Register your business with

Yelp is a worldwide website whose purpose is to provide feedback on businesses irrespective of the nature of their business. Millions of people have visited the yelp website therefore if your site is not listed then how will they know you exist? 

It is important you let your customers know about yelp because it is the customers who list the businesses on the site by placing feedback on the service they have received. 

Customer’s can and do provide feedback on businesses already listed on the site as there is no limit to the number of feedback left about a business.

It is up to the business owner to claim their business on yelp by registering and filling out the necessary details on the site.

It must be stressed however, it is against yelp rules for any reviewer to receive any kind of reward for placing a review on yelp and any violation of this nature could result in deregistration.


Listed on the American stock exchange

4,350 employees

Headquarters in San FRancisco, California

Founded in 2004

Revenue totally 943 million USD+

Yelp may not be that well-known in New Zealand but is popular overseas and when tourists are travelling around New Zealand logging in to yelp, will they find your business there? If you are not listed on yelp then you are missing out on potential tourist traffic.


Then I will list your business on Yelp for you for FREE, no strings attached; just let me know and I will do the rest.

Logo Design

Are you in need of a logo design? Let me arrange it for you. I know people who will do this for you; if you are unhappy with the quality of work, I will put it right. My price is $100 NZ 

just let me know what you need done.

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