This article is of the opinion of the writer, if you require financial advice then see your financial advisor or bank manager.

Factors which drive share prices

Written by R. A.Stewart

There can be a number of factors which motivate the markets into either direction, but the two factors which are often talked about are fear and greed. It has been said, “You should sell when people are greedy and buy when people are scared.” This is because when confidence is high the markets will go higher but when confidence is down so are the markets.

It is the law of supply and demand. Something is only worth what others are prepared to pay money for. A good example of this is a painting offered at auction. If someone is prepared to pay one million dollars for it then that is what is is worth but if a painting is sold at auction for only $20 then that is it’s value.

Looking at some industries which are likely to be affected by the economy and local trends.

  1. TOURISM/HOSPITALITY (visitors to NZ)

The collapse of the tourism industry due to the closing off of the borders of several countries will affect those companies which rely on tourism. Hotels, airlines, and airports will all be affected as will bus companies that service tourist areas. Many of these companies will not survive during these tough times so they are a risky investment.

  1. FARMING SECTOR (Fluctuating prices)

Companies in the farming sector are largely affected by the price they get for their products from abroad and this could vary depending on the economic conditions in those countries. A worldwide depression will have a major affect on prices as there is less demand for beef and other agriculture products.


Policies by other countries that hamper free trade will see a reaction by the markets and we saw that with some of Presidents Trump’s comments toward China regarding trade.


As we saw with the Christchurch earthquakes, a natural event can have a noticeable effect on share prices either way. Insurance companies were hit hard by the earthquakes which took the sting out of their share prices, but Fletcher Building were busy after the Quakes with all of the rebuilding.


The Pike River tragedy had an effect on the share prices of the mining company in that people who held shares in the company lost the lot, but it serves as a reminder to only use discretionary money in risky stocks and to not place all your eggs in the one basket, but that is not to say that any of the Pike River investors made that mistake.

Even a twitter rant by the President of the United States is enough for the market to react. The market can be very sensitive but at the end of the day it is the emotion of investors behind it. A cool head is needed during times when the market is on a rollercoaster ride and investors who have the right kind of mindset can do well in the markets in the long term.


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