Kiwisaver for kids: what you should know

Kiwisaver for kids: what you should know

Written by R. A. Stewart

Some people may be asking if they should sign their kids up for kiwisaver. My answer to that question is a resounding “Yes” though some people might have a different opinion.

Kiwisaver is New Zealand’s retirement scheme. Anyone who is a New Zealand resident or citizen can join and take full advantage of the incentives the government provides for members of kiwisaver. There is no age restriction. Anyone can join from newborn to those already in retirement. However, the incentives do not kick in until a child reaches the age of 18 and stop at age 65, the retirement age in New Zealand.

An under eighteen year old or over sixty five year old in employment can make contributions toward their kiwisaver through their wages; this could be 2%, 3%, 4%, or 8% of their gross wages but their employer has no obligation to contribute to their kiwisaver, even though some choose to.

There is the option of making voluntary contributions toward kiwisaver and this is something which a lot of people do.

What are the benefits of someone under eighteen signing up for kiwisaver?

There are many and the number one reason is that it will improve a child’s financial literacy. It will help them understand how the markets operate and why their kiwisaver balances go up and down.

Another benefit of kids joining kiwisaver early is that it will give their relatives an opportunity to contribute to their kiwisaver; this means that by the time a child reaches eighteen, they may have  a more than useful kiwisaver balance. 

It is possible to use some of your kiwisaver to purchase your first home but you have to have contributed towards the kiwisaver for at least five years. It is not known if the years prior to a member’s eighteenth birthday count. Generally, most home deposit withdrawals are made by those aged over thirty so it may not be such a big deal.

Those aged under 30 are able to access their kiwisaver for a rental bond. The bond is returned to the kiwisaver account after it is returned by the landlord.

The other ways kiwisaver can be accessed prior to turning 65 is in the case of a terminal illness or going overseas permanently. Many folk have made kiwisaver withdrawals due to hardship and this number has increased during the Global Financial Crisis but it should only be as a last resort.

Investors have to go through a lot of hoops in order to access their retirement savings prior to retiring. The purpose of kiwisaver is to build a nest egg for your retirement and to access it early really defeats the purpose of it.

Some people argue, “You can’t take it all with you,” or “I am young.” This kind of thing will lead to certain outcomes. You will be dead and leave your family with financial issues to deal with or you will be broke. The habit of saving money is a habit which will enable you to get the most out of life and the sooner this habit is formed the better off your kids will be in the long run.

Their future self will thank them for it.

About this article: You may use this article as content for your blog/website or ebook. The information in this article is of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances., therefore, discretion is advised.

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Which company shall I invest in 2025

Written by R. A. Stewart

Drip feeding money into the share market is made possible for the ordinary man and woman who would not have considered themselves as investors. The advantage is that it increases their financial literacy and their wealth. I have used a strategy for investing; one that works for me; this is it:

Each year I choose one company, a New Zealand one and I drip feed money into this company throughout the year. That way, I will have bought shares at the lower price when they are down as well as when they are up. This is called averaging.

Some folk might be asking, “Isn’t investing in one company putting all of your eggs into the one basket?

That is a fair question!

Investing in Sharesies is just a part of my personal investment strategy. It is basically a string to my financial bow. I certainly would not recommend anyone to invest all of their money in just one company but to at least buy managed funds or as they are called in America, Mutual Funds.

Managed funds allow anyone of any means to diversify their portfolio across a range of industries. This all helps to minimise risk.

As I said earlier, I am using a strategy with Sharesies to drip-feed money into the share market, one company per year. The stocks I have done this with so far are Genesis Energy, Spark, Fonterra, Fletcher Building, and PGG Wrightsons.

For those who are unaware of what these companies do, Genesis is a power company, Spark, is in telecommunications, Fonterra sells dairy products, Fletcher Building is in the construction industry, while PGG Wrightsons is a retailer selling farm and agriculture products.

All of these companies are considered household names in New Zealand.

