Share market tips for the Mum and Dad investor

Share market tips for the Mum and Dad investor

Written by R. A. Stewart

I think it is fair to say that a lot of people dream of hitting it big on the share market and some do but for everyone who has found a pot of gold in the markets there are countless others who entered the markets blindly without doing their homework or having a strategy in place; this article is to give you some pointers if you have some money to spare and are looking for somewhere to invest your hard earned cash.

In the share market, as in real life, if you are able to reduce your number of bad decisions then you will be better off; not that there’s anything wrong with making mistakes.

You are sometimes better off by learning a lesson the hard way if that is what it takes for you to get the lesson. 

Here then are my sharemarket pointers.

1 Investing directly into the share market is beyond most small investors because their abilty to diversify their portfolio is limited therefore the only option is to invest all of their funds in one company which leaves them open to disaster. If that particular industry which the company is involved in suffers a downturn, value of the share heads south. It is similar to a horse racing fan attending the track and betting all of their money on the one horse instead of dividing their bankroll between several horses.

Small investors are able to invest in the markets, however, and enjoy the same benefits of larger investors by investing in managed funds; this is where your savings are combined with other investors. You do not have the choice of which companies to invest your money in as that decision is left to the trust manager, however, you can choose which type of fund to invest in whether growth, balanced, or conservative.

2 Investing in the markets is a long-term game, therefore, if you require the money in the short term then you may be better off leaving your money in fixed term interest bearing accounts however, having said that, investing in the markets can increase your savings if you give it enough time. Young people have the advantage of time on their side; they are able to take more risks with their money because they have more time to recover from financial setbacks than their parents.

3 Don’t try to time the markets! It is time and not timing which is the key to making money in the share market. If you are waiting until the markets dip before investing you are missing out on plenty of opportunities to increase your capital and this is particularly true in a rising market. 

4 Decide whether the money is required in the short term, medium term, or long term before deciding on where to invest your money. 

Money needed in the short term or on standby is money which may be needed for car repairs, a holiday, household expenses etc

Medium term funds is money needed for a new car

Long term funds are savings for your retirement such as your superannuation funds.

Short term is not money which should be invested in bank deposits where you are able to have easy access to it.

Medium term money can be invested in managed funds where you are able to have easy access to it but still have the potential for it to grow.

Long term money is money invested in a retirement fund such as kiwisaver in New Zealand.


Think of money as “seed,” it will reap a nice harvest if you give it enough time, therefore you need to sow enough seed in order to increase your wealth; the sharemarket is an excellent investment and managed funds makes it easier for the ordinary person to get involved in the markets. My site has articles to help you increase your wealth. CHECK IT OUT!


Sharesies makes it possible for anyone to get into buying and selling shares. It is an online share market platform where you have the option of purchasing shares in individual companies or in various funds (managed/mutual funds). You can even start with $5. This is a no brainer because it gives investors young and not so young the chance to improve their financial literacy. There is certainly no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and this is applicable to everything else, not just investing.

Join sharesies here:

Note: This article is of the opinion of the writer and does not represent financial advice.


Which shares should I buy in 2022?

Which are the best stocks to take a punt on in 2022?

Here are my tips:

Written by R. A. Stewart

2022 is nearly here and those of you who like to have a dabble on the sharemarket through using those micro investment apps such as Robinhood in the US or Sharesies in New Zealand giving some thought to which shares are most likely to outperform the market. 

It is hard for the ordinary man in the street to pick a stock that is likely to do well for the simple fact is that the same information you are using to base your predictions on is available to everyone else. Still there is no harm in trying. There is a certain amount of satisfaction in making your own selections as there is from selecting your own horses to back in the Melbourne Cup without relying on the newspaper tipsters.

Without further ado, here are my tips:


Despite being blamed for climate change, this is my number one company for 2022 because there is always a demand for dairy products, and with Christopher Luxon being appointed as National Party leader, it has become more likely that National could steal the next general election due in 2023. This current government, led by Jacinda Ardern, has anti-farming policies which is really just biting the hand which feeds us since farming brings in so much export earnings.


Spark is my second tip. This is more than just a phone company. They also have contracts to televise certain sporting events. 


Genesis is an energy company. We all use power so I see no reason why this will not remain a steady stock. Trustpower and Meridian Energy are other power companies worth investing in.

