The averaging strategy in the markets


Investors must realize that investing in the markets has its ups and downs (literally) that it is important to keep it all into the right perspective if investments do not go your way. There is a method of playing the markets in a way that you can take advantage of the market drops. 

The Art of Averaging 

Averaging is a term one may come across in the markets now and again; what this refers to is the average price paid for a particular share if you had bought shares in that particular company.

To calculate the average price paid for a particular share you add up the total amount you have paid for the shares and divide that by the number of shares you have bought in that company. 

The answer is the average amount that you have paid per share.

Try this mathematical question:

There are five numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

What is the average number?

The calculation: 

Add up the five numbers:  10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 = 150

Divide the total of the five numbers (150) by 5

150 divided by 5 = 30 (answer)

You can do this easily with a calculator.

There are so many share trading platforms available these days that investing directly into the sharemarket has never been easier for the ordinary man and women.

So how does averaging work?

If you purchase stock at regular intervals you will pay different prices for each stock because share prices go up and down. Imagine if you bought something at the supermarket last week at the full price then bought the same item this week on special. The average price you paid for the item will be somewhere between the higher price and the lower price.

The sharemarket works like that. By purchasing a particular stock at regular intervals you will manage to pick up some shares in it when the price is lower. This is the advantage of saving regularly. 

In fact I think there is a case for purchasing more shares when the price is low. The average price paid per share is determined by calculations as explained earlier. 

The averaging strategy can also be used in cryptocurrency investing. 

Bitcoin is more volatile than the sharemarket so an astute investor who has an eye for a bargain can invest when the price has dropped.

There are so many share trading platforms available that playing the markets is accessible to everyone. I have joined two of them in New Zealand. Most countries have share trading platforms available. Signing up for them is easy; you require some form of identification. Just follow the directions and you are all set up.


Playing the markets requires a positive mindset and a cool head. If you have these you can profit from falling markets. Averaging is a method that takes advantage of falling markets. 


Robert Stewart has a blog with other articles of a finance nature. Visit Feel free to post this article on to your site, use it as part of your ebook, share it, print it, even sell it.


Investing in share trading platforms

Investing in share trading platforms

Online share market platforms are gaining in popularity; they provide a terrific opportunity for ordinary folk to get involved in the share market on a shoestring budget. Just deposit $5, $10, $20, or more per week and given the benefit of time and patience this can all grow into a tidy sum.

The beauty of this is that your financial literacy increases as you get more and more involved in choosing which shares to buy.

In New Zealand Sharesies is the number one share market platform. It enables anyone of small means to invest directly into the share market and even in individual companies. 80% of sharesies investors are under 40 so it is appealing to the young folk. That is a good thing as it shows that the young are interested in matters of finance. It is also a good thing that the young are improving their financial literacy.

I cannot speak for other sharesies investors but here is my strategy. It may not necessarily be right for your personal circumstances but I will share it with you. 

I choose one company per year to invest in with sharesies and drip feed money into it every two weeks which means that whether its share price is up or down I have bought shares in it. If I had just made one purchase of the share then chances are that I have bought it at the higher price and its value has dropped a few weeks later but spreading my investment out means that I have bought some at the lower price.

You can use different strategies to suit your budget, goals and personal circumstances.

Here is the link to join Sharesies if you are keen to give investing a go. This is only for those living in New Zealand or Australia.

The difference between assets and liabilities


Knowing the difference between real assets and real liabilities and then setting your financial goals accordingly can be the difference between getting yourself financially sorted or the poorhouse. It underlines the value of financial literacy in helping achieve your goals.

The difference between assets and liabilities

Written by R. A. Stewart

An asset is something which pays you money while an asset is something that costs you money.

So let’s look at some examples.

Is property an asset or a liability?

Some people may say it is an asset because it is something you own, however, if you owe money on that property and are not getting a return on it then it is a liability because it is costing you money.

Is it an asset if you are receiving rent from that property?

Only if you are making a profit.

Some people would not agree saying, “The property is increasing in value over time.”

Lets not forget there are rates to pay plus maintenance costs and insurance to pay on that property so it could be costing you money in the long term but you will have to sit down and do your homework. 

Other investment times are less complicated such as the sharemarket so lets look at other investment types which are assets. 


