7 New Year’s Resolutions which are Destined to Fail

  1. Lose weight

A New Year’s resolution to lose weight is destined to fail because it is vague and not specific. It does not say how you plan to lose weight and how much weight you are going to lose. A better goal will be “I am going to Give up going to fast food outlets” or “I am going to join the local running club.” If you are going to give something up then it may be an idea to have some alternative healthy options in mind. Focus on living an active and healthy lifestyle and the weight issue should take care of itself.

  1. Save Money

A New Year’s resolution to “save money” is just as vague as a goal to lose weight. There is no power to it. If you are just frittering away your discretionary spending money and have little or nothing to show from your labours then something has to change in order for your finances to change. You are better advised to decide on what you are saving for and take the steps needed to get there. Joining kiwisaver if you are not already enrolled has to be your number one priority. There are share market platforms such as Sharesies, Hatch, and Kernel Wealth which are set up to enable ordinary people to invest in the share market.

  1. Get Fit

A New Year’s resolution to “Get Fit,” is another one which is destined to fail because it is too vague and not specific enough. How you are going to get fit is not answered in a “Get Fit” resolution. If you have a “Get fit” resolution then what happens is that after a couple of days of running around the block or a few games of backyard cricket old habits will take over and your New Year’s resolution will become a distant memory.

  1. Learn to Swim

“Learn to swim” as a New Year’s resolution is not specific enough. It would be better to have a goal of, “To take lessons at the local pool once a week,” or to resolve to practice one new swimming skill every week. It is consistency which drives results. 

  1. Learn to Drive

Another example of a vague goal. It is better to have a New Year’s resolution of “I intend to sign up for driving lessons on New Year’s Day or whenever the Driving School is open for business after the holiday break.

  1. Get a Job

Deciding to “Get a Job” as your New Year’s resolution means that just taking any job which comes along will fulfil your goal. If that is what you want; that is fine but if you have something specific in mind then specify it otherwise you will end up with nothing. It is worth keeping in mind that many people will work at something they do not like until something more suitable comes along.

  1. Learn a new Language

This is another example of a goal which is not specific enough. There are dozens of languages you could learn so which one are you going to tackle? It will be better if you set a goal of “I will learn one new French/Chinese/Italian or whatever word per day. Such a goal is specific and tells you what you need to do in order to achieve your goal.


Your New Year’s resolution needs to be specific and have an action in it otherwise it will be just a wish. It is your desire which will enable your New Year’s resolutions to become the permanent change you are seeking. Just take one day at a time and see what happens.