Fletcher Building

A great New Zealand company. New Zealand is in a building boom due to the need for more houses. Problem for Fletcher though is that the demand for timber is outstripping supply.

Ryman Healthcare

The retirement industry is big business and so those companies which provide services to the elderly should flourish in the next decade and Ryan is one of these.

Companies to avoid:

With so much uncertainty in the tourism industry, any company involved in tourism and hospitality is best avoided as are most retail companies as the internet is affecting sales, though one exception could be Wrightsons which is a farming retailer.

Media and TV stations also have challenging times ahead as viewers get their information online.


Sharesies makes it possible for anyone to get into buying and selling shares. It is an online share market platform where you have the option of purchasing shares in individual companies or in various funds (managed/mutual funds). You can even start with $5. This is a no brainer because it gives investors young and not so young the chance to improve their financial literacy. There is certainly no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and this is applicable to everything else, not just investing.

Join sharesies here:

Note: This article is of the opinion of the writer and does not represent financial advice.

The Risks of Bitcoin


There are risks with bitcoin that investors need to be aware of in order to manage them. They may be out of the control of investors but at least there are steps one can to in order to minimize the risk. The risks will not be eliminated but at least you can mitigate them to a certain extent.

The Risks of Bitcoin that investors need to be aware of

Risk one-The volatility of bitcoin

Everyone knows how volatile bitcoin is and those who invest in this will see the value of this cryptocurrency fluctuate quite dramatically. Unless you can cope with the rises and falls of bitcoin then investing in bitcoin is not for you. There is little to be gained if the loss of your capital is going to cause you to lose sleep. I cannot stress enough the importance of using your discretionary spending money to play the cryptocurrency market. 

What is discretionary spending?

It is money which is spent on travel, eating out, entertainment, hobbies and sports. 

You would never spend the rent money or money which has been set aside for your retirement on entertainment such as a day out at the races so you should not use that money for playing the cryptocurrency market either.

Risk two-Hacking

A company called “Cryptopia ” which was an online bitcoin trading platform held funds invested in Bitcoin. It was hacked into and all those with bitcoin invested with cryptopia lost their money. There were some sad stories concerning the large amount of money lost by some individuals. 

It has to be repeated that you should never play cryptocurrency money with funds you cannot afford to lose or to place too many eggs in the one basket as many of these investors appear to have done.

The other thing I have to add is that the actual amount of money lost by cryptopia investors is likely to be grossly inflated due to the rising price of bitcoin. If someone invested $1,000 in bitcoin and this rose to $10,000 in a few years only for them to lose the lot. It will go on record that this person has lost 10k when in actual fact, it was just 1k they lost.

Risk three-Lost passwords

An Australian man is locked out of his bitcoin wallet because he cannot even remember his password. The website where he has his bitcoin will lock him out of his wallet permanently if he has made ten failed login attempts. He has made eight. He has over 300k in his bitcoin wallet. 

The lesson here is to write down your password and keep it locked away in a safe place. 

The other piece of advice is to diversify your portfolio so that if something goes horribly wrong you will not lose too much in one hit.

Risk four-Government controls

Governments have the ability to ban crypto trading; China has done just that. Several agencies in China have joined forces to ban what they describe as “illegal” cryptocurrency activity. This is not to say other countries will follow suit but it just illustrates a point that governments do have the power to do this.

Risk five-Taxation

Two things in life are certain, death and taxes. You can be sure that at some point the taxman will want a piece of your bitcoin pie. Whether it be in the form of a Capital Gains Tax or the increased value of bitcoin. It should be remembered that if you are being taxed on the Capital Gains of your bitcoin then it may be possible to claim tax back on any capital losses. A good accountant will be able to advise you here.

Whatever form of capital gains you are investing in it should always be remembered that when there is the opportunity for capital gains there is also the possibility of capital loss. Investing in cryptocurrency is risky therefore, it cannot be stressed enough that the money you invest in bitcoin must be money you can afford to lose.


You are welcome to use this article as content for your ebook or website. More articles by R.A.Stewart can be found at

Ready to invest in bitcoin? Check this out:



Investing in cryptocurrency can be exciting and lucrative but it pays to exercise some common sense strategies if you are going to participate in this form of investment; one which can be classed as pure speculation. 

Investing in Cryptocurrency?