Your retirement fund

Mutual Funds, also known as managed funds

Other investments

Business or farm

Learn to invest your money in items that can be quickly converted back to cash; some investments do not allow you to quickly turn the asset back into cash without jumping through several hoops.


Any item which has money owed on it and this is your form of transport, however there are circumstances where it may be an asset such as if the vehicle is used as a taxi, which therefore makes it an asset as it is producing an income. Such costs and the money owing on the vehicle can be tax deductible. The same applies to any vehicle used in a business.

Even though a vehicle used for work and business purposes may be classed as an asset, the money owed on that vehicle is a liability and will go into the accounts as such.

The reason why so many people are in such a poor financial state is that they borrow for stuff instead of saving for it and therefore pay more for that item in the form of interest payments.

A pet can be classed as a liability if it is costing you an arm and a leg to keep. Think of a dog for example; I read somewhere that it costs $20,000 to keep a dog during its lifetime. That is not just the food but vet bills and the like. A dog can be classed as a liability.

Do a stock take

Before you know where your money is going you need to do a stock take of all your spending.Your number one priority has to be the elimination of debt and plug up those leaks in your spending that is costing you money. In this way you will know where to make savings and redirect that money elsewhere.

Your task needs to be to reduce liabilities which means reducing debt then once you have savings use it to build your wealth. This involves setting goals which will increase your wealth and not send you to the poorhouse.

There are a number of share market platforms where you are able to drip feed money into the markets. Take advantage of these as they are a great way to build your financial literacy.


Accumulating assets instead of liabilities will lead to a more prosperous future. It is vital for investors to know the difference between the two. In this article Robert Stewart explains this difference. Check out his blog at

Crypto risks

Ways to do your dough on crypto investing

The advice to investors in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency is be aware of the risks and plan accordingly. A prudent investor is not going to invest their entire life savings into crypto, something a fool may do and this is not just because of the volatility of cryptocurrencies. There is more than one way of your money disappearing with crypto. 

Here they are:

1 Volatility

This is the most common way to lose your money. We all know about the volatility of cryptocurrencies. We also know that it is possible for the value of your Bitcoin to drop significantly. It is because of this that you should only use discretionary spending money for purchasing cryptocurrency. 

What is discretionary spending money?

This is money you have left over after paying for your living costs.

2 Password amnesia

Losing your password is another way you can lose your money in bitcoin. Crypto wallets tend to allow you to have a number of failed log in attempts before you are locked out of your wallet permanently. This happened to an Australian man who had 400k in his crypto wallet. He had tried everything he could to remember his password. After 8 failed log in attempts he was left with two. No news on whether he had used up his last two attempts.

3 Hacking

Hacking can be a problem for websites and its users. Your email address can be hacked and if that happens your crypto will be exposed. It will pay to have a two step authentication system. That is you log in as normal with your email address and password. You are then sent a text and asked to type in the code which you received by text message.

4 Fraud or other circumstances

2022 saw the collapse of crypto exchanges FTX. The man behind FTX was arrested on suspicion of fraud. Blockfi also ran into difficulties but it is not known what its circumstances were. 

Bitcoin is not a substitute for your retirement fund. It needs to be treated separately and only with money you can fully afford to lose.

There are over 100 crypto exchanges and it is likely that others will suffer the same fate as FTX and Blockfi for various reasons. 

Scam warning

Here is a warning which you should take note of. I know someone who deposited $3,000 into his  bank account and the following day the money just simply vanished from his account. He alerted his bank. They found that his personal bank account was linked to his debit card which he gave to an overseas website to purchase goods. However, this site was hacked which provided those responsible with easy access to his money. I told him that he should have deposited the money into an account which is not linked to internet banking.

There was a happy ending as the bank paid him $3,000 for his loss.


This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Feel free to share this article. You may use it as content for your blog/site or ebook.

Have some spare cash to invest in Bitcoin?

Then check out the coinbase, a well-established crypto-exchange. Coinbase makes it easy to buy and sell bitcoin. Check it out here:

How to spend your money

This article was obtained from a PLR website. I have decided to share it with you. As usual the advice may not be applicable to your personal circumstances.

