A New String to Your Financial Bow

For those who live in New Zealand, there is an investment which is ideal for those who want to get into the sharemarket but don’t have much money to start with. It is Sharesies where you are able to drip feed money into the market without committing yourself to any set amount per week though you can have money direct credited into sharesies if you choose.

It costs $30 NZ to register with Sharesies. This is payable per annum. You will have a choice of investing in medium risk and high risk shares. The minimum amount you can invest in a share is $5.

There is more than 30,000 Kiwis who are registered with Sharesies. 80% of these are aged under 40 but the investors range in age from 18-80. I believe sharesies may be looking at entering the US market at some stage so if you are from that country and want another string to your financial bow then sharesies may ber what you are looking for. Check out sharesies on


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Robert the Bruce gained a valuable lesson from a spider when sitting in his cave on Rathlin Island in 1307 where he was hiding from the English and their allies. Feeling defeated he watched a spider spinning its web and after who knows how many times it tried to reach the beam on the other side. After a rest it tried again and this time is suceeded. Robert the king of Scotland then said enthusiastically “That’s it, the secret to success is to try, try, and try again” and that is what Robert did as he won one battle after another against the English culminating in his most notable success. Leading the Scots to victory at Bannockburn in 1314.

I had tried to get my own site running here with great difficulty and had contacted my server on a helpline several times. I have pin pouinted what the problem is which they had me on the wrong server or something like that so it wasn’t really me after all. Still its all a learning process. I have numerous sites on and with some on and These are all free but you really need to outlay some money to get some of the plugins needed to really operate a business.

The aim of my site is to provide info products which are of some use to you, so if there are things which you are interested in then let me know and I will see what I can do to add them to my site.




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