Be sensible and follow all of the basic rules of investing. A few people have got burnt fingers by not following some of the most basic common sense rules which apply to all forms of investing. I have made a list of the main ones to consider. Here they are.

Number one: Invest only discretionary money in Cryptocurrency

The money you are using to purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the like must be money you can fully afford to lose. It must be discretionary spending money. You wouldn’t go to the races or the betting shop with your retirement fund and use that to gamble with. Cryptocurrency investing has to be treated in the same way. It is highly volatile. The number one rule is to purchase cryptocurrency with money you can fully afford to lose using only your discretionary spending money.

What is discretionary spending money?

That is up to an individual’s own priorities and personal circumstances. One person may consider money set aside for a holiday to the islands as discretionary spending but someone else may not want to risk that money in Bitcoin.

Number two: Assess the risk 

As with any investment it is important to assess the risk. It is no secret that Bitcoin is volatile but if you abide by rule number one then there will be little or no change in your financial situation if the cryptocurrency market takes a tumble. Market volatility is not the only risk investors in some countries have to face. China imposed a blanket ban on all crypto transactions in order to stop all cryptocurrency related activities.

Number three: Don’t get greedy

Greed gets the better of a lot of investors. They see the value of their Bitcoin skyrocket and decide to use money which they should not be speculating with for purchasing more Bitcoin. Having some form of exposure to the cryptocurrency market adds an exciting string to your financial bow but don’t try to get rich quick by diverting all of your money to Bitcoin and ignoring other forms of investment.

Number four: Diversify

Spreading your risk helps minimize the risk of losing all your money in one go. Several investors lost all of their money in one major financial hit during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis when companies they invested their life savings with went under. They invested all of their eggs into one basket.

What has this got to do with investing in Bitcoin? Hacking is a danger with Bitcoin therefore having money spread among different platforms will reduce your chances of this happening.

Number five: Use different platforms

Hacking is a possibility which can see your cryptocurrency disappear. It is a good idea to invest your cryptocurrency among different platforms such as blockchain, binanance, blockfi. etc. That way if one of these platforms gets hacked you won’t lose everything in one go.

Number six: Find a safe place to store your password

This is important because many of these cryptocurrency trading websites will only allow you a certain number of wrong passwords and after that you will be permanently locked out of the site.

You wouldn’t want this happening to you. 

There are several things which can go wrong in the crypto-market but with careful planning you can mitigate the risks. Ready to take the next step and invest in Bitcoin? Check out this cryptocurrency platform here:

The advantages of saving money


If ever there was a habit which needs to be acquired from a young age it is the habit of saving money. It is a habit that will help one achieve financial goals. There are so many advantages of saving money as compared to just spending everything you make and if you are able to save something each week then you will be better off financially in the long-term.

The advantages of saving money

The ability to save for all the things you need will put you in a much better financial situation in the long-term. It will mean you pay less for whatever you are buying and places you in a less stressful situation. Mind you some borrowers just don’t care that they are in debt as long as they are able to pay it back. 

The crunch comes when there is a job loss or some health issue arises and there is no money in the kitty to pay the bills. 

A person who has set up their finances properly will factor in these types of emergencies in making their financial plan. 

Saving money is a no-brainer; here are the five main reasons for not borrowing.


Borrowing money for the things you need or want puts you in debt. It means that you are indebted to someone else. Sooner or later it all has to be paid back along with the interest. The debt is not going away until it is paid off so there is no point in burying your head in the sand if you are indebted to your creditors. Creditors have every right to expect repayment of their money whether they are the bank or other lending institution or a family member.


There is a cost attached to borrowing money and that cost is interest which is sometimes referred to as “Dead Money.” Paying interest on the stuff you buy on credit adds to the cost of the item. The habit of purchasing goods on credit adds up to a massive amount over the course of your lifetime. That interest money could have been used to build a nest egg. Commercial debt is the worst type of credit spending because the item which has been bought on credit loses its value as time goes by. Another name for commercial debt is dumb debt. 


Emergencies crop up from time to time. The car breaks down, the washing machine needs repairing, you suffer a tooth ache and need to go to the dentist, you need a new pair of spectacles. There could be anyone for a number of reasons for financial emergency. If you have money set aside for these then you can tend to these emergencies without worrying about whether you have the money to pay for them. Every responsible person has an emergency fund on hand to cushion them against financial shocks which can occur from time to time.


