Finding your niche

Finding your niche is exploiting your passions. Work on your passions and you never need to work another day in your life.

Find a person involved in a passion and you will find a person who always has something to look forward to come Fridays. 

I know men who love deer stalking, fishing, farming, gardening, carpentry, and playing sports. All of these activities are considered hard work to someone who does not share these passions. It is important to enjoy what you do in order to live your best life.

As a school kid, I had lots of interests, one of my hobbies was stamp collecting. At one point I was obsessed with collecting stamps. I used to buy them from the local stationary shop. I also had several other interests later on such as collecting comic books, athletics, and more.

It is easy to get a person to open up when they are talking about their hobbies even when they are naturally shy. Nothing brings a person out of their shell more than a conversation about their passion.

Dale Carnegie, author of the book, “How to Win Friends & Influence People,” writes, “Always talk in terms of the other person’s interests.”

How does this apply to marketing?

If you are promoting a product or service you are passionate about then your enthusiasm will be evident to customers. In order to sell you must be sold on the products or services yourself.

You cannot convince others of the benefits of whatever you are selling unless you are sold on the products yourself.

As a kid growing up some of the kids I used to hang out with loved fishing, something which I found quite boring. Another kid loved building stuff but carpentry is not my thing and I found that uninspiring. One thing I did enjoy at that time was possum trapping. We used to trap possums in the bush and sell the fir.

Make a list of all your interests/hobbies and all of the things you are good at (your skills). This will give you a starting point as to which programs to promote.

Then next go to sites such as clickbank or shareasale and join if you are not already registered. Once you have registered then you will be able to find products in your favoured niche to promote.

How to promote your chosen products is another matter altogether; fortunately a man named John Crestani has developed a system for making money on the internet. You can check it out here:

Below: possum trapping was popular with the kids when we were at school. (In NZ)