The bandwagon effect!

The bandwagon effect!

“Safety in numbers” is an old saying which is the downfall of many people. We have seen it so many times throughout history that when the share markets are on the rise investors jump on the bandwagon; this pushes the share price up even further. It is the same story that something is only worth what others are prepared to pay for. 

During the 1980s when the markets were humming along investors kept jumping on the bandwagon; some even borrowed money to purchase shares using their current share portfolio as collateral. Higher share prices meant that investors could borrow more. One person told me at the time that he knew someone who took out a mortgage on his home to buy shares.

Then the crash happened on Black Monday 1987; the result was that shares were worth less than the loans taken out to purchase them. In many cases they were ot even worth the price of the paper they were printed on.

The same bandwagon effect which pushed the prices of the shares up also caused the crash as investors jumped off the bandwagon.

We have also seen it in other industries. During the early 1970s farmers were buying bobby calves to hand raise for beef. Prices for beef were high but then prices took a huge dive and prices for some beef cattle did not even recoup the money which was spent raising them. Over supply of beef was a factor. I am speaking from experience here because my father was rearing calves for beef.

Back to the present, it is no secret that cryptocurrency has seen the same kind of bandwagon effect. It has experienced swings and roundabouts and will continue to do so. It all boils down to the fact that something is only worth what others are prepared to pay for. 

What often drives the markets is often the fear of missing out or as it is often called “FOMO.” Others see the success others are having with their investments and decide to jump on the bandwagon without any thought to whether their investment fits in with their goals. The young ones who are not tied down with commitments are mainly guilty of this but not necessarily. A couple of years ago one particular share was on a roll. Its share price increased ten fold and a lot of young investors jumped on the bandwagon; then the share price slid and it fell to one tenth of its peak. The media claimed that investors lost 90% of their money but honestly that isn’t true because it all depends on when they bought their shares. It may be true if one purchased their shares at the peak. 

The Global Financial Crisis led to several finance companies going belly up. There were heartbreaking stories of retired folk losing their entire savings after having everything invested in the one company. The TV advertising for these companies were aimed at the older folk. Many jumped on the bandwagon but investing everything into the one company, well, did they ever hear about diversification?

It is worth pointing out that if there is an opportunity for capital gain then there is also an opportunity for a capital loss.

All investors must be aware that markets go up and down; a cool head is needed during the periods of volatility. The risk you are taking on must be factored into your investment decisions. It all boils down to your timeline and whether the loss of your capital will cause you any distress. It is no good investing in something if the risk of losing your money is going to cause you to lose sleep.

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