Saving money means you are able to build up a nest egg for the future. If you are a responsible person you will have a retirement scheme of some kind where a portion of your pay goes into the fund. In New Zealand it is called Kiwisaver. I can not stress enough how important it is to be enrolled in Kiwisaver if you are from New Zealand. The government incentives make this scheme a no-brainer. Your country will have its own scheme with it’s own benefits.


If you have no money then you will not be able to take advantage of specials. That does not mean you should spend money on something for no other reason than it is special. Your own common sense and self control should be employed here.


There is a saying that a dollar saved is a dollar made. The truth is a dollar saved is better than a dollar made because you do not pay tax on a dollar saved which is not the case when you make a dollar. Every dollar which you save can be working hard for you in whatever investment you place it in.

A competent money manager will not have any room in their vocabulary for such words as debt, credit, credit card, loan, lay-by, or hire purchase. In fact these are all dirty words to the person who wants to get financially ahead. 

Having said all of this, there can be times when borrowing money can be worthwhile. 


And it is very big but. 

You have to be absolutely sure that the payoff is worth your while.

Take a student loan for example; You need to be absolutely sure that the type of job which the course qualifications assist you with is something that you really want to do, otherwise the whole course will be a waste of time and money.


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Looking to add another string to your financial bow? Sharesies is an online platform enabling everyone to have access to the sharemarket for a minimum investment. It is a terrific way to build up your financial literacy, not to mention your wealth. Check it out here:



You do not need to be rich to invest but you need to invest in order to be rich and investing in the share market has never been more accessible thanks to the internet. It gives everyone the opportunity to invest irrespective of income levels, therefore there is no excuse for not getting involved.

Investing in the stock market on a shoestring

Investing in the share market has never been as easy as it is today thanks to share market platforms where mum and dad investors can invest as little as $10 at a time. Compare that to investing through a share broker where fees make this uneconomic unless you are able to invest a few thousand dollars at a time. Problem with this is that unless one had tens of thousands of dollars to invest then diversification where money is invested in a variety of companies is out of the question.

The solution to this is mutual funds, often called managed funds where your money is pooled with those of other investors. The fund manager invests on your behalf. The advantage of this for the ordinary man and woman is that the fund manager who has experience in the financial markets is working on your behalf for a minimal fee.

Your money is invested in a variety of companies and industries in order to minimize risk. Wealth, and Invest Now

Sharesies is a popular trading platform in New Zealand but is certainly not the only one; Hatch, Kernel, and Invest Now are others. In the US, Robin Hood is a popular trading platform.

There are so many benefits of getting involved in the share market in this way with the main one being that it improves the financial literacy of participants. It is all very well just reading books of a financial nature but knowledge comes from action otherwise what you may have learned on paper is just information.

There are several strategies you can use to drip feed money into the markets using online platforms. 

I will tell you what I do. I focus on one particular company per year and invest money in this same company regularly, usually every two weeks. That way I will purchase shares at the lower price when the shares are down. If an investor just simply bought shares in one company with just one lump sum then there is the possibility that the share price was high which means it will have to rise further to maintain the value of the investment when inflation and fees are taken into account.

The share I have been buying this year is Spark, a New Zealand phone company. Last year it was Genesis Energy. I have not yet decided which company I will go to next year.

If you are prepared to invest more money you can choose more than one company. So long as you invest regularly you will take advantage of the low points in the market. 

If you so wish you can just invest in managed funds. Sharesies has a range of options for this with varying degrees of risk. The golden rule is the higher the return the higher the risk. An astute investor will take this into account when deciding what to invest in.

The basic rules of investing still need to be adhered to such as not placing all of your eggs in the one basket and investing according to your goals. If you require the money in the short-term then investing in growth stocks which are high return but with higher risk is not a suitable investment because chances are that the stock price will be down at the time when you need the money.

Micro investing is an excellent way to get involved in the sharemarket. It helps to build your financial know-how, not to mention your wealth. It can be part of your wealth building strategy so what are you waiting for?


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This is not for everyone; we prepared a presentation for you outlining the income opportunity, please watch through it in its entirety. Here is the training link,



Establishing a budget is an excellent way of tracking your spending and  you do not need to be struggling with money matters in order to benefit from using a budget. 

