for such items which means that you will be paying more for them than you should.

I remember as a teenager we were helping a neighbouring lifestyle farmer build a cattle yard. The farmer’s name was Jack, an Irishman. He wanted the cattle yard to look nice but Dad said to him, “There is no profit in having a cattle yard that looks nice.” 

On another day, we went out to Jack’s place to spread fertilizer. It was superphosphate. Dad, my brother Jimmy, and I were there and Dad said to Jack, “I have three fertilizer spreaders in the back of the van.” Jack with a curious look on his face, replied, “Let me see them”.

Dad opened the van door to reveal three shovels. Jack saw the funny side.

We then went about spreading superphosphate around the paddocks.

Why spend more money than is necessary on whatever task you are involved in.

Years ago I was working in hospitality in one of New Zealand’s tourist hotspots (Franz Josef Glacier) when the Head chef drove to the hotel we were working at in a brand new car. A colleague told me that he had bought it for $20,000. My response to that was, “If that was me, I would have bought the cheapest car and invested the rest of the money.

There is a cost of living a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget and that cost is financial problems later on down the track. Sooner or later, big ticket items will appear in your life and these will sometimes cost you thousands of dollars. A new car, marriage, followed by children, house deposit, dental and medical bills, and retirement.

Sensible people will prepare for these things by saving a portion of their money every week and investing it in the appropriate funds.

Some people on a good salary spend every single dollar or pound they make living the kind of lifestyle that impresses other people. A flash car, flash clothes, nights out, and have little or nothing to show from working at their job.

All of this because they were living beyond their means. Learn to live modestly and life will be easier for you. This all starts when saving money becomes a habit. That money invested will grow your wealth and when life’s big ticket items comes along then you will be in a position to pay for them rather than borrow.

About this article: You may use this article as content for your website/blog, or ebook. 

The opinions expressed in this article are from the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your circumstances therefore discretion is advised. Read my other articles on www.robertastewart.com


Your Financial Risk Profile

Your risk profile is your tolerance to risk when you are investing your money. Your personal circumstances are what determines your risk profile.

To boil it all down to one factor, your timeline is the big factor to consider. If you are young, in your twenties or thirties then you have more time to recover from a market meltdown than someone in their sixties.

This does not necessarily mean that the young ones should invest all of their money in high-risk high return stocks because you could be in your twenties and have a short to medium timeframe with your investments.

It all depends on what you are going to use the money for.

Split it up in three categories:

Short term money is when you need the money for emergencies and everyday living expenses.

Medium term money is when you need the money within 5 years

Long term money is when you do not need the money for more than 5 years

Short term money

Rainy day account

Every day expenses

School fees

Medium term money

Saving for a car

Saving for an overseas holiday

Long term money

Saving for a mortgage

Contributions to your retirement fund

There has never been so many opportunities for the ordinary man and woman

 in the street to get involved in the markets with so many investing apps available.

You can invest in direct companies or in managed funds.

The latter is recommended.

Managed funds come in three categories:

Growth Funds (long term)

Balanced Funds (medium term)

Conservative Funds (short term)

Growth Funds have the most potential to increase your wealth but you have to be patient because investing in the share market is a long-term game.

Balanced funds are a combination of Growth and Conservative Funds.

Conservative funds are less volatile than growth or balanced funds but they have less potential to increase your wealth apart from just keeping ahead of inflation.

Once you have established your timeline for when you need the money then you can choose the appropriate investment.

One thing to add here is that if you have a rainy day or emergency account then this money is best left in an ordinary savings account at your local bank rather than invested in a conservative managed fund and the reason for this is that fees are higher with managed funds than at your local high street bank.

As already mentioned, your age is a factor in your risk profile but does that mean retired people should not invest in growth funds? Not at all, as long as you’re prepared to stomach any market meltdowns which could see your nest egg dwindle. People are living longer these days so a person retiring at 65 may have another 20 years of life ahead of them.

That being said; it is important to enjoy all of the things which money can buy such as life experiences and not just hoard your money for the sake of it.

Every one’s personal situation is unique, and a strategy needs to take all of this into account. Setting goals which are your own is important and not just trying to follow what others are doing. They have their own life to live, and you have yours. 

I am not saying that you should ignore sound wise advice, but rather listen and use your own sound judgment.