Improving how to spend your money

It is important to be aware of where your money goes in order to correct any bad habits

Money may not be with you all throughout the year. There are downs and ups when we talk about the financial resources and income of an individual or family. In dealing with financial difficulties, there is a need to have budgeting techniques as early as possible. There is a need for us on how to master the art of stretching the capacity of our available money. 

It is but normal to commit errors especially when you are not yet used to doing things your job calls for you to. But, do not make those mistakes that you would surely regret in the long run. As soon as you could, you have to develop a great way of managing to budget your money. There are some tips you could remind yourself of. These would be points you could use in making or establishing good means to improve the way you budget your money.

  • Make a list of your unwanted budgeting habits. This includes all those you think of being not useful or helpful for you and your financial needs and financial security.
  • You plan on what to do in order to take the first steps in changing your old habits or acts in which they made your budget method a failure.
  • Manage your income and the amount of money you spend by preparing a sort of tally sheet of such information.
  • Prepare your spend plan. This must include your foreseen expenditures.
  • Collect receipts and note bigger amount spent 
  • Limit spending by looking for some alternatives to it
  • As much as possible do not use many credit card or checks.

Those above-mentioned points are really a great reminder for you. If followed, you would clearly see the improvement in your budget techniques. It would surely result to better financial management capacities for you. 

When this is achieved, you would definitely live a more satisfactory life. The right way of how you budget what you need as a winning one in the field of financing one’s self.

It is important that you set personal goals that are your own and not be influenced by how others are living. People who have no goals or ambitions just fritter their money away and are left at the mercy of life’s misfortunes for stuff happens such as a car breakdown, dental emergency, house repairs, or some appliance such as the toaster, electric jug, dryer, or washing machine breaking down. An individual who manages their money well will be able to pay for these emergencies without using credit of some kind.


Mistakes made by ordinary investors


Written by R. A. Stewart

We all make mistakes; none more so than when we are making investments but it is important to learn from your mistakes in order not to repeat them. It is also important for investors to note that a financial mistake should not be a deterrent to making further investments. Just keep saving and investing and that will make life easier later on.

Mistakes made by ordinary investors

If you have money invested in your country’s retirement plan then you are an investor whether you know anything about the markets or not. Chances are you have your money investyed in some kind of mutual fund which is managed by a fund manager who invests on your behalf. It is up to you to decide on which fund to invest in and for how long.

1-Too Conservative

You have got to learn how to be an investor and take calculated risks; there are no two ways about it. You can manage these risks to take into consideration you age, goals, and your timeline. If you have your money in conservative funds and you are in your twenties then your retirement fund will fall far short of where it is likely to be when you retire. Investing in growth funds is all about achieving capital gains.

2-Too inconsistent

Lack of consistency as far as contributing to your retirement fund will cost you in the long run. It is easy to be consistent in your contributions when the share market is going strong but it is when the markets are bearish that you need to motivate yourself to keep investing because during the low points is when there are bargains in the share market. If you are working in some type of job then a percentage of your gross wages will be deducted and deposited into your kiwisaver account.

3-Too Emotional

Fear and greed is what drives the share market is an old cliche which rings true. Many investors react to the market’s swings and roundabouts and sell when they should hang on to their stocks. Investing in the share market is a long term game; it is not a sprint, it is a marathon. If you have some kind of retirement fund then your fund manager invests on your behalf, however if you are in New Zealand you are able to switch funds which some investors do in reaction to what the market is doing. If you have some kind of financial goals then this should take into consideration a possible share market crash.

4-Too Greedy

Many investors are simply too greedy; they invest in something offering high returns without paying any attention to the risk they are taking on, or worse still, they place all of their eggs in one basket hoping to make a killing. This all or nothing approach has destroyed several retirement plans. This was certainly the case when several investors saw their life savings disappear with the collapse of several finance companies. Diversification minimizes your risk.

5-Too Impatient

Patience is the name of the game in investing. It is time and not timing which will build your retirement riches. There will be ups and downs in the markets but a bit of patience will pay off in the long run. Something some people do not have so the invest in risky stuff offering quick returns and end up ,losing more often than not.

6-Too Gullible

There are offers or as the are called “opportunities,”promoted online mostly and sometimes in the print media as a way of making quick profits. If an investment seems too good to be true then it mostly certainly is. Usually the person or company promoted such offers are the ones making money out of it. You may have read stories about the amount of money such people have made from whatever it is being promoted but tey are in the minority.