Fonterra has been the best performing stock this year. They export dairy products to various countries, namely China. PGG Wrightsons is the poorest performer. I would not have normally invested money in a retailer in this day and age of the internet but agriculture is what is known as a recession proof industry. As long as there is a farming industry there will always be a demand for the products that PGG Wrightsons sell.

Fletcher Building has not done as well as I would have liked. They are an iconic New Zealand company.

Spark is a telecommunications company. It was previously called Telecom. They are a sold company. 

Which company for 2025?

I was thinking of going for a bank, however, all of the major banks in New Zealand are Australian owned and I want to invest in New Zealand companies. I could invest in another power company such as Contact Energy, Meridian Energy or Mercury Energy. 

Restaurant Brands is another option, but I am not too keen on investing in the hospitality industry. Having said that, KFC will always be popular. I could invest in a retirement home. Ryman HealthCare are a retirement home company. This industry has problems attracting staff which has hindered it’s progress. Still, the baby boomer generation are getting to that age when they are moving into these places.

About this article: The opinions expressed in this article are of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore discretion is advised.


Start investing on a shoestring

Sharesies makes it possible for anyone to get into buying and selling shares. It is an online share market platform where you have the option of purchasing shares in individual companies or in various funds (managed/mutual funds). You can even start with $5. This is a no brainer because it gives investors young and not so young the chance to improve their financial literacy. There is certainly no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and this is applicable to everything else, not just investing.

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Book Review: The Barefoot Investor

Book Review: The Barefoot Investor

Written by R. A. Stewart

A personal finance book which is worth a read is “The Barefoot Investor” by Scott Pape. This book is practical and down to earth. It is written in a way that is easily understood.

Some of the things covered are strategies for using your money  to grow your long-term wealth, having a safety net, and having some splurge money, or as it is often called, “discretionary spending money.”

These three types of money are what he describes as buckets.

Another section of the book explains the mistakes made by home buyers; they are:

1.They are waiting for a crash

  1. They rent but forget to save
  2. They buy a house they cannot afford
  3. They buy an investment property first.
  4. They don’t consider other options.

You cannot plan your life around something which you have no control over, the author says in reference to number one. Various websites publish articles about the crash which is about to hit the housing market. Pape claims this to be clickbait to attract visitors to their websites.

Mistake number two is renting but forgetting to save. Such people live from one payday till the next and have nothing to show for their labours.

Many people who did have the self-discipline to save make the mistake of buying a house they can’t afford, and then to compound their financial struggles, kids come along. Such people are sometimes referred to as “The Squeezed Middle.”

Buying an investment property first with the intention of moving in later on. The advice given in the book is, if you want a family home, to save up and purchase one.

People who have given up the notion of purchasing their own home sometimes lose heart and instead of saving money will instead fritter it away so that they have nothing to show for their labours.

Scott Pape writes in a down to early style which makes the book easy to understand, making finance less intimidating for beginners. 

A feature of the book is that Pape encourages everyone to have a healthy relationship with money which does not mean living in deprivation. 

The book focuses on Australian financial systems and this has to be adapted to your own country’s local context.

If you want to improve your financial literacy you will enjoy reading Barefoot Investor; this book will steer on to the right path toward a more successful future.

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3 Habits which can make you rich

3 Habits which can make you rich

Written by R. A. Stewart

“You don’t have to be rich to invest but you have to invest to be rich.”-Unknown

Forget the lottery, here are three habits that can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. It does not matter how old you are, how much money you currently have in the bank, or whether you have any experience at investing. If you can look beyond your own personal circumstances and develop these three habits then you are well on your way to financial success. 

So you may be wondering what is the magic formula for financial success?”

Number one habit to develop is:

The Habit of Saving.

Simple, isn’t it. You simply spend less than you make and whatever is leftover is your excess.

