Seeking your why

Seeking your why

Every investor receives advice from somewhere but it is important to get the right advice and to have some kind of vision for your life because as the proverb says, “Without vision the people perish.”

The same principle applies to your savings goals because unless you have a purpose for your money your work will become meaningless and you will lack the motivation and ambition to progress above a low level of life.

What is your “Why?

What gets you up in the morning?

Only you can answer that question.

It is no good asking other people for advice on what you should do. No one knows what makes you tick like you do.

“Enthusiasm does make the difference” as author Norman Vincent Peale says in his book and enthusiasm starts with desire.

Sometimes it is a life event which moves a person to take action and roll their sleeves up.

And one does not need to be rich and famous to make a difference though that helps.

During the 1970s a New Zealand solo mother campaigned for tighter regulations for fireworks after a serious incident one Guy Fawkes night sparked her into action. She travelled around schools in New Zealand giving speeches on the safe use of fireworks but at the same time recognising that youngsters are prone to acts of stupidity. It is one example of how someone could find their “Why” after a life event.

Others have got involved in causes which they feel strongly about. Causes which give their lives purpose. 

No doubt you will be able to name celebrities in your country who are involved in various causes. 

Money should not be your main consideration when making decisions about your career. If you choose a certain type of job because it pays well but hates every minute of it then you must surely ask yourself whether it is worth the misery and that you may be better off finding something else.

If you think you cannot afford to downsize your income then it might be time to downsize your lifestyle.

Making the most of what you know and being content with where you are is not the same is being satisfied with mediocrity; some people are never satisfied with their life so look for shortcuts such as winning the lottery to make themselves happy. 

“I will be happy if I ……….”

Happiness comes from within and has nothing to do with your circumstances. 

It’s your life and it is up to you to make the most of it.

This is all something to think about.