It is up to investors to take responsibility for their own decisions and not try to find a scapegoat if things turn to custard.


This article is based on the writer’s own experience and opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Please do your own due diligence when investing. You may share this article or use it as content for your ebook or website.

Your goals and investment strategy

Here is an article I posted on the site three or four years ago. If you are not from New Zealand then Sharesies and kiwisaver may be foreign to you. Sharesies is a share trading platform similar to Robin Hood in the US. Your own country may have its own version of Robin Hood and Sharesies.

Kiwisaver is the New Zealand retirement scheme with its own unique incentives to encourage people to contribute. Your own country will have its own scheme with its incentives.

Your goals and investment strategy

The type of investment you place your savings in all depends on your goals and the time frame for achieving your goals. Investing in low interest accounts is not the best strategy for long term goals while investing in growth funds in the share market is not necessarily the best option for achieving your short term goals. Your investment platform has to be tailored to suit your goals. This table will give you a better idea of what I am going on about.


A short term goal is any goal which can be achieved within a year. This may be for a holiday to the West Coast (if you are from another district) or saving up for a car (if it is cheap enough).


A medium term goal takes between a year to 5 years to achieve and can be saving for a house deposit or an overseas trip.


A long term goal may be saving for your retirement or paying off your home mortgage.

Lets look at some investment options.


If you already have the money saved up but won’t be needing the money for 3-6 months then investing in fixed term accounts with one of the high street banks is a good option but if you are actually saving up the money then opening up a special account for this is one but not ther only option. I understand that one is able to drip feed money into bonus bonds and it is easily accessible. Investing in Sharesies may be another option worth taking a look at


Investing in Sharesies is a good option I believe because your savings has potential for growth while you are saving but another option is to use an everyday savings account to save and once you have saved a certain amount invest in a 90-day investment with a high street bank. 

It should be pointed out that if you are saving for your first house deposit then joining kiwisaver is a must because you are able to withdraw part of your kiwisaver for a first home deposit provided you have been in the kiwisaver scheme for at least three years.


Investing in kiwisaver is your best option here irrespective of the date of your birthday because even if the  retirement age of 65 is just around the corner, you can scale back the type of funds you are in from growth/balanced to more conservative however people may have 20 years or more left after they retire so this may not necessarily suit some people. Once one reaches 65, those in kiwisaver are able to withdraw their retirement savings in one hit or whenever they need it. 

There are so many investment options available to you and you do not have to be rich to get involved but you do need to invest to get rich, one investment I am in favour of is Sharesies;

If you have read my previous posts about explaining Sharesies, you can sign up on the link below;


This article is of the opinion and experience of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Seek independent finance advice if you require it. Feel free to use this article as content for your ebook or website/blog.

Investing facts of life you must accept

Investing facts of life you must accept

In every aspect of life there are some cold hard facts that you need to get your head around. Investing your savings is no different. Here are seven facts of life when it comes to investing. Understand these and you will be better equipped to make better choices.

  1. Whenever there is a chance for a capital gain there is also a chance for capital loss

Whether you like it or not, if an opportunity for a capital gain arises then there is also the chance for a capital loss. It is easy to invest when all is going well and the money you have invested has grown but most of your capital gain will come when you are investing while others are selling. It requires patience and self control to stay with your financial plan when the markets are heading south. Your financial plan has to take into account the possibility of a bear market therefore, invest according to your timeline.

  1. It is time not timing which is the key to growing your wealth

The key to prosperity is to start saving early. Once you get into the habit of saving and investing from an early age then things will become easier for you years down the track. Saving a portion of your income means living within your means but that does not mean that you have to be very stingy. It means not frittering away your spare cash on items which are not going to help you financially in the long term. If you are on the verge of retirement or already retired then you have less time to recover from financial setbacks therefore cannot be as aggressive with your investing as the young ones but that does not mean that growth funds are out of bound but rather just balance your strategy depending on how soon you are going to use the money.