All of us have an ordinary savings account where our payment from whatever source goes into. This really should be named a spending account because we spend money from this account using our bank card. It is a good idea to transfer money into another account which is used for saving up for whatever it is we are saving for and this account should not be linked to internet banking where scammers are able to access it.

Saving money gives you financial security and enables you to cover the unforeseen emergencies which crop up from time to time. Medical and dental emergencies, car and household appliance repairs can be expensive so having savings behind you cushions you against these kinds of shocks.

Saving also enables you to reach your financial goals and helps you to become wealthy.

The Habit of Investing

Most people are able to save something from their pay packet but comparatively few people invest that money. For those people their savings becomes spending money. In the end these people have nothing to show for their years of toil and their options are limited due to their lack of finances. 

Investors on the other hand have more options available to them later in life because finances are not a problem. 

The habit of investing also increases your financial literacy which in turn helps you to make better choices when deciding on where to invest your money. 

This reduces financial stress, increases your independence, and prepares you for retirement.

The Habit of Reading

Reading books increases your knowledge. The habit of reading books of a financial nature will increase your financial literacy. It is a fact that most people are not financially literate. They may know how to negotiate loans and how to get a credit card but people who are intelligent do not purchase stuff on credit because they know that it only means paying more for whatever they are buying.

You do not have to spend too much money buying books when your local library has good books available. You might also pick up some good books at your local charity store.

On the internet you can find lots of useful information on personal finance. Ask chatgpt to provide some answers to any questions you have or go to which is a question and answer site. You need a gmail address to register with quora.

About the article

The information in this article is of the opinion and experience of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore discretion is advised. You may use this as content for your website or ebook.

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Investing with Sharesies is an accessible and straightforward way to invest in the stock market. By following these steps, you can get started on your investment journey and start building your wealth. However, before making any investment decisions, it is essential to do your research and seek professional advice if necessary.

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Book Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad 


Written by R. A. Stewart

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is one of the best selling finance books of all time. It tells the story of two Dads in his life, his biological father who he called “Poor Dad” and his friend’s father, who he called “Rich Dad.” 

His Poor Dad worked diligently all of his life but could not get ahead, his Rich Dad was smarter with his money and was rich. The Rich Dad mentored Robert and helped him become financially literate.

It is not how much money you make but rather what you do with it after you make it and that is the basic theme in this book.


In the book, Robert focuses on getting rich through financial literacy, investing, and entrepreneurship.

The most important lesson is to know the difference between assets and liabilities. Kiyosaki reminds readers several times throughout the book the importance of building up your assets and minimizing your liabilities in order to build up your financial portfolio. He makes the point that many people mistakenly think they are acquiring assets when in fact they are accumulating liabilities. A perfect example is of a house which though it may be a family’s biggest purchase during their lifetime is a liability because it costs money to keep and maintain.

Kiyosaki also stresses the importance of a financial education and claims that the education system does not teach financial literacy to the detriment of children.

The book also explains the concept of having money work for you instead of working for money. Poor Dad had the working man’s mindset of working a set number of hours per week for money while the Rich Dad focuses on acquiring and building assets which generate an income.

Writing Style

Robert Kiyosaki writes in a way as though he is a mentor to his readers rather than if he was simply writing a textbook which resonates with so many readers.

The book has had its critics though, one is that it is too simplistic with not enough actionable advice on how to create and build wealth. It has also been criticized for focusing on financial gain and little emphasis on the social or environmental impacts of wealth building. 

Kiyosaki’s dismissal of education does not resonate with everyone who values the education system. He does highlight the shortcomings of the education system, but his message is not going to go down well with parents who are trying to encourage their children to focus on their school work.


Rich Dad Poor Dad is certainly a very good book as far as improving your financial literacy is concerned, but the information needs to be applied according to your personal circumstances. I have no hesitation in recommending Rich Dad Poor Dad as a must read for anyone wishing to get ahead in life.

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What does your Financial Future look like?