Budgets can expose some cold hard home truths

Doing a budget can be the simple solution to rectifying a challenging financial situation but few people do a budget because it exposes spending habits which they prefer to keep hidden. Many people do not want to change their habits despite it costing them an arm and a leg.

There are two parts to a budget.

Your income and your spending.

Your income can be wages from a job, profit from a business, or  income from investments.

Your spending covers everything which is costing you money. 

In short if it makes you money it is income and if it costs you money it is spending.

If you can do some simple maths you will soon discover whether you are left with a surplus or a deficit.

If you have a surplus and you are in debt, use the money to pay off your debt.

If you do not have any debts you can use some or all of your surplus for one or more of your goals; this could be saving for a holiday, saving for a house deposit, saving for a car, or investing it in the sharemarket.

There are so many places to invest your money these days that if you did your homework you will find an appropriate investment for your circumstances.

If you have a deficit you need to take some kind of action rather than try and bury your head in the sand because if you do nothing your financial situation will worsen.

There are two things you can do to balance the books;

1 Reduce spending

2 Increase your income

I don’t know how financially literate you are but if you do not understand financial jargon then I advise you to see a financial advisor to discuss your situation. The public library will have information on where to find a budget advisor.

A budget advisor is unable to help you unless you are completely honest about where your money is going. 

It is up to you to make the decision on which sacrifices you are prepared to make. No one else can make that decision for you.

Your spending can be placed in two categories, your needs and your wants. You may be able to reduce some of the money you spend on your needs but it is the money you spend on your wants which you may find easier to eliminate. 


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The sharemarket has enjoyed a great run since the Global Financial Crisis. Will it continue or will a major fall in the markets put an end to it all? No one knows therefore, it is important to set proper financial goals and use strategies to factor in scenarios which may or may not occur.

What to do if the sharemarket crashes

The 1987 sharemarket crash known as “Black Monday” wiped out fortunes as many investors lost their life savings. Those of a generation who were around back then will be well aware of what can happen when you place all your eggs in one basket as many investors did. I mean there were stories of investors borrowing money to purchase shares using the value of their shares as collateral. When the markets went down, the value of their shares were a fraction of the money owed on the borrowed money.

The 1987 crash was the worst crash since the 1929 Wall Street crash. There were almost 60 years between 1929 and 1987 so investors need to reassure themselves that another crash may not fall within their lifetime.

So what should investors do when the markets are falling?

Here are my 5 tips:


Do not fret, markets go up and down like a rollercoaster. Treat the markets as a long term investment. If you are young then you have time on your side. There is time for you to recover from financial setbacks. Even if you are say 50 you still have another 15 or so years before you reach the age of retirement so you do not really need to be too conservative, however, someone who cannot stomach the thought of rapidly falling markets would disagree. It all depends on your temperament. 

A financial advisor is likely to steer you to more conservative investments if you are approaching what is termed “The retirement age.” 


It is important to stick with your original plan despite all if the negativity in the newspapers which will no doubt arise after a crash. When planning your financial strategy your plan needs to factor in the possibility of a sharemarket tumble. Shares can take investors on a rollercoaster ride which rewards persistence.


It is time not timing which rewards sharemarket investors. Few investors have the knowledge to predict the movement of a share price and those who do and take advantage of it are breaking the law because it is known as insider trading. Investors should do their homework first and trust their own judgement when deciding on which shares to buy. 


The market rewards consistency. Investing into the markets when there is so much negativity which will follow a crash will pay off. As they say “Fortune favours the brave.” The advantage of investing when there is not much negativity and uncertainty in the markets is that you will be able to snap shares up at bargain prices and as the market recovers, investors will gradually jump on the bandwagon and in doing so will give it a shot in the arm.


A sharemarket crash will dominate the news for weeks and all of a sudden there will be financial experts coming out of the woodwork with advice on what you should do with your money. A smart investor will be able to discern between good, bad, or downright stupid advice.


Feel free to print this article for easy reading. You may use this article for content for your website or ebook. Visit my site for other articles.


Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand

Finding a niche to promote is really quite easy if you know where to look. It is just a matter of keeping your eyes open and watching what others are doing successfully. 

Easy ways of finding a niche to promote

Finding a niche to get involved in is as easy as going along to your local supermarket and looking at the magazine stand. Here you will see what people are interested in and paying money to read. 