  1. Your investments are your responsibility

You may be using a financial adviser to deal with your investments but they are still your responsibility because an adviser cannot think for you; it is up to you to set your own goals which match your personal situation. It is then up to you to tell your adviser where you wish to invest your money. Some investors like to have someone to blame and during a market downturn the first person to blame is their fund manager. In the case of retirement schemes such as the New Zealand Kiwi saver, investors have the choice as to whether to invest their money in growth, balanced or conservative funds. If balanced funds are chosen then there is the choice of what percentage of your savings will be invested in growth funds. Balanced funds are a mixture of growth and conservative funds.

  1. Value is determined by what others are prepared to pay for

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, “What will this be worth in x years time?” The answer is quite simple!

What gives something value is what others are prepared to pay for that item whether it is a painting, someone’s stamp collection, shares in a particular company, cryptocurrency, property, gold, or whatever. 

None of us can know for certain what the market will do, therefore we take calculated risks based on our knowledge and expectation. 

As with anything in life there is no guarantee but if you do your homework and put a bit of thought into your strategy then you can have a nice nest egg to call upon when you need the money.

  1. Life is one big pyramid

One fact of life you need to accept is that life is like a pyramid. Using sport as an example; few ever make it to the elite level, comparatively few that is compared to the numbers taking part. It is the elites who make the most money, then as you go down to each level there are more and more participants. At the grass roots level you will find the highest number of participants, these are the sports men, women, and children who take part in sport for no other reason other than the enjoyment they derive from their chosen sport. 

If you have the ability to make money from your sport then it certainly will pay to have a backup plan by adding another string to your bow.

As for investing, well, there can only be one Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, or Anthony Robbins. It is important that you be the best at being you and not try to be a second rate version of someone else. Your personal financial choices must be what is applicable to your own circumstances.


  1. Life is all about percentages

Most people have played the lottery and most of us whether we have played it or not have heard about the absurd amounts of money which some lucky lottery winners have won; sometimes running in the millions. There is something which you must understand and it is this; For every person who won the lottery there are countless thousands who have lost their money trying the same thing. This is also true of many aspects of investing. You may have heard about someone who made a killing on the share market, on bitcoin, or some other investment but you seldom hear of those who lost everything while trying the same thing. My advice to those who are thinking about taking on high risk investments is to only do so with discretionary spending money and not with your retirement savings or money set aside for a house deposit or a car.

  1. Life is a numbers game

In life you cannot expect to win every single time. That is unrealistic. But making mistakes is just part of the learning process. The fact is that the more mistakes one makes the more likely one is going to win. Some people avoided risk after the 1987 sharemarket crash having got their fingers burned during Black Monday. 

If you do not take risks then nothing may happen to you but then you will also miss out on some of life’s experiences. When it comes to investing you need to take some kinds, albeit calculated ones in order to get ahead of inflation and the cost of living, otherwise the value of your money.


This article is of the opinion of the writer and is not necessarily applicable to your personal circumstances. Feel free to share this article. Users may also use the article as content for your blog/website/ebook.

Investing for seniors

Investing for seniors

Written by R. A. Stewart


Your age is a crucial factor in establishing your savings and investing strategy. Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are your savings years. It is these years when you build up your assets. 

Your 60s and 70s can be considered your spending years. It is when you tick off items on your bucket list while you are able to.

That does not mean that you do not have to work, a lot of older people are taking this option, not because they cannot make ends meet on their pension, but because they enjoy what they are doing.

In New Zealand, retirees will have access to their kiwisaver account once they reach the age of 65. Money invested in kiwisaver will be in growth, balanced, or conservative funds. Most people during their working life opt for growth or balanced funds.

It is time to decide whether to stay with the status quo or invest in more conservative funds. 

Your age and your health are the two most important factors in deciding which fund to invest your money in. 

Older people do not have time on their side to overcome financial setbacks such share market falls and so forth, therefore if you are 60+ it is a good idea to lean toward more conservative investments but still retain some exposure to risk.

It is worth mentioning at this point that New Zealand financial advisor and writer Frances Cook has a formula for calculating how much exposure you should have based on your age, and it is this…

Subtract your age from 100.

If for example you are aged 60 then only 40% of your portfolio should be invested in the share market.

I do not necessarily agree with this formula and my exposure to the share market is more than her formula suggests I have.

However, that is a personal choice; one that I do not necessarily recommend to you because your circumstances will be different as they are for different people.