Written by R. A. Stewart

Your future is fully dependent on today’s actions. As far as finance is concerned, it is important to know where you are going and decide on a strategy to get ahead in life. You may be working at a minimum wage job doing menial tasks but you can still develop a plan for your financial future. It is not how much you make but what you do with what you receive in your paypacket that counts.

Look at everything you spend and take a long term view of it. I know some people who take lottery tickets every week. If you are just taking the basic ticket for a power ball, it costs $12. That is around $600 per annum.Think of what can be done with that.

Take a moment to think, “What can I do today that my future self will thank me for?

I can tell you now, that there will be no one who will reach the retirement age and regret that they contributed to a retirement scheme all their lives.

It is the same with financial education. It will enable you to make the best choices for your money. Financially illiterate people tend to fritter their money away on things and then when the car breaks down there is nothing in the kitty to fix it. No one is going to regret that they gained a financial education.

You don’t have to be rich to invest, but you have to invest to become rich. Most people think, “I will do this or that when my ship comes in,” but that day never arrives. 

Building a solid financial base requires planning. Joining a retirement scheme is a must. Developing the saving habit is important. The sooner the better. It will then make life easier further on down the track.

Young people have the advantage of time on their side. This means that there is more time for them to recover from a financial hiccup such as a share market meltdown. Financial experts advise the older generation, particularly, the retired ones to be more conservative with their investments. This means taking on less risk. New Zealand financial advisor Frances Cook has a formula for working out how much investors should have in the share market. She says, “Subtract your age from 100”, so a 65 year old, according to her formula should only have 35% of their savings in the share market.

I do know of older people who have a much higher percentage of money in the markets than they should do according to Ms Cook’s formula. I am one of them.

As long as one knows the risks that they are taking on and will take responsibility for any losses that may occur instead of pointing the finger at others when something goes wrong, then why not go for it?

The main thing to remember is that if the loss of your money is not going to cause you any hardship, then by all means take some calculated risks.

Everyone has their own personal circumstances as far as finances go; there is no one size fits all. It is a matter of deciding what your priorities are and what you are going to sacrifice. 

About this article: This article is of the experience and opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised. You may use the article as content for your ebook or blog.

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Pros and Cons of Mature Dating

The Pros and Cons of forming a new relationship late in life

Written by R. A. Stewart

A guy in a backpacking hostel asked me if I was married, and I said, “I don’t see the point at my age”. He said, “Some people get married in their nineties.”. 

I told him, “I just don’t see the point in that”.

Honestly, why would one ever consider it at that stage of life?

I have heard it said, “Everyone deserves happiness in their life”.

That seems to suggest that the couple were unhappy being single and if that is the case then they have a problem.

There is a saying, “love is blind,” and that is an apt summary of these late in life marriages because there are financial implications for these relationships. The main one being property ownership because each partner in the relationship is now entitled to half of all assets owned by them both. That may be fair enough but that inheritance which was intended for children or grandchildren may not be legally binding. As I understand it, when a couple enters into a new relationship, (marriage) then it means their previous will is now null and void and that they have to write a new one.

It is likely that when one of the partner’s passes on then the relatives of the remaining partner will get everything.

That means nothing for the family of the deceased.

Now, this may sound morbid or selfish when one speaks about money and relationships, but all of this has to be thought through. 

It is rather naive to think that there are no gold diggers out there who are willing to take vulnerable men to the cleaners, and these women will hang out on the same dating websites as their prey.

As for who gets what when someone passes; here is the order of priority.

  1. The spouse or partner 
  2. Children of the deceased
  3. Parents of the deceased
  4. Siblings of the deceased

Note: In New Zealand, if a couple have been living together in a de facto relationship for at least three years then everything they own is considered matrimonial property. 

This includes Kiwisaver, New Zealand’s retirement scheme, but only those contributions made during the term of the relationship.

It is no secret that there are men of an older generation who have been the victims of dating scams. The number one red flag in these scams is that a woman half your age contacts you out of the blue.

