What would you do with 50 Million Dollars?

What will I do with the 50 Million lottery Windfall…

Written by R. A. Stewart

That is if I win the thing and I am more likely to get struck by lightning on a fine day than win that thing, especially since I don’t buy a ticket; well, since the pool reached over 50 million dollars for the first time and this particular draw was terminating, which by law, it had to be once it reached 50 million, guess what I did? I bought a ticket for the first time in years., just to give me an interest. 

What would I do if I had won the jackpot?

First of all I would put 50 grand into my nephews and nieces who belong to the kiwisaver retirement scheme. When one is purchasing their first home they are able to access part of their kiwisaver for a deposit on a home. 

They can also access their kiwisaver for a bond if renting but this is only applicable to under thirty year olds.

My nephews and nieces are Toni, Nicholas, Shanae, David, Nick, Kyle, Simon, Hannah, Adam, Cori, Daniel, and Maria.

I would extend this to the next generation down.

Those who are not in kiwisaver would be setup in kiwisaver and receive $10,000 a year for five years to make sure they received the government tax credits each year. After five years they should have enough sense to realise that they need to contribute at least $1040 to receive the full government money.

Anyone who refuses to join kiwisaver under these circumstances don’t deserve to be the recipient of such generosity and sadly there are some who are so thick they will not even bother.

For every one I would buy Frances Cook and Mary Holm’s books on personal finance. I own a copy of their books and highly recommend them. I would also pay for some family members to get financial advice from a financial advisor.

I would also purchase houses and cars for family members who need them.

The rest of the money will be invested and the returns on that investment will be used to do whatever I want to do with the money.

There are plenty of charitable organisations near where I live which could do with the money so I would turn my attention to them and give some of it away.

The Miner’s Hall restoration project needs a million or so to complete the project which they are undertaking.

I have not even given any thought to any overseas travel yet. This would be well down on my priorities, well until I have taken care of family members.

Which kind of reminds me; you had better not fall out with family members because they might be the ones who win the next big power ball draw.

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