How to handle the share market crash

How to handle the share market crash

Written by R. A. Stewart

Cool heads are needed during a time when the value of your kiwisaver or managed funds have dropped in value. It is time to consider what your options are so here are some dos and don’ts to think about.

The dos

Do keep a cool head and weather the storm. Investing in the markets is a long term game.

Do keep reading the financial pages to keep up to date with the financial world.

Do ensure you still deposit at least $1040 into kiwisaver per annum in order to get the $520 tax credit.

Do remember that when the market has lost value, you will get more shares for your money when you buy.

Do keep adding other strings to your bow

Do keep saving a portion of your income.

The don’ts

Don’t change to conservative funds if you are in balanced funds

Don’t keep looking at your kiwisaver balance every day

Don’t lose perspective on life

Don’t listen to prophets of doom 

Don’t ignore your career/job objectives

Don’t stop saving

Always remember

Your greatest asset is your ability to earn an income. Become more valuable to employers and no one can take that away from you, not even inflation.

ABOUT THIS ARTICLE: This article is of the opinion of the writer and may not be applicable to your circumstances so discretion is advised. You may use this article as content for your ebook or website.