I did just that and have compiled a list of specialist magazines which caught my eye, they are:

Classic cars





Healthy eating



Home renovating


These are all general niches. People who purchase these magazines are interested in a niche of a niche; for example, classic car fanatics may be interested in a particular type of classic car. A gardener may not necessarily be interested in growing veggies but rather a particular type of plant such as herbs, ginseng, daffodils, roses, cactus plants or pot plants.

Many TV programs cater for niches. One just needs to look through the TV guide of your local newspaper or magazine with TV listings to see that cooking and do-it-yourself building projects are currently two niches featured on TV. 

Travel and religion are two others which are featured. 

The fact that these kinds of niches are  made into TV shows is proof enough that there are millions of people worldwide who are interested in such niches when you consider the cost of screening these shows.

Another way to find possible niches to promote is to obtain a list of clubs and organisations from your local council or public library. This will give you a sense of what others are interested in. Your local library notice board may give you some ideas as may the notice board at your local supermarket which usually has ads for local organisations.

People will prioritise spending in order that their passions will be catered for, therefore it is important to cater for a person’s wants rather than their needs.

Take a stroll down the main street of your local street and you will see this is the case. You will find shops which cater for niche markets. 

Then there are the classifieds in many of the magazines which cater for niches. It all gives you a clue as to what niches others are making money from.

If sellers are spending money on advertising every week then it just goes to show that the advertising is working and there is a demand for what they are selling. 

Once you have chosen a niche it is then time to plan a strategy on how to make money from it.

It is by no means necessary to just focus on the internet in order to make money from certain niches. Having an offline presence can be useful in bringing money in while developing your online business. 

Gardening is a great offline niche. In my home town of Greymouth with a population of 11,000 there are several stores where one is able to purchase plants. It shows that there is a lot of money being spent in this niche.


You are welcome to post this on your blog/site or use it as content for your ebook. Feel free to share this article with others. Robert Stewart has a blog with other articles which may be of interest to you.

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Values based investing


Investing in companies which line up with your values is becoming more popular as investors become aware of where their money is invested. Commonly known as “Socially Responsible Investing,” investing according to your values sends a message to companies and if enough investors are socially responsible investors then change is possible.

Values based investing

What is value- based investing?

It is investing in companies which line up with your values.

A value-based investment portfolio can be based on environmental factors, moral factors, or your faith. 

Investments based on a set of values is usually called, “Ethical Investments,” but it really all depends on your code of ethics when deciding on what constitutes ethical investing. It is more commonly known as “Socially Responsible Investing,” but I prefer to call it “Values Based Investing,” because not everyone shares the same values.

What may be ethical for one person may not be so for another, therefore, it is up to each one of us to do our homework and read the information provided by the fund’s website. It is important to know what is ethical to you when choosing a fund to invest in.

A prudent investor after he or she has done their homework will discern between what is fact and fiction and whether a company actually lives up to their claims. 

Green washing is when a company uses marketing to make claims of being a socially responsible company but in reality they do not practice what they preach. 

A company may make donations to charities but that does not necessarily make them green, ethical, or socially responsible.

One company I know has stop selling coal yet sells imported clothing from third world companies where the working conditions in the clothing factories are unknown.

There are several variations of value-based investments and they come under different names; here are the ones I know of:


These are investments which follow socially acceptable guidelines. They invest in companies whose activities are not damaging to the environment. You can be sure that these kinds of investments do not have funds invested in companies which are involved in fossil fuels.


An investment fund based on ethics may not invest in companies involved in the gambling, alcohol, and cigarette industry. Any investment related to the meat industry may also be off limits if you are a vegetarian.


Some churches have their own investments which are used to fund various church activities. For many investors in church funds the return on their money is a secondary consideration to the work carried  out by the church with investor’s money.


This is basically concerned with climate change and the environment. It is another name for socially responsible investing.


Another name for socially responsible investments.

It is important to follow the basic rules of investing and to diversify your investments and invest according to your age and life goals. Investing in mutual funds is an excellent way to reduce your risk as your money is spread  over different companies. Diversification as it is commonly known is a good strategy to have particularly when you are older and have less time to recover from financial setbacks. The young ones are able to take more risks. 

Balancing risk and reward is an art and to become really good at it requires experience.


You have the right to use this article as content for your ebook, post it on your blog or website, and even edit it. Visit my blog for other articles.

Note: This article is of the writer’s own opinion and experience and does not represent financial advice.