The moral of this story?

There was an old man, his grandson leading a donkey to town and while they were on their way they came across someone who said to them;

“Why don’t you both just ride the donkey? It will save your legs.”

So the old man and his grandson both got on the donkey’s back and continued on their way but further down the road, some one said;

“Hey look at those two people sitting on the poor donkey. Someone should report therm to the S.P.C.A.” (Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals)

So the grandson said to his grandad, “I will get off and lead the donkey and you can ride it.”

But further down the road, a passerby saw this and said, “Thats not good, the poor lad walking while the old man is riding the donkey, I should report the man to C.Y.F.S.” (Child, youth, and family)

So the old man got off the donkey and told the lad to hop on the donkey’s back but further down the road someone saw this and said, “Look at that, an old man walking while the boy is sitting on the donkey.” “The young these days.” that person said.

So the old man got off the donkey and both the old man and his grandson walked along the road leading the donkey as they had done so as the originally set off on their journey.

What is the moral of this story? Other people can take away your power to think for yourself if you allow them to. Everyone has choices that they have and it is up to their discernment to make the right choices. Unfortunately there are some people who think that your life should be a carbon copy of theirs and cannot accept other people’s point of view especially if it differs from theirs. Family members can be the worst offenders in this regard.

Then there are those who don’t want to make their own choices for fear of making a wrong choice for fear of making a mistake so what they do is ask someone for their opinion on something hoping that it will line up with what they want and if they are told what they want to hear they will have someone to blame.