Marijuana referendum in September

Whatever your attitude to weed you have the opportunity to have your say in the referendum on the legal status of marjuana. I think this is the most applicable description of the weed referendum because if enough voters say yes to it, there will be so many restrictions on its use that for some folk who have no respect for the law it will be business as usual.

As I understand it, if passed, it will mean users of this drug will be able to grow a maximum of two plants for their own use but will not be allowed to sell it.

It will be available for medicinal purposes through pharmacies but the question is “Where are they going to get it from?” and “How many people would be prepared to pay pharmacy prices when they may be able to get it from their neighbour at a fraction of the price?”

My view on all this is, you cannot have one rule for one group of people and another rule for everyone else.

I also wondered if this referendum is an attempt to get the young to cast their vote because voter turnout among the young is quite low.

If there is an improved turnout among the young then it is likely this government will be returned to power.


It is because they are more likely to vote for the greens and guess who is responsible for the referendum?

The greens of course.

I have never smoked weed even though I have had the opportunity to. I guess I am not a people pleaser.

But my view is that if you want to do that kind of thing then it is your choice but I don’t want to breathe in that stuff so don’t do it near me.

Here are a couple of ebooks about marijuana which were sent to me from Family First which are educational and designed to help New Zealand voters make an informed choice in the referendum which will be included with the voting papers at the general election which takes place 19th September.