If you are connected to the internet and you have a lot of spare cash in your account then I suggest that you place most of your money into an account that is not connected to internet banking. This is to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of internet scammers. 

With internet banking being the norm, this could be difficult in the future though.

In any case I still believe that it will pay to arrange your finances so that if you fall victim to a scammer then not all of your money will be lost. 

Don’t leave all of your money in the one account for goodness sake as some victims of scammers have.

If you are traveling then make sure you don’t have access to your life savings because if you do then so will be a scammer if they manage to get hold of your login details.

Scammers have all kinds of ways to trick people into handing over their login details.

Anyone can be a victim so don’t be proud by saying “I am not that stupid.”

As you get older you will have to invest more conservatively; that does not necessarily mean transferring from growth to conservative funds but investing some of your current savings into low risk accounts. The deciding factor is your timeline. How soon you need the money and funds which are going to be used within 12 months are best invested conservatively.



This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances. Feel free to share this article. You may also use this article for your website/blog or as content for your ebook.

Investing-Making a start

Here is an article I found on one of my old USB sticks. Thought I would repost it if you have not seen it yet.

Investing-Making a start

You do not have to be rich to invest but you need to invest to be rich.

The key to developing a financial plan is to make a start irrespective of your financial position. So many people just want to bury their head in the sand and carry on as they have been doing for years, living from one payday to the next. Their only hope of getting ahead financially is to win the lottery. You can only start from the present irrespective of your financial situation. A savings plan starts with just the first dollar which you save. If you have absolutely nothing from your pay day each week and save one dollar this week then you are financially better off this week. Saving money becomes a habit and it is a habit well worth developing because in the long run it will make things easier for you. Think of your money as a seed, you have to sow it before you can grow it. People tend to come up with all kinds of excuses for not saving for their future. There is always something which has more priority, a new television, a holiday, debts etc.

In short such people are professional procrastinators when it comes to saving money, it is always something they intend to do in the future but never get around to it. Saving money or spending money becomes a habit and they are habits which will result in consequences decades from today. It is all very well saying “You can’t take it all with you” (when you die) but leaving your family in financial trouble when you die is irresponsible and selfish. You will reap what you sow therefore in order to reap a financial harvest when you retire, you need to sow into your retirement fund. 

Developing the savings habit when you have been a spender all your life is going to mean developing new habits such as doing without rather than borrowing for items you do not need and buying from thrift shops. It will take will power on your part, many people just do not have will power and will spend whatever is in their bank account and when the power, phone, or rates bill arrives in the mail, they don’t have the money to cover it. 

Setting up a retirement fund is a great idea for building up a future nest egg for your retirement years. The money is left to accumulate where you have no access to it which removes the temptation to spend it.

Money gives you options

Even if you had just one thousand dollars saved up you have more options than the person who has no savings at all, the person who has ten thousand dollars saved up has more options than the person who has just a thousand dollars saved. Options in terms of where to invest the money, where to holiday, and whether they can afford to move to another town for a job.

Advantages of joining kiwisaver

If you are wondering what advantages there are in joining kiwisaver then here are the main ones.

1–There are the $520 per annum tax credits. In order to gain the full amount of tax credits you must contribute at least $1,040 per annum to your kiwisaver account.

2-The employer contributions, this is at least 3% of your gross wages.

Other advantages are;

3-Having your funds locked away until your retirement removes the temptation to spend your savings.

4-Income received from your kiwisaver account will not be assessed as income by WINZ if you lose your job and are going on a benefit.

5-Having your money locked away prevents family members or so called friends from taking advantage of you.

Employees have the choice of whether to contribute 2%, 4%, or 8% of their gross wages into kiwisaver.

What happens to your kiwisaver fund if you die before you reach 65?

Your money is allocated to your estate in accordance with your last will but the government’s contributions will return to the crown. It is important for you to make out a will otherwise any money belonging to your estate could be reduced by legal fees and leave your heirs financially worse off especially if there is not enough money in the kitty to pay for your funeral. It is all about being responsible about your finances. 

The question should be “How will I fund my later years if I am unable to work?”

Kiwisaver could be your answer. Making provisions for you in later years is the responsible thing to do and kiwisaver is an excellent tool for achieving your financial goals.