The number two red flag is that she wants to hasten the relationship, and the number three red flag is that she sends you some revealing photographs of herself. 

If someone can tap into your ego, and make you feel good about yourself they are on their way to taking advantage of you. 

Another method scammers will use is to manipulate your emotions. She will come up with a hard luck story and tell you that she needs money or this or that will happen. This strategy is called “manipulation by guilt.”

It is when someone tries to get you to do something by making you feel guilty.

You would think that men in their later years have acquired enough experience of human character, but then, you know what they say, “Love is blind!”

A lot of romance scam victims are too embarrassed to come forward and go to their bank or the police, but if you know someone in this situation, let them know that it has happened to a lot of others too.It is also important to know what your grandparents are doing behind a computer screen because it could mean that your inheritance is being sent to some stranger in a far flung part of the globe. 

About this article:

This article is of the opinion and experience of the writer and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances, therefore discretion is advised. You are welcome to use this article as content for your blog or website.

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Warren Buffett keys to investing

Written by R.A. Stewart

Warren Buffett is a legendary investor who has valuable rules for investing your money; some of these are:

Do your homework

Be Consistent

Limit your borrowing

Keep things into perspective

Diversify your investments

Have an emergency fund

Stay disciplined.

I have written my thoughts about all of this, and as usual, it may not be applicable to your personal circumstances.

1 Do your homework

You need to understand everything that you invest your money in. Doing otherwise is simply inviting financial loss. Just investing in something because others are doing it or it is another bandwagon to jump on is a bad reason for investing in a particular stock. Keep in mind that when a particular company’s stock is rising, a lot of investors will jump aboard for the ride and inflate its true value.

2 Be consistent

Keep investing, that applies to putting money away for your retirement, building an investment portfolio, or saving for a rainy day. Learn to make sacrifices in order to make your dreams come true. 

3 Limit your borrowing

Borrowing can kill off your chances of financial success if you let it. The worst kind of borrowing is consumer debt, often referred to as dumb debt. When one borrows for consumer goods, they are paying for something which if they sold, would be worthless than the money owing on it. With borrowing, the crunch always comes when you have to pay it back.

4 Keep things into perspective

Success means different things to different people. Supporting your favourite charities is a way of giving back to society, even if you are just starting out and don’t have a lot to give. You can still give your time. Be faithful with what you have today. 

5 Diversify your investments

Placing all of your money in one company is called, “Putting all of your eggs in the one basket,” it could also be called “Stupidity,” It is inviting financial disaster. A common theme through many of the finance company collapses in New Zealand during the Global Financial Crisis is that many of the investors had their entire life savings invested in just one company. Many were left with destroyed retirement dreams as a result.

6 Have an emergency fund

It is sensible that one has an emergency fund to fall back on during times when cash is needed. This applies to everyone, whether one is a householder balancing the budget or in business.

7 Stay disciplined.

Keeping a disciplined frame of mind will help you stay on track. That includes staying in the habit of investing your money instead of frittering it away on things which do not add value to your life.

About this article

This article is of the writer’s own personal experience and opinion and may not be applicable to your personal circumstances therefore, discretion is advised. You may use this as content for your blog or website.

Book Review: Rich Enough by Mary Holm

Written by R. A. Stewart

Mary Holm is a New Zealand financial adviser who has written books on the subject of a personal finance nature for years and her book “Rich Enough? Is certainly a very good book with lots of down to earth information written in simple easy to understand terms.

There are several important points which she highlights and the first one is the importance of starting early. In fact the earlier you start the more money you will accumulate in the long term.

Starting early develops good savings habits which will in turn serve you well during your lifetime. 

The second point is to get rid of any debt you have as soon as possible and staying out of debt. If you are paying 10% interest on your debt then paying off that debt is just like being paid 10% interest on your money. It makes no sense to have money invested at 5% interest when you are paying 10% interest on your own debt. That money is better off in your pocket.