Taking responsibility for your own choices in life applies to your finances as well. Obtaining advice on where to invest is not a license to use your advisor as a scapegoat if your investments are not doing as well as you had hoped. Investing requires patience and time.

About this article: You may use this article as content for your blog, website or eBook. This article is of the writer’s opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised.

Read my other articles on www.robertastewart.com

Warren Buffett keys to investing

Written by R.A. Stewart

Warren Buffett is a legendary investor who has valuable rules for investing your money; some of these are:

Do your homework

Be Consistent

Limit your borrowing

Keep things into perspective

Diversify your investments

Have an emergency fund

Stay disciplined.

I have written my thoughts about all of this, and as usual, it may not be applicable to your personal circumstances.

1 Do your homework

You need to understand everything that you invest your money in. Doing otherwise is simply inviting financial loss. Just investing in something because others are doing it or it is another bandwagon to jump on is a bad reason for investing in a particular stock. Keep in mind that when a particular company’s stock is rising, a lot of investors will jump aboard for the ride and inflate its true value.

2 Be consistent

Keep investing, that applies to putting money away for your retirement, building an investment portfolio, or saving for a rainy day. Learn to make sacrifices in order to make your dreams come true. 

3 Limit your borrowing

Borrowing can kill off your chances of financial success if you let it. The worst kind of borrowing is consumer debt, often referred to as dumb debt. When one borrows for consumer goods, they are paying for something which if they sold, would be worthless than the money owing on it. With borrowing, the crunch always comes when you have to pay it back.

4 Keep things into perspective

Success means different things to different people. Supporting your favourite charities is a way of giving back to society, even if you are just starting out and don’t have a lot to give. You can still give your time. Be faithful with what you have today. 

5 Diversify your investments

Placing all of your money in one company is called, “Putting all of your eggs in the one basket,” it could also be called “Stupidity,” It is inviting financial disaster. A common theme through many of the finance company collapses in New Zealand during the Global Financial Crisis is that many of the investors had their entire life savings invested in just one company. Many were left with destroyed retirement dreams as a result.

6 Have an emergency fund

It is sensible that one has an emergency fund to fall back on during times when cash is needed. This applies to everyone, whether one is a householder balancing the budget or in business.

7 Stay disciplined.

Keeping a disciplined frame of mind will help you stay on track. That includes staying in the habit of investing your money instead of frittering it away on things which do not add value to your life.

About this article

This article is of the writer’s own personal experience and opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore, discretion is advised. You may use this as content for your blog or website.


Are you a responsible Investor?

Are you a responsible Investor?

Written by R. A. Stewart

Answer these three questions to find out, but be honest.

Question number 1:

Do you blame others for losses which may or may not have been out of your control?

If you had money invested in a company which went into liquidation, do you take responsibility for the loss and learn lessons from it or do you find a scapegoat and play the blame game by finger pointing at others. Several finance companies went under in New Zealand during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/2008 and there were sad stories of investors who had their life savings invested in the one company. In other words they had placed all of their eggs in the one basket. If they were honest, these people would have admitted that they were greedy because these companies were paying investors higher than normal interest rates. Financial experts were saying prior to these meltdowns that the higher interest rates do not reflect the risk investors are taking.

Question number 2:

Do you improve your financial literacy by reading finance and investing books?

Unless you educate yourself in matters of finance and investing you will be at the mercy of sharks who will take advantage of your ignorance. Sad stories appear in the newspapers now and again of people losing money because of some financial mistake. If they had sufficient financial literacy they would have made different decisions. The ability to discern whether something is right or wrong is sometimes down to education and experience.

Question number 3:

Do you save something from every payday to invest?

It is not how much you make which counts, it is what you manage to save from every payday.

Financial experts say that you should save at least 10% of your income for the purpose of building your wealth. In this day and age there is no shortage of investment opportunities and it only takes $14 or so to start a share portfolio.

Question number 4:

Do you make your own investing decisions?

Some people like to leave all of the decision making to others. Why?

Because they want someone else to blame if everything turns to custard and losses will occur. It is all very well asking a financial adviser where you should invest your money but investors need to take responsibility for their own decisions and use their common sense.

Fund managers make decisions on investors behalf but as an investor it is your choice of whether to invest in growth, balanced, or conservative funds, and that all depends on your time frame.

A mature person admits their mistakes and treats them as a learning experience and uses the lessons learned in order to make better decisions in the future.

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Read my other articles on www.robertastewart.com