Falling into the Christmas trap can be costly as Mary points out. 15% of New Zealanders have more than 11 people on their Christmas shopping list to shop for and about 27% of them are women who plan to spend over $200 per person on presents. About 17% of people expect to spend over $1,000 on Christmas. Some suggestions on how to reduce your Christmas spending are given by Mary.

A section on New Zealand’s retirement scheme Kiwisaver tells of the excuses people provide for not joining and one of those excuses is “I have not got around to it.” 

This is stupidity according to the author, Mary Holm.

Another reason given is, “My grandma lost it all during the Global Financial Crisis.”

As Mary points out, these finance companies which went under during the GFC lent money to people who the banks considered too risky to lend to so they borrowed off the finance companies and paid higher interest rates. As a result, investors who lent money to these companies received high interest rates.

As the saying goes, higher return often means higher risk.

The importance of diversification is discussed as are the value of different types of investments. 

My rating: I rate this book a 10 out of 10 based on the fact that the information presented is applicable to everyone irrespective of their means. 

To find a copy, go online. Trademe, Ebay, and Amazon may have a copy for sale.

People you should not take Money advice from

Written by R A Stewart

Have you heard of the donkey story where an old man and his grandson were walking the donkey along the street?

If not here is the story:

An old man and his grandson were leading a donkey as they were walking along the road. A bystander said to them, “Why don’t you both get on the donkey and ride it?”

So they both rode the donkey but further down the road the second bystander said, “Hey look at that poor donkey having to carry two people; that is cruelty.”

So the boy got off the donkey and led it along the road while the old man rode it but further down the road, a third bystander said, “look at that poor boy having to walk while that old man is riding the donkey.”

So the old man got off the donkey and his grandson got on, however further down the road, a fourth bystander said, “Look at that poor old man, walking along the road while the lad is riding the donkey.”

So the boy got off the donkey and they both continued their journey as they both led the donkey on foot.

What is the moral of this story?

The short answer is that people can take away your power to think for yourself if you allow them to.

If you have a bit of money to spare there will always be people who think they know what you should do with it and a lot of these people have little or no savings of their own.

Here is an example:

I know someone who years ago made a fortune on sports betting. He turned a few hundred dollars into over thirty grand. In the early stages when he had about six grand his colleagues at work were giving him advice and one was to use the six grand for a deposit on a car. I told him that not only would he be back to square one but he would also have a debt to pay. 

He was sensible enough to ignore stupid advice like that. I did however, tell him that he should at least invest enough into his Kiwisaver account to get the government incentives.

Financial illiteracy is common which means it is vitally important to read books on personal finance and pick the brains of the authors rather than allowing random individuals to infect your mindset.

A bad attitude towards money can be a hindrance of wealth. I once said to a lady that her daughter should attend financial seminars when she is older in order to meet successful men. (She was 9 or 10 at the time). She said, “Men like that are selfish and stingy.”

I suppose if you are a gold digger you would think like that. I mean “who needs financial advice when you can just get a man”

It is worth remembering that some of the best financial writers are women, such as Frances Cook and Mary Holm. They strongly encourage women to take responsibility for their finances rather than just have a man as their financial plan.

The young people may not be your best source of financial advice either because they do not have the experience of investing like the older generation. 

One of the things which the financially illiterate say to reinforce their opinions is “You can’t take it all with you.”

That may be true, however, during one’s lifetime, there are life changing events which require savings. Here is a list:


Buying a car

Going on your Big OE

Further education

Saving for a house




Responsible people will get into the habit of saving from a very young age in order to be able to finance whatever crops up during their lifetime when they have the ability to do so. Stupid people will fritter away their discretionary spending money so that when a rainy day comes they have money squirrelled away for something to fall back on.

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You may use this article as content for your ebook, website, or blog. The opinions in the article are of the writer’s own opinion and may not be applicable to your own personal circumstances therefore discretion is advised,

Your friends can be hindering